
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/05/12 11:08:07

鞋子收纳袋的10 种非常规妙用

Post written by Sherri 


For my birthday I asked for a pocket shoe organizer. Big deal I know! It’s not that I have that many shoes but I thought it would come in handy for little odds and ends.


When I actually received one I got to thinking of how exactly I would use it. Turns out there are a lot of things you can do with a pocket shoe organizer other than storing shoes.


1. Electrical goods. We had a ton of wires, cables, chargers, adapters and extensions for a number of electronic devices. I originally had them all neatly tucked away in a basket but they only remain neatly tucked away as long as you don’t actually need to rummage through and find something.  Label the pockets on the organizer with the device name or cable name and pop them in. It’s easy to find the cord, charger etc that you’re looking for and you don’t make a mess of what’s left.

一. 收纳电子配件


2. Camping. Hang a pocket shoe organizer on a branch of a tree, door to a camper or clothes line and store items that you are likely to use often. Think bug spray, sun tan lotion, dish soap, wash cloths, cutlery, cups, and napkins.

2. 野营收纳帮手 


3. Pantry. Hang it on the back of the pantry door and store gravy packets, drink mix packets and jelly or pudding packets so they don’t get shuffled to the back of the shelves and forgotten about. You can also use it to store napkins, paper towels and disposable dish cloths.



4. Bathroom. Use it to store extras of shampoo, conditioner, hair products, razors, shaving cream or Q-tips. If you’re a reader use it to hold a book or two or the latest edition of your favorite magazine.

4. 放在浴室

    可以用收纳袋装备用洗发香波、护发素、头发用品、剃刀,刮面霜和棉签。 如果你喜欢看书,还能装上一至两本书,或者你最喜欢的最新一期杂志。

5. Diaper station. Having diapering supplies close at hand is a must when you have little ones. Hang a shoe organizer near by (on the door or hook on a wall) and fill the pockets with diapers, wipes, butt cream, diaper pins, thermometer, burp cloths and pacifiers.

5. 装宝宝护理用品


6. Closets. Store seldom used shoes, slippers, belts, scarves and hats without taking up valuable drawer or shelf real estate.

6. 放在壁橱


7. Winter gear. Hang an organizer in the entry closet and use it for mittens, hats and scarfs. Consider labelling a row for each person and have a pocket for mitts, hats and scarves each. This helps kids locate their gear quickly and also helps know where to return stuff when they’re done with it. (I know wishful thinking…but it might work!).

7. 收纳冬季用品


8. Sewing room. The pockets make for handy storage of thread, bobbins, scissors, tape measures, sewing machine parts, patterns and spare pieces of material. It’s also handy for storing notions such as zippers, buttons, laces and elastics.



9. Crafts. You can coral paints, brushes, glue, tape, scissors, art smocks, cups, plates, googly eyes, crayons and paper – just about any craft supply you have on hand. Hang it on the wall or on the back of a door in an area you or kids craft in so items are accessible and clean up is a little more convenient.



10. Garage. If you have tools but not enough to warrant a tool box consider hanging a shoe organizer to store the few you have. If storing tools this way isn’t your thing perhaps garden equipment is more up your alley. Store hand trowels, weeders, string, gardening gloves, bags, spray bottles, tags and a permanent marker in the pockets. This can keep all of your items in order, untangled and can provide a more convenient space to put everything away.



I love my shoe organizer for storing my electrical goods. I will likely add one of these to my birthday wish list each year as they are just so versatile, convenient and take up very little space.


Do you have an unconventional suggestion for using a shoe organizer? I’d love to hear more ideas!
