
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/06/02 12:12:10


我马上就去办 I will get right on it我对那印象很深 I am impressed让我付我的吧 let me pay for my share渴望,迫切 dying to / for还没确定 it’s up in the air快点 pick up your pace没存货了 we may be out of stock我赶时间 I have to run我会再和你联系 I will get back to you我有急事 I’ll something pressing侥幸/不幸 by good luck / by ill luck我也这么认为 I will say别着急,慢慢来,轻点 easy does it别着急 take your time耐着性子 hold one’s horses忍耐 keep your shirt on很快你也就会了 you will get it soon就这么定了 it’s a date我不知道 you’ve got me / beat me请帮我包起来 would you wrap it for me我是认真的 I mean it定居 settle down别让我失望 don’t let me down直接说 give it to me straight他正在开会 he’s in a conference now自己带食物主人提供餐具的 potluck party车靠边 poll over打电话 have a ring什么事 what’s up几点了 do you have the time弄坏了,弄砸了 blow it / screw up一个大麻烦 what a big hassle多糟糕的一天啊 what a crummy day一厢情愿 wishing dream别这么麻烦 don’t be so fussy开车带我 give me a ride / give me a left家丑 skeleton in closed别惹毛我 do not get on nerve机会很小 a poor chance我正绞尽脑汁 I am tracking my brain她有点碍手碍脚的 she’s a real drag我受够了 I am so fed up这个不配你的衣服 it doesn’t go with your dress你想说什么 what is your point / what are you trying to say一定是 by all means / definitely拉杜子 diarrhea今天不舒服 I am under the weather我可以改天再。。。may I have a raincheck把它弄清楚 let’s get it straight急什么 what’s the rush我一回过来看看 I will swing by later / I will stop by later容易 easy as a pie我不明白 I do not get the picture你应该告诉它你的不满 you should give him a piece of your mind对某地很熟悉 know one’s way around大部分 lion’s share新手 green hand弄混 mess around运动鞋 sneakers偷偷溜入/出 sneak in / out这对我来说很难 this is in way over my head第一次做 get one’s feet wet你这需要人吗 do you have openings还差得远呢 far from it你的星座是什么 what’s your sign of the zodiac在不久的将来我一定要回到我的祖国(所有游子的心声) I will go back to my homeland sometime in the future别再犹豫了 don’t give a second thought消磨时间 kill some time有打折的吗 is there a discount on something我们兴趣相同 we sing the same song我有三天空闲(我经常说这句,因为我周五也没课,可以出去玩)I have 3 days free真便宜 down the round祝贺你提升 congratulations on your promotion下周再查查吧 check oneself支票换现金 cash a check我五点来接你 I’ll pick you up at 5’oclock你有时间吗 are you available试试运气 try your luck将来的某个时候 down the road克制自己 check oneself你说的算 anything you say我成功了(特别幸运的小概率事件)I pulled it off我想开/清空一个帐户 I like to open / close an account振作起来 pull oneself together账本 account book存取钱 save / drop money正忙着呢 my hands are tired / I am as busy as a bee法律约束 legal ties我试图弄个收支平衡 I am trying to make ends meet真不敢相信 I can’t believe my eyes真精彩 it’s really neat 特纯好主意 it’s a neat idea这是最新款 this is the latest model什么牌子 what brand is it我完全同意 I agree with you one hundred percent巨款 a cool hundred很有可能 hundred to one你真行 you are really something我正在路上 I am on my way我们的价格是最低了 our price are rock bottom我们可以比那个低 we can beat that price我要看看我的日程表 I have to check my schedule销售期限 pull date首先 to start with就我所知 to the best of my knowledge我要试试 I’m game进展顺利 I’m shaping up我需要发票 I need a receipt请您吩咐。一般在你消费完,售货员会对你这么说,第一次听到我都没明白 my time is your time进展得真快 things are really moving quickly