
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/04/26 19:45:12

Abstract:The following English grammars are keys and difficulties in English teaching, and in the meantime they are the frequent testing points in the College Entrance Examinations. They are often tested in the form of multiple choices. As we all know, because of the limited time, students are supposed not to spend much time——at most 8 minutes——doing such exercises, so how can we teachers manage to make students thoroughly understand these grammar phenomena and choose the correct answer quickly when they are in the in the College Entrance Examinations is a subject we English teachers should explore. The author of this article, in order for the students to understand and grasp quickly, introduces a few creative ideas about the teaching of several English grammars.

Key words:Front-loading    Gerund      Adverbials of time




语法书中把what/how引导的感叹句和whatever/however及as引导的让步状语从句都归为部分倒装句,这样一来学生做题时往往把此类句子也当成把be动词、情态动词或助动词提到主语前面的部分倒装来做。如:She didn’t want to buy it, _________________。

A. however good was it               B. however good it was  

C. for how good might it be          D. for how good it might be



How clever he is!   

How clever a student he is!   

What a clever student he is!

What bad weather it is!

What beautiful flowers they are!

However bad the weather is, we will go there.

However difficult the problem may be, we must work it out this evening.

Child as he is, he knows a lot. 

Old as he is, he can do a lot of housework.

Quiet student as he may be, he talks a lot about his favorite singers after class.


The artist was born poor, and poor he remained all his life.

= The artist was born poor, and he remained poor all his life.


However many difficulties you meet with, you should try to overcome them.


Surely, anything fashion related you’ll find in “VOGUE”.

=Surely,you’ll find anything fashion related in “VOGUE”.

The past one can know, but the future one can only feel.

= One can know the past, but one can only feel the future.

——I’d like to invite you to my new house next weekend.

——Thank you, but when I’ll have time I’m not sure now.

= Thank you, but I’m not sure now when I’ll have time.


How fast he runs!

How hard he works!

Fast as he walked, he still couldn’t catch up with me.

Much as I like it, I won’t buy it.

Much as I travelled, I have never been to such a beautiful place.


Try as he would, he might fail again. Try as he might, he could find a job.



1. There is a notice on the blackboard ________ "An examination will be given next week".

A. read       B. reads       C. to read     D. reading

2. He looked at me, with an expression ________ that he left even more puzzled.

A. indicate    B. indicates    C. indicating   D. indicated

3. Is it possible for a Chinese school to accept the policy __________ the use of mobile phones on campus?

A. permitting    B. to permit    C. permitted   D. being permitted

4. After years of hard work, the writer finally had his book published _________ with farming methods.

A. dealing    B. to deal    C. to be deal   D. being dealt

5. Peter received a letter just now _______ his grandma would come to see him soon.

A. said    B. says    C. saying       D. to say

6. The famous professor has received the letter _______ to give a lecture in Princeton Institute.

A. being invited    B. to invite him    C. inviting him       D. invited

7. The wild flowers looked like a soft orange blanket ________ the desert.

  A. covering    B. covered    C. cover       D. to cover

这些题目答案均选doing。语法书上把它归为“现在分词作定语”的用法,其实这个解释学生不容易接受,比如第6题,学生往往认为“邀请”应该是人发出的动作,而不是信发出的动作,因而选被动形式,还有就是认为这封信“将会邀请”或“为了邀请”而选不定式。我独辟蹊径修改这条语法为“动名词短语作后置定语(表用途)”。我们知道,一般单个的词作定语时一般放在名词前,如a sleeping bag(睡袋),a sleeping boy(一个正在睡觉的男孩),而短语作定语时则放在名词后,如the book on the desk(桌子上的书), a room full of people(一间挤满了人的房间), the boy standing over there(正站在那边的那个男孩)等。所以我说,同样地,动名词短语作定语时也要后置。另外,众所周知,动名词作定语时只能表用途并且只用一般式。按照我的创新理解,以上题目的答案就不难解释了:1句中reading表示通知的用途是告知下个星期将进行一次考试。2句中indicating表示表情起到的作用是表明他的疑惑更多。3句中permitting表示那个政策是用来允许校园使用手机的。4句中dealing with表示那本书的用处是讨论种植方法。5句中saying表示那封信的作用是告知Peter他的奶奶将会来看望他。6句中inviting表示那封信的用途是邀请这位教授作讲座。7句中covering表示野花起到了覆盖沙漠的作用(诚然,这里译作“正覆盖着…的”,解释成“现在分词作定语”也很好理解)。无论以上哪个题,解释成“动名词短语作后置定语(表用途)”时学生更容易接受,以后做这种题目做得又快又正确,这种解释真是善莫大焉!

三、关于in that表示“因为,由于”


Peter is diffent from his classmates in that he devotes all his spare time to his study.

Animals suffered at the hands of man in that they were destroyed by people to make way for agricultural land to provide food for more people.

Human beings are different from animals in that they can use language as a tool to communicate.

 以上两句中的in that一般语法书都解释为“因为,由于”。表“因为、由于”的词一方面太多了,另一方面又难得把in that归纳进去,就算归纳进去了,要辨析它与其他表“因为、由于”之意的词也是一大麻烦,所以我又要另辟蹊径解释成“在...方面”,in 本来就可以表示“在什么方面”,如in color, in size,但是in作为介词,后面要接名词作宾语,如果接的是句子作宾语(即宾语从句)而这个从句又是陈述句,那么从句前要加that,英语里面许多从属句子前面都加了that(加that的从句往往叫做that从句),所以这里不妨说成in表示“在...方面”时要接名词或that从句。上面三句分别翻译为:“Peter与他的同班同学不同,表现在他把业余时间都放在学习上这一方面。”“各种动物惨遭人类毒手,体现在人类为了开辟农田,种植庄稼,养活更多的人而使动物遭受灭顶之灾(这个方面)。”“人类不同于动物在于人类能够用语言作为工具来进行交流。” 



The old man, ______ abroad for twenty years, is on the way back to his motherland.

 A. to work   B. working   C. to have worked   D. having worked

对于这个题目的正确答案D,网络上和一些参考书上的解释无非都是把having worked abroad for twenty years当作后置定语修饰The old man,相当于非限制性定语从句who have worked abroad for 20 years对这位老人进行附带的说明,说“这个老人已经在外国工作20年,动作完成,要用having worked”.而我经常向学生强化现在分词完成式(having done和having been done)一般不作定语,以避免学生要用过去分词短语作后置定语时也选用现在分词完成被动式的错误,所以我的独到见解是,这里的having worked abroad for twenty years是时间状语,相当于after he worked abroad for twenty years,前后动作因有明显的先后顺序而用完成式,只是这个时间状语不是说话的重点,故被作为附带说明性的插入语插入句子中间,这样学生更容易接受,并且能让学生有效避免用现在分词完成被动式而不用过去分词短语作后置定语的错误。
