淡水58同城租房网:一些汉语常用语的英文说法 1

来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/05/15 13:30:12

一些汉语常用语的英文说法 1

 火上浇油 add fule to the fire
以牙还牙 an eye for an eye
孤注一掷 put all egss in one basket
距离产生美 absence makes the heart grow fonder.
哑口无言 at a loss for words
违法乱纪 have a brush with the law
重新开始 back to square one, back to the drawing board
心肝宝贝 apple of one's eye
拐弯抹角 beat around the bush
束手无策 at the end of one's rope
左右为难 between the rock and a hard place
脸色铁青 blue in the face
万事俱备 all teed up
摸不着头脑 can't make the heads or tails of something
因小失大 can't see the forest because of the trees
祸兮福所伏 blessing in disguise
人才流失 brain drain
哄堂大笑 bring down the house
恩将仇报 bite the hand that feeds you
养家糊口 bring home the bacon
洗耳恭听 all ears
杞人忧天 cross a bridge before one comes to it
物以类聚人以群分 birds of a feather flock together
不择手段 by hook or by crook
情人眼里出西施 beauty is in the eye of the beholder.