
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/05/15 17:20:31


★★★白羊座——译者: 长叶暗罗


★★★金牛座——译者: AS


★★★双子座——译者: 无声无息 校对:PM


★★★巨蟹座——译者: Margaret Ⅵ

这一周螃蟹们将会变得很脚踏实地,注重细节。你将花更多的心思维持现状而非获得奖赏。因为发生在射手座的日食(不是很确定这句话的准确翻译 囧),这也是一个非常好的时机开始你的减肥大计或者开展一项新的运动。这一周你将重振旗鼓聚集能量,因为你深知接下来的日子里你的小宇宙必须爆发!坚持你的目标,并奋勇向前吧!

★★★狮子座——译者: snowy


★★★处女座——译者: 折玉笙


★★★天枰座——译者: L在云间




★★★射手座——译者: 草禾








Perhaps you are thinking of reaching out for the holiday brochures, or even of taking up a new hobby or interest. Ponder no longer. There are favourable winds behind you from the Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius urging you on to broaden your horizons in whichever way you choose. Be enthusiastic and follow your vision. Because you come across as confident and good with words, you will be a popular companion at work and in your leisure activities.

If life feels a struggle this week just remember that your perseverance will pay off. You need intense intimate connections in your life with partners who are able to match your emotional depth and yearnings. New joint financial ventures could begin now which will pay off in future if you give them the right kind of push. You have to be sure of your facts before you move. But if all the details are tied down you'll be pleased at the result.

You will find yourself much more sensitive to the needs of others at this time, so you will be able to help them. Just remember to stand firm for your own rights. The Solar Eclipse in your opposite sign is important where close relationships, both at home and at work, are concerned. This is the time to start afresh and let bygones be bygones. There could even be new romances round the corner for the unattached and on the lookout.

This week at work you will be very practical, keen to get details in the right place. You are less worried about getting praise than in being of service. With the Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius never was there a better time to start a new diet or exercise regime. You can probably muster up the will power because you know you need to boost your stamina and get yourself streamlined for the days ahead. So stick your colours to the mast and get going.

This week you want to be in love with life. In some ways you feel like a child at heart - spontaneous, colourful and unselfconscious when it comes to enjoying yourself. You will wear your heart on your sleeve and be very upfront about what or whom you fancy. If recently you have been stuck out of sight and feeling ignored, now you have a real chance to get your glad rags on and kick up your heels. No one will be able to damp your spirits.

Very sensitive this week, you will retreat into your shell and put up defensive barriers against the outside world. Tuck yourself quietly out of sight and think about what changes you can make in your life that will bring you more emotional security over the next 12 months. You want a reassuring nest to retreat to when the outside world gets too aggravating. Talking to your nearest and dearest will help you sort out family tensions.

Restless and versatile, you seem to know a little about a good many subjects at the moment. Maybe you are scattering your attention in too many directions at once, or across too wide a field. Trying to manage your time better and clear up communication muddles is obviously a high priority this week. There may be nothing obvious at the moment, but if you take steps early on you can prevent situations blowing up in future.

At the moment you are being drawn to the good life and all it brings with it, which never comes cheap. But you will not be happy unless you can boost your nest egg as well. This week's Solar Eclipse is definitely when you can start to get new financial plans moving. Not in any very expansive way, just cautiously and steadily. Whatever starts now will bear fruit in future, but you have to make the effort and keep your focus.

This week you will not hide much away, indeed you are priding yourself on being as upfront as possible. Not that you put on a performance, it just happens instinctively with your natural effervescence spilling over. The Solar Eclipse in your own sign is definitely the time to make good resolutions for your year ahead. Decide how to change your image to match the person you want to become. Be bold and be yourself.

Not at your most outgoing and sociable, you will be happiest in the quiet backwaters at the moment. Even your own company will not be a hardship for short periods, though obviously not all the time. With the Solar Eclipse happening this week you will have to clear quiet space for yourself to be aware of what really is beginning now. Maybe it will bring an insight into the past which gives you the key to how to change the future.

At the moment for you there is safety and security in numbers. You don't want to fly solo or be part of a claustrophobic twosome. The more the merrier as far as you are concerned. There may be a casual encounter this week with a new acquaintance. It may not seem important at the time but could turn into a good friendship in future if you make all the right noises. So make sure you know how to contact them again in a few days' time.

You may be gaining success at work now, but for some reason you suspect that others are claiming credit for your achievements. The Solar eclipse at your mid heaven comes round only once in a while, so it is important to use the influences wisely. This is the time to sow the seeds of new ideas at work. They may not seem grand and glorious yet, but they will bear fruit in future if you start off on the right foot with real commitment.