
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/09/21 08:52:54

英国婚礼习俗 (中英文对照)






















England's Wedding rich, fromtheir honeymoon to marry him according to their own traditionalway. In northern England York City marry him rather peculiar way,inherit a legacy of the ancient folk, girls mature, the need to getmarried, they wear tight clothes of different colors to indicatemale. Different colors, different meaning that precisely the sameand traffic lights. Green said: "Come! I am willing to love, topursue bold! "Amber said:" The opportunity is in the affirmative,if I of the Italian still has a chance of success. "Red said:" I donot want to present minute, I will not pursue. "Courageous man willroot The color of each other's clothes, according to their ownchoice to pursue bold, not misconduct will be taken on thelabel.


Once the two sides establisheda dating relationship, the woman gave the man to engagement ringsand held a ceremony. Such practices throughout the whole of the UK.The rings are married or engaged to the traditions of many peoples,England held in the church wedding ceremony, the bride and groom towear a ring is indispensable one important element. Even people notwearing the rings that marriage is invalid. When a priest askedwhether the couple would be willing to do each other's wives orhusbands, whether mutual respect and remain live after the brideand groom to wear a ring on my ring finger. It symbolizes a husbandto his wife of pure love, while his wife also accepted and befaithful to this love.


The custom of wearing the ringcan be traced back to ancient Egypt, China, it not only as a chopis a decoration. Marriage is not the first ring inlaid diamonds,emeralds, sapphires and red accessories, as a symbol of purecircular jointly together by the marriage of two people together.In some peoples as a symbol of a magical, bless the couple a longand happy life, while giving recipients the right to expressconfidence that the recipients are subject to loyalty.


The rings symbolize the purelove, silver rings that emotional tenderness. With Westerncountries like Britain, engagement rings is part of the systemwithout any mosaic stones, wedding rings should be installedaccessories, the quality of the rings are based on individualeconomic conditions are different. Engagement, wedding rings canwear the same ring, wedding ring can be replaced engaged by thering.


Britain in the 16th century,wedding rings engraved on the inside is often pictorial or familyProverbs, such as "God made me a certain wife," Bishop's wife, acertain ring inscribed on one hand, one heart, one bishop and askeleton champion, is the inscription: "Before I give you three, Idetached the fourth. "Today the inscription rings are onlyinscribed the names of the bride and groom initials.


Married to British costume; Thebride dressed in white, football, wearing a white garlands, butalso cast a long white, carrying white flowers. In short, theBritish advocating white symbolizes purity of love, acting. Thefirst yarn wearing the custom can be traced back to the 10thcentury BC, when women wearing Your brothers were first popularyarn. In ancient Greece, held not only marriage ceremony bride towear the first flax yarn or fabric, and must wear a new Corolla. ByRoman times, people of different religious beliefs to wear adifferent color yarn to show the first distinction. Since theMiddle Ages, the nobles of the court appeared Corolla decoratedwith pearls. Afterward, become the first white yarn, and increasingthe size of the extension, and throughout Europe.


Held once married, the brideand groom from the church by the time, people would like tocongratulate the couple, not on kissing and hugging and shakinghands, but they scattered to the colorful confetti. Debrisscattered on the origin of the custom Samai tablets. 1491 Britain'sKing Henry VII portability queen travel to Bristol. Travel the way,was a baker's wife that she yard from the window to Samai tablets,and shouted: "Welcome to you, Your Majesty! I wish you happinessand longevity. "This has become a legendary, 16 century, thepractice has been widely circulated, people to groom new MotherSamai tablets, sometimes with various colors. Granule a symbol ofgood harvest and an affluent life, but also congratulate thenewlyweds a long and happy life, quietly.


Honeymoon is married Britishyouth around one of the important contents. They put down money forsavings tourism, and tourism after marriage to be known as thehoneymoon. This was originally an ancient custom, when the weddingmust drink a special drink with honey, to symbolize the familyhappy, love sweet and happy life. This marriage began drinkingbeverages from 30 days, put the wedding of the month as ahoneymoon.


In Britain attaches greatimportance to the wedding anniversary, celebrated every year andwith different title. Paper is the first year of marriage, thesecond marriage is cotton, leather for the third year of marriage,Yi married for the fourth year, the fifth year that woodenmarriage, said Rail sixth year of marriage, copper is the seventhyear of marriage, pottery is the eighth year of marriage, Liumarried for the ninth year, is the tenth year Tin, is the future ofmarriage, around-marriage, marriage lace, as teeth marriage,crystal marriage. After the 15th, have a five-year term, followedby enamel married Heroes (Diershiwunian a ceremony), beads ofmarriage, marital coral, ruby marriage, sapphire marriage, marriage(50 years is the second ceremony), jade marriage, marriagediamonds. This last one is the third largest celebration, but fewpeople can celebrate the celebrations.


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