北派传销女孩的下场:北京很心烦:中国为三万亿美元能值多少钱而头疼 - 东江红的日志 - 网易博客

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政治经济 2011-05-15 23:14:56 阅读5 评论0   字号: 订阅


                     鼎盛军事网 2011-05-15 08:45:49 来源: 中华网博客 

核心提示:  中国的外汇是个世界性蛋糕+世界级难题;三万亿大款,你伤不起啊。有国内砖家说,中国的外汇因为升值损失了2711亿美元。而在国外,盯着中国这笔钱的眼睛,不说多如牛毛,起码也多如兔毛。




China's foreign reserves

Who wants to be a triple trillionaire?

Window-shopping with China’s central bank 



BY THE end of last year, China's foreign-exchange reserves amounted to $2.85 trillion. Although China ran a rare trade deficit in the first quarter of this year on April 14th the country's central bank released new figures showing that its reserves at the end of March had soared above $3 trillion.


China’s central bank has a lot of money but not a lot of imagination. It keeps a big chunk of its reserves in boring American government securities. That means it can count on getting its dollars back. But it frets about how much those dollars will be worth should America succumb to inflation or depreciation.


So what else could China do with the money? Instead of the dollar, China might fancy the euro. China could buy all of the outstanding sovereign debt of Spain, Ireland, Portugal and Greece, solving the euro area’s debt crisis in a trice. And it would still have almost half of its reserves left over.


【译者注:欧元区债务危机:2009年12月,全球三大评级公司标普、穆迪和惠誉分别下调希腊的主权债务评级,此后欧洲多个国家也开始陷入危机,“欧猪五国 PIIGS”(葡萄牙、意大利、爱尔兰、希腊、西班牙)的信用评级被调低,经济下滑,债台高筑,整个欧洲面临严峻考验。2010年5月10日,欧盟27国财长被迫决定设立总额为7500亿欧元的救助机制,帮助可能陷入债务危机的欧元区成员国,防止危机继续蔓延。危机至今还在困扰着欧洲。】

It might, alternatively, choose to abandon debt altogether and buy equity. China could gobble up Apple, Microsoft, IBM and Google for less than $1 trillion. It could also follow the lead of those sheikhs and oligarchs who like to buy English football clubs. According to Forbes magazine, the 50 most valuable sports franchises around the world were worth only $50.4 billion last year, less than 2% of China’s reserves.

中国也可以换个方向,选择抛开所有债券去炒股。中国可以用不到一万亿美元一口吞下苹果、微软、IBM和古狗*。它也可以学学中东油霸和俄国寡头买买英超俱乐部**。根据《福布斯》***杂志,去年全球价值最高的前50个运动俱乐部总值504亿美元,还不到中国外汇储备的2%  .




Another favoured sink for the world’s riches is property. Perhaps China should buy some exclusive Manhattan addresses. Hell, why not buy all of Manhattan? The island’s taxable real estate is worth only $287 billion, according to the New York City government. The properties of Washington, DC, are valued at a piffling $232 billion. China is accustomed to being Washington’s banker. Why not become its landlord instead?



【*华盛顿,此处双关,指美国。前面的华盛顿特区Washington, D.C是首都,总面积177平方公里。】

China could also allay its fears about energy, food and military security. Three trillion dollars would buy about 88% of this year’s global oil supply. It would take only $1.87 trillion (at 2009 prices) to buy all of the farmland (and farm buildings) in the continental United States. And China could theoretically buy America’s entire Department of Defence, which has assets worth only $1.9 trillion, according to its 2010 balance-sheet. Much of that figure is land, buildings and investments; the guns, tanks and other military gear are valued at only $413.7 billion.

中国也可以减轻他们对能源、食物和军事安全的焦虑。三万亿美元可以买下今年全球石油总供应量的88%   .在美国大陆买下所有农田(包括农场建筑)仅仅需要1.86万亿美元(2009年的价格)。而中国理论上可以买下美国的整个国防部,根据国防部的2010年资产报表,它的财产总值是1.9万亿美元。而且这个数据中很大部分还是土地、建筑物和投资所值;那些枪啊炮啊坦克啊啥啥的军事装备其实只值4137亿美元罢了。

These frivolous calculations illustrate the vast scale of China’s reserves but also the great difficulty it faces in diversifying them. Any purchase big enough to warrant China’s attention will also move the market against it. China can buy almost anything for a price—but almost nothing for today’s price.


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2005年底,中国国民生产总值达到2.2257万亿美元,居第几位? 2万亿美元是个什么概念? 4万亿美元的英文是? 现在美元核中国人民币多少钱啊? 一分钟内电脑是否能运算三万亿个运算题 一美元值多少钱人民币 一美元值多少钱人民币 我有一套美国中央银行限量版的美元全球50000份 能值多少钱 我有一套美国中央银行限量版的美元全球50000份 能值多少钱 我有一张1934年版的100美元,请问现在能值多少钱? 为什麽心烦??? 为什麼人会心烦? 中国已成为世界第_个能制造10万亿次高性能计算机的国家 300元美元值人民币多少钱? 我储备快1万亿美元了,如果美元贬值怎么办?听说很大一部分是美国的国债? 我国的外汇储备已经快1万亿美元了,为什么我们还要贷款,非常不理解 在中国,什么时候兆由万亿变为百万的呢? 中国这条龙什么时候会腾飞,炎黄子孙什么时候能为这条龙而骄傲!!!!!!!!! 为什么中国银行存存储美元的利率两年期为3.250,而英镑是3.125? 为什么叫美元为美金,而不叫其他国家的货币如英金呢? 2005年中国GDP总量到底是多少?有的说2.3万亿美元有的说2.0万亿!世界排名不知道是第四还是第五! 为什么美元为世界货币,为什么美元值钱? 黄金每盎司是541美元.在中国是多少钱呢(每克/钱) 美国议员说:用600亿美元和中国进行军备竞赛就能拖垮中国