
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/04/29 08:22:22
http://hrybird.bokee.com/viewdiary.16230696.html 2007.7.1 18:12 作者:peng 

最近两周,在做一个项目的移植,大部分时间是比较幸运的,大部分的API都被支持,多是一些VS2005语法要求更为严格后的一些常见错误,另外就是CE对完成例程的不支持,改为Select模型也就可以了,再就是ARM CPU平台下常见的内存对齐问题和据说也是常见的模板的兼容性问题。总的来说还是比较幸运的。
//  Win CE下生成Guid的文件:由于Win CE下不支持UuidCreate函数,因此创建Uuid需要
//  自己实现,仅仅用随机数的方式不能保证同其它系统(PC)下的兼容性。从MSDN上找到
//  了Guid的实现算法,据文档中描述,算法保持了同PC下的基本一致性。    
//  参考:http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa446557.aspx
#pragma once
class PocketGuid
    // One to three bits of the clock sequence section are used to define the variant, or layout,
    // of the GUID. Windows and the PocketGuid class generate variant type 2 GUIDs.
    enum GuidVariant
        ReservedNCS = 0x00,
        Standard = 0x02,
        ReservedMicrosoft = 0x06,
        ReservedFuture = 0x07
    // The upper four bits of the timestamp section contain the GUID's version that specifies the content of
    // each section. Before Windows 2000, the CoCreateGuid function generated version 1 GUIDs. With Windows 2000,
    // Microsoft switched to version 4 GUIDs, since embedding the MAC address was viewed as a security risk.
    // The PocketGuid class also generates version 4 GUIDs.
    enum GuidVersion
        TimeBased = 0x01,
        Reserved = 0x02,
        NameBased = 0x03,
        Random = 0x04
    class Const
        // number of bytes in guid
        static const int ByteArraySize = 16;
  // multiplex variant info
  static const int VariantByte = 8;
  static const int VariantByteMask = 0x3f;
  static const int VariantByteShift = 6;
  // multiplex version info
  static const int VersionByte = 7;
  static const int VersionByteMask = 0x0f;
  static const int VersionByteShift = 4;
    static HRESULT CreateGuid (GUID & guid)
        HCRYPTPROV hCryptProv = NULL;
        HRESULT hr = S_OK;
        // holds random bits for guid
        BYTE  * bits = new BYTE[Const::ByteArraySize];
        if (bits == NULL)
            hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY;
            goto ExitHere;
        // get crypto provider handle
        if (!CryptAcquireContext (&hCryptProv, NULL, NULL, PROV_RSA_FULL, CRYPT_VERIFYCONTEXT))
            hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 (GetLastError ());
            goto ExitHere;
        // generate a 128 bit (16 byte) cryptographically random number
        if (!CryptGenRandom (hCryptProv, Const::ByteArraySize, bits))
            hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 (GetLastError ());
            goto ExitHere;
        // set the variant
        bits[Const::VariantByte] &= Const::VariantByteMask;
        bits[Const::VariantByte] |= ((int)Standard << Const::VariantByteShift);
        // set the version
        bits[Const::VersionByte] &= Const::VersionByteMask;
        bits[Const::VersionByte] |= ((int)Random << Const::VersionByteShift);       
        memcpy (&guid, bits, sizeof (GUID));
        if (hCryptProv != NULL)
            CryptReleaseContext (hCryptProv, 0);
        if (bits != NULL)
            delete [] bits;
  return hr;




#ifdef UNDER_CE

//   WinCE下不支持ini文件操作的API,根据MSDN的帮助和Win32下测试的API的特性,模拟实现。测试发现API在不同
//   系统下的特性不完全一致,但区别不大,这里实现的是大部分XP系统下的特性

#define GetPrivateProfileSectionNames   GetMyProfileSectionNames
#define GetPrivateProfileSection GetMyProfileSection
#define WritePrivateProfileString WriteMyProfileString
#define GetPrivateProfileString GetMyProfileString

BOOL WriteMyProfileString (LPCTSTR section, LPCTSTR keyName, LPCTSTR value, LPCTSTR filePath)
    CIniFile iniFile;
    CString str = _T ("");

    CString strSection = section;
    CString strKeyName = keyName;
    CString strValue = value;

    if (!iniFile.Open (filePath, CFile::modeRead | CFile::modeCreate | CFile::modeNoTruncate))
        return FALSE;

    CStringArray strArray;
    while (iniFile.ReadLine (str))
        strArray.Add (str);
    iniFile.Close ();

    BOOL foundKey = FALSE;
    BOOL addValue = FALSE;
    for (int i = 0; i < strArray.GetSize (); i++)
        str = strArray[i];
        str = str.TrimLeft ().TrimRight ();
        if (str.GetAt (0) == ',' || str.GetAt (0) == '#')

        if (!foundKey)
            if (str.GetAt (0) == '[' && str.Right (str.GetLength () - 1).TrimLeft ().Find (strSection) == 0)
                foundKey = TRUE;
                if (keyName == NULL)
                    strArray.RemoveAt (i);
                    i --;
            // enter new key's area
            if (str.GetAt (0) == '[')
                if (keyName != NULL)
                    strArray.InsertAt (i, strKeyName + _T ("=") + strValue + _T ("\r"));
                    addValue = TRUE;
            else if (keyName == NULL)
                strArray.RemoveAt (i);
                i --;
            else if (str.Find (strKeyName) == 0)
                CString rightValue = str.Right (str.GetLength () - strKeyName.GetLength ()).TrimLeft ();
                if (rightValue.Find (_T ("=")) == 0)
                    if (value != NULL)
                        strArray[i] = strKeyName + _T ("=") + strValue + _T ("\r");
                        addValue = TRUE;
                        strArray.RemoveAt (i);
    if (!addValue && keyName != NULL && value != NULL)
        if (!foundKey)
            strArray.Add (_T ("[") + strSection + _T ("]") + _T ("\r"));
        strArray.Add (strKeyName + _T ("=") + strValue + _T ("\r"));

    if (!iniFile.Open (filePath, CFile::modeCreate | CFile::modeWrite))
        return FALSE;

    for (int i = 0; i < strArray.GetSize (); i++)
        iniFile.WriteString (strArray[i]);
    iniFile.Close ();
    return TRUE;

void GetMyProfileString (LPCTSTR  section, LPCTSTR keyName, LPCTSTR defaultStr, CString & returnedStr, LPCTSTR fileName)
    CString strSection = section;
    CString strKeyName = keyName;
    returnedStr = defaultStr;
    if (strSection == _T ("") || strKeyName == _T (""))

    CIniFile iniFile;
    CString str = _T ("");

    if (!iniFile.Open (fileName, CFile::modeRead))

    BOOL foundKey = FALSE;
    while (iniFile.ReadLine (str))
        str = str.Trim ();
        if (str.GetAt (0) == ',' || str.GetAt (0) == '#')

        if (!foundKey)
            if (str.GetAt (0) == '[' && str.Right (str.GetLength () - 1).TrimLeft ().Find (strSection) == 0)
                foundKey = TRUE;
            // enter new key's area
            if (str.GetAt (0) == '[')
                foundKey = FALSE;
            else if (str.Find (strKeyName) == 0)
                CString rightValue = str.Right (str.GetLength () - strKeyName.GetLength ()).TrimLeft ();
                if (rightValue.Find (_T ("=")) == 0)
                    returnedStr = rightValue.Right (rightValue.GetLength () - 1).Trim ();
    iniFile.Close ();

DWORD GetMyProfileString (LPCTSTR  section, LPCTSTR keyName, LPCTSTR defaultStr, LPTSTR returnedString, DWORD size, LPCTSTR filePath)
    if (returnedString == NULL || size == 0)
        return 0;

    if (size == 1)
        returnedString[0] = '\0';
        return 0;

    CString str = _T ("");
    GetMyProfileString (section, keyName, defaultStr, str, filePath);

    DWORD available = size - 1;

    if (available < (DWORD)str.GetLength ())
        str = str.Left (available);

    wcscpy_s (returnedString, size, str.GetBuffer ());
    int allocSize = str.GetLength (); 

    returnedString[allocSize + 1] = '\0';
    return allocSize;

DWORD GetMyProfileSectionNames (LPTSTR returnBuffer, DWORD size,  LPCTSTR fileName)
    if (returnBuffer == NULL || size == 0)
        return 0;
    if (size <= 2)
        returnBuffer[0] = '\0';
        return 0;

    CIniFile iniFile;
    if (!iniFile.Open (fileName, CFile::modeRead))
        returnBuffer[0] = '\0';
        return 0;

    CString str = _T ("");
    DWORD allocSize = 0;
    DWORD available = size - 1;
    while (iniFile.ReadLine (str) && available > 1)
        str = str.Trim ();
        if (str.GetAt (0) == ',' || str.GetAt (0) == '#')

        if (str.GetAt (0) == '[')
            CString section = str.Right (str.GetLength () - 1).Trim ();
            int pos = section.Find (_T ("]"));
            if (pos >= 0)
                section = section.Left (pos).Trim ();

            if (available < (DWORD)section.GetLength ())
                section = section.Left (available - 1);

            wcscpy_s (returnBuffer + allocSize, size - allocSize, section.GetBuffer ());
            int curAlloc = section.GetLength () + 1; 
            allocSize += curAlloc; 
            ASSERT (available >= (DWORD)curAlloc);
            available -= curAlloc;
    returnBuffer[allocSize] = '\0';
    return allocSize > 1 ? allocSize -1 : 0;

DWORD GetMyProfileSection (LPCTSTR section, LPTSTR returnedString, DWORD size, LPCTSTR fileName)
    if (returnedString == NULL || size == 0 || section == NULL)
        return 0;

    if (size <= 2)
        returnedString[0] = '\0';
        return 0;

    CIniFile iniFile;
    if (!iniFile.Open (fileName, CFile::modeRead))
        returnedString[0] = '\0';
        return 0;
    CString strSection = section;

    CString str = _T ("");
    DWORD allocSize = 0;
    DWORD available = size - 1;
    BOOL  foundKey = FALSE;
    while (iniFile.ReadLine (str) && available > 1)
        str = str.Trim ();
        if (str.GetAt (0) == ',' || str.GetAt (0) == '#')

        if (!foundKey)
            if (str.GetAt (0) == '[' && str.Right (str.GetLength () - 1).TrimLeft ().Find (strSection) == 0)
                foundKey = TRUE;
            // enter new key's area
            if (str.GetAt (0) == '[')
                foundKey = FALSE;

            CString entry = _T ("");
            int pos = str.Find (_T ("="));
            if (pos >= 0)
                CString left = str.Left (pos).Trim ();
                CString right = str.Right (str.GetLength () - pos - 1).Trim ();
                entry = left + _T ("=") + right;
                entry = str;

            if (available < (DWORD)entry.GetLength ())
                entry = entry.Left (available - 1);

            wcscpy_s (returnedString + allocSize, size - allocSize, entry.GetBuffer ());
            int curAlloc = entry.GetLength () + 1; 
            allocSize += curAlloc; 
            ASSERT (available >= (DWORD)curAlloc);
            available -= curAlloc;
    returnedString[allocSize] = '\0';
    return allocSize > 1 ? allocSize -1 : 0;

#endif   //UNDER_CE






#ifdef UNDER_CE
class CIniFile : public CStdioFile
    CIniFile() {}
    ~CIniFile() {}

    BOOL ReadLine (CString& rString)

        ULONGLONG nStartPosition = CFile::GetPosition();
        bool fEndOfFile = false;

        rString = _T("");    // empty string without deallocating
        const int nMaxSize = 128;
        LPTSTR lpsz = rString.GetBuffer(nMaxSize);
        int nLen = 0;
        for (;;)
            // Reading is not buffered, just let the internal OS buffer handle it.
            UINT nRead = CFile::Read(
             (nMaxSize)*sizeof(*lpsz) // convert from characters to bytes

            nRead /= sizeof(*lpsz); // convert from bytes to characters

            if(nRead != nMaxSize)
                // reached end of file, terminate the string here.
                fEndOfFile = true;
                //nLen = nRead;

            // check for end of line character
            for(nLen = 0 ; nLen < static_cast(nRead) && lpsz[nLen] != '\n' ; ++nLen)

                // nLen is correct location of end of line, which should be replaced with a null terminator
                fEndOfFile = false;

            if (fEndOfFile)
                nLen = nRead;


            nLen = rString.GetLength();
            lpsz = rString.GetBuffer(nMaxSize + nLen) + nLen;

        lpsz[nLen] = '\0';

        nLen = rString.GetLength();

        // Reset the file pointer to the position immediately after the end of line character
            CFile::Seek(nStartPosition + (nLen + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR), begin);
        return nLen != 0;


