物流港:考研英语词汇复习(103): encourage、inspire 、spur、urge ; discourae

来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/04/28 08:28:10



                 encourageinspire spururge












encourage  “鼓励”,“激励”,指给人信心和希望, 激励人去做某事,或指受到鼓舞和激励使有信心和决心去做某事。


        1) We should increase input in education, give more support to rural education, encourage nongovernmental sectors to run schools.  


 2) Most teachers encourage their students to take part in social activities.


 3) More importantly, he hopes his story will encourage his colleagues to go forward.



inspire “鼓舞”,“激发”,多指常精神上给人鼓励,也可指用信心、决心或热情去鼓励某人。


        1) Her fervid enthusiasm inspired all of us to undertake the dangerous mission.


 2)Your high enthusiasm will be sure to inspire anybody around you.


        3) The sight and smell of the sea inspire courage and adventure, fear and romance.



spur “激励”,“鞭策”spur的本意是用马刺策马使其快跑,常引申出“鞭策”、“激励”的意思。


1) John was spurred by his desire to do better than all other boys in his class.


       2) John was content with a modest level of success, but she kept spurring him on to something “higher” or “better”.


       3)Several strong targets have been set to spur action and guide the way forward.



urge  “力劝”、“敦促”、“怂恿”。语气较强,指不断地、热情地规劝、诱导、鼓励他人。


1) He urged me to pursue high education in England after I graduated from school.


              2) My wife urges me to quit my present job and find a new one which can fulfil my potential.




discourage  “使气馁”、“劝阻”、“阻止”, encourage 的反义词,表示使某人失去信心而气馁,没有勇气做某事。常见结构是: discourage sth. 或 discourage sb from (doing) sth. 。


1) We will try our best to discourage him from this dangerous attempt which is doomed to failure.


       2) It was a long time before I could discourage him from risking investing in the doubtful program.
