
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/05/16 17:19:15




1.  一个网卡插了网线,所有配置的IP地址都可以用了

2.  一个网卡在收包但是却一个也不发,而另外一个却一直在发包,却一个也没有收到;

3.  一个主机ping这个有多个网卡的主机时,只有某一个网卡可以通,其他的网卡即使是up起来了,也插网线了,却始终连不通,而使用arp命令时却可以发现对方的MAC地址,就是连不通(世界上最远的距离不是我不知道你的地址,而是我知道你的地址却就是连不上你);

4.  arp命令时,不同IP地址的MAC地址是一样的,刚开机时如果不让系统自动加载网卡,若手工启动会发现,只要启动一个,其他的也都会一起起来,以后再up或down后就不会出现这个问题了。





Jumbo frames on Foundry BigIron 8000 switch
There is a known issue using Jumbo frames when connected to a Foundry
BigIron 8000 switch.  This is a 3rd party limitation.  If you experience
loss of packets, lower the MTU size.

Multiple Interfaces on Same Ethernet Broadcast Network
Due to the default ARP behavior on Linux, it is not possible to have
one system on two IP networks in the same Ethernet broadcast domain
(non-partitioned switch) behave as expected.  All Ethernet interfaces
will respond to IP traffic for any IP address assigned to the system.
This results in unbalanced receive traffic.

If you have multiple interfaces in a server, either turn on ARP
filtering by entering:

    echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/arp_filter
(this only works if your kernel's version is higher than 2.4.5),

NOTE: This setting is not saved across reboots.  The configuration
change can be made permanent by adding the line:
    net.ipv4.conf.all.arp_filter = 1
to the file /etc/sysctl.conf


install the interfaces in separate broadcast domains (either in
different switches or in a switch partitioned to VLANs).

82541/82547 can't link or are slow to link with some link partners




1.  看文档要细

2.  有了想法,就要认真想想,想不明白就试试