
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/05/14 00:00:01

@太史公说 : 所有对卡扎菲有莫名其妙的“恨”的中国人必看!不看不是人!不为人知的利比亚真相 Lizzy Phelanhttp://t.cn/asWp09 西方记者现场观察到的利比亚磨难
@老榕:分享老榕的博文:卡扎菲的网络雇佣军 推荐给@头条博客http://t.cn/arJckQ (分享自@头条博客)-- 重新把这篇全译顶出来的原因是,网上又出现了本文揭露过的那位女记者的视频。一大堆人@ 我问那视频是不是真的。您看完这篇文章就知道了:那是个臭名昭著的拿卡扎菲钱的骗子
Cyberwar: Gaddafi’s online mercenary army
作者:Elizabeth Pickworth

Elizabeth Pickworth is a journalist from Australia with a postgraduate degree in International Security majoring in Counterterrorism. She is currently based in the Gulf and undertaking research for her PhD.
Elizabeth Pickworth,澳大利亚籍记者,硕士学位,主修国际安全反恐专业,目前在海湾地区进行研究,正在攻取博士学位。
翻译: @skipper79
Brandishing Kalashnikovs and bloodstained baseball caps, these were Libya’s revolutionaries. Men, young and old, fighting on the frontline to claim victory and liberation for the country they call home.
These freedom fighters displayed immense courage, bravery and comradeship and united, showcasing one of the most amazing acts of people power in modern history.
Between the sporadic gunfire and scud missiles, bellowing in the boroughs of Tripoli; a new conflict emerged outside the battlefield. A war was waged online, men and women, young and old were supporting Gaddafi’s government without ever having lived under his regime, or stepped on Libyan soil.
While revolutionaries fought with small arms, and improvised artillery mounts on pickup trucks, the (mostly) Western warriors used social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter and blogs as their weapon of choice to launch their counter attacks online, engaging in cyber, psychological warfare.
We have all witnessed how social networking sites have been used for citizens to garner international support and topple corrupt dictators in the Arab Spring. However in the case of the Libyan revolution, the internet has been used for a more sinister purpose.  People abroad have used Facebook and blogs to rally popular support for a dictator in an effort to keep him in power.
Social networking sites allowed pro-regime propagandists to spread global conspiracy theories in the comfort of their own home, without any scars or wounds of war. No combat experience, basic training or Libyan citizenship was required in the recruitment process for Gaddafi’s online army.
To coin the old phrase “the first casualty in war is the truth” has been apparent in the airtime for Iran state television, Press TV and publicly funded Russian network, RT. These channels were the chosen platform for pro Gaddafi journalists to provide their  independent dossiers- a biased eyewitness account to the situation inside Libya.
这就印证了一句老话,“战争中第一个倒下的就是真相。”这句话在伊朗国有电视台播放的节目中就显露无遗。伊朗英语新闻电视台(Press TV)和俄罗斯政府资助的电视网络——今日俄罗斯(RT),都入选成为支持卡扎菲记者的平台。对利比亚国内的情况,这些记者带着有色眼镜提供着他们的独家爆料。
For instance, a young female journalist and male documentary filmmaker that RT and Press TV featured in their reporting made statements claiming that international media and the Libyan revolutionaries are “slaves to NATO and the Western colonialist Empire.”  Further reports of the female journalist said her “sources were saying Gaddafi was in Green square and the revolutionaries did not have control of Tripoli as international media had reported.”
比如,RT和Press TV就有一位女记者和一位男纪录片制片人。他们在报道中称,国际媒体和利比亚革命者是“北约和西方殖民帝国的奴隶”。这位女记者在随后的报道中还称,她的“线人说卡扎菲就在绿色广场,国际媒体关于革命者已经控制的黎波里的报道是假的。”
Further blog, Facebook posts and Youtube videos the female journalist broadcasted accused CNN, MI6 and the CIA of being assassins and have threatened to kill her while inside the Rixos hotel. After she broadcasted these messages online, her Facebook, Twitter and Blog were removed. What followed was an online uproar as her fans, Gaddafi loyalists, predominately non Libyan were furious her accounts were deleted.
In an ironic twist of events, the young lady, along with her pro Gaddafi Facebook friends begged the UK government to bring her back to English soil. Back to the very regime she, along with her fans so blatantly condemned.
What I fail to understand is how people who have never lived under Gaddafi’s dictatorship support his regime from abroad. It seems as soon as any politician waves the socialist flag, it means any human rights violation, act of corruption, suppression of democracy and freedom of speech are ignored by the youth in favour of a populist, propagandist campaign.
For instance, blogs from Latin America, the USA and Pakistan have accused Al Jazeera as being part of a neo-conservative, Western Imperialist, Zionist conspiracy. Blogs accused  Al Jazeera of establishing a fake Tripoli in the streets of Doha and building a Hollywood like film set to replicate Libya’s Martyrs (Green under Gaddafi) Square. None of these bloggers had ever visited Qatar, or confirmed the origins of these allegations, only citing their own reliable sources.
The majority of pro Gaddafi Facebook profiles and blogs originated from Russia, UK, Germany, Italy, France, Latin America and South Africa. The remainder do not disclose their location publicly. Over the past few days I have watched Facebook accounts disappear and reappear after being reported for their extreme pro Gaddafi content.
This leads me to question, how can people who have never lived in exile or fear from such a brutal regime support such a monstrous dictator?
To support Gaddafi’s regime without ever thoroughly researching the history, his human rights violations and the plight of the Libyan people, is to entirely discredit every single Libyan of their history and struggle.
The people of Libya have risen up and controlled their own destiny, not relied on a dictator to determine their fate. For this they should be commended. Their struggle for freedom has been a bloody battle but now they can claim back their home.
I question if social networking sites were around during the Rwandan and Bosnian genocide or the time of xxx, would the narrative be any different and would so many members of the online community still blindly follow such a brutal dictatorship?