
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/04/29 11:27:26
6. to read between the lines:to interpret the hidden meaning or a hidden message; to discern the true fact (从字里行间体会隐含的意义;领会言外之意或能了解其中的真正意义)
    As you look at this poem, be sure to read between the lines. (读这首诗的时候,要从字里行间去体会它的含义。)
    After he re-read the love letter between the lines, he realized that he was dumped by his sweetheart. (重读情书之后,他终于明白他已经被情人抛弃了。)
    7. to let off steam:to give vent to one's anger(发泄、出气,像放掉蒸汽以减少压力似的。这与“to fly off the handle”意思相近,但比“to lose temper”委婉客气些)
    What will you do if your wife lets off steam?(假如你太太大发脾气的话,你该怎么办呢?) (因为谈论的对象使对方的太太,所以语气要委婉客气些)。
    但是谈到第三者,就可不必太委婉,可用lose temper:What will you do if one of your staff lose temper?(如果你的同事冲你发脾气你该怎么办呢?)
    Occasionally we should be given a chance to let off steam.(我们应该不时的发泄一下情绪。)
    8. to pay through the nose: to pay too much for something or excessively expensive(花费太多,代价过高,与“ to cost an arm and a leg”意义相近)
    Don't pay through the nose when you buy the furniture. (不要花太多的钱买家具。)
    Some women paid through the noses for their jewelry. (有些女人花大把的钱购买珠宝首饰。)
    9. to take center stage:to be in the spotlight (引人注目的中心人物;以某人为公众瞩目的对象)
    Mrs. Lin always takes center stage at a party. (林太太总能成为宴会上的焦点。)
    President Bush takes center stage wherever he goes. (布什总统不论走到哪里,都是公众瞩目的焦点。)
    His constant taking center stage could deprive him of his privacy. (他好出风头的毛病让他毫无隐私可言。)
    10. to drag(one's)feet:to procrastinate or postpone(慢慢的拖延,行动迟缓,拖拖拉拉)
    It is not a good idea to drag your feet when the work needs to be done. (拖延工作是不好的。)
    No employers like for their employees to drag their feet on any project. (工作拖拖拉拉的员工总是不受欢迎的。)