psv 高达有哪些:中国画欣赏新译 3

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中国画欣赏新译 3

3、              传说、典故、神话
3, legend, story, myth
1    考画院的传说
An examination of the Painting Studio legend
平庸的画师们将“踏花归去马蹄香”的画面表现为:一匹飞驰的骏马,跑过花园……;将“深山藏古寺” 的画面表现为:残锈班驳的佛堂被高耸云天、粗壮的古榕树所“半遮半现” ……将“万绿丛中一点红” 的画面表现为:一片绿茵茵的杂树林里,一枝紫红色的美人蕉在一枝独绣地绽放……。
Chinese painting is very particular about the "possession" and "disclosure" of relations, especially stress how "possession" of flavor. The Song Dynasty Emperor Zhao Ji (Huizong) have in the country and the poor "Jingkang the shame," he able to book good painting, poetry is extraordinary effort he created "the skinny body," the image of delicate calligraphy and painting bird painting Spread so far, be called generation master. It is said that during the Song Dynasty test Gongtinghuashi a few, such that: "Flower Guiqu horseshoe-riding", "Tibetan mountain temple" and "point-green leaves."
Mediocre portrait masters will "spend Guiqu horseshoe-riding" for the screen performance: a speeding of the Horse, running across Garden…. . . "Temple of the mountains" for the screen performance: residual rust Banbo the hall was high Yun Tian, Stout by the ancient banyan tree "is a half-shelter"…… "little green leaves red" for the screen performance: a Lvyin Yin miscellaneous woods, the Canna in a purple embroidered in a single bloom…….
应考画师夏珪将“踏花归去马蹄香”画为:初雨天晴,林间小道上,由远及近、稀稀地零落一行马蹄印;在最近的马蹄印上有三只蜜蜂,两只在蹄印上盘旋准备采蜜,而另一只沿着“香路”一直向前飞去……;在“深山藏古寺”中,他将画面画成:在飞岩绝壁、蜿蜒的石矶小道上两名步履蹒跚的老和尚,正吃力地抬着一桶水向山上走去,一旁是云雾缭绕的林海……;而在“万绿丛中一点红”的画面是:在一望无垠的绿色丛林与稻田间,一位紫衣少女双手分别拎着给亲人送午餐的饭篮与陶瓦罐;那迎面拂面而来的山风,吹动着紫衣显现少女婀娜的身影,吹开少女的乌发露出美丽的脸庞——蛾眉凤眼、粉腮朱唇,透出春的气息……。夏珪终因很好地处理了“藏”与“露”的关系而考上了画师。即:“踏花归去马蹄香”、“深山藏古寺”分别隐藏了 “马”与“古寺”;第一:用“马蹄印”来表现马,用蜜蜂来反映画面的主题——香;第二:用了“两名步履蹒跚的老和尚”来表现这个藏着的“古寺”,达到了“含而不露、回味无穷”之目的。而在“万绿丛中一点红”中通过“绿色丛林”与“紫衣少女”刻画,露出了大自然和人间两种“春意”。
Kim will sit for the portrait master summer "spent Guiqu horseshoe-riding" for the painting: the early rainy weather was fine, Lin Jianxiao Road, from near and far, Xi Xi and scattered Mati Yin and his party in recent Mati Yin bees have three, two in Tiyin circled on the preparations for Caimi, and another along the "road-" has been exiting…. . . forward in the "mountains of temple," he will be painted screen: the flying rock cliffs, winding the breakwater Two small over the faltering of the old monk, is struggling to carrying a bucket of water going to the mountains, the clouds wind around the side of the Linhai…. . . In the "green leaves that red" is the screen: an oasis in a Green rice fields and jungles, a hands Ziyi girls were carrying their loved ones to send the rice basket lunch and Tao Waguan; Fumian from the face of the Shanfeng, a Ziyi Chuidong the shadow show girls Ena, blowing open the girls UFA reveal the beautiful face - Emeifengyan, Fensaizhuchun, disclosed the spring atmosphere……. Summer-kyu due to end well with the "possession" and "open" and admitted to the relationship between a portrait master. Namely: "Flower Guiqu horseshoe-riding", "possession of the Temple of the mountains" were hiding "Ma" and "temple" First: "Mati Yin" to performance of a horse, using bees to reflect the theme of the screen -- Hong Kong; Second: the "two old monk's faltering" to the performance of this hidden "temple", to "contain not reveal, implication Wonderland" purposes. In the "green leaves little red" adopted "green jungle" and "Ziyi girls" portrait of human nature and exposed the two, "Chun Yi."
2    人们喜爱的“吉祥画”
2 people's favorite "lucky draw"
⑶《前程万里》:古钱、拂尘、万年青、李子(一种水果),摆在“乳臭未干”的孩子身边;以示“前程万里”。(钱:“前” 的谐音字、尘“程” 的谐音字、李“里” 的谐音字。)
⑷《大吉大利》:画面是雄赳赳、气昂昂的大雄鸡带着“家人”——妻子和一群蹒跚学步的孩子,在结满硕果的荔枝树下……。鸡:“吉”的谐音字;荔:“利” 的谐音字。鸡与荔枝,合起来就是“吉利”的意思。
Such as: "Sanyangkaitai", "Fushoushan map", "Mileage Plus", "Taijidali。"
⑴ "Sanyangkaitai": Guiwei, have to, but also a Year of the Goat。 Sheep-"Xiang", and "yang" homonym, the Yanger has always been regarded as auspicious symbol。 Three sheep - implication from the "San-Yang Kai Tai", from winter to Spring, Yin Xiao Yang of meaning。 Therefore, during the Year of the Goat, as a painter in the painting are many topics。
⑵ "Fushoushan map": on the screen are a symbol of good fortune - longevity Shoudai birds (Shou: TING homonym, namely: the meaning of longevity), Shou Tao, fruit cents (bergamot)。
⑶ "Mileage Plus": Guqian, Fu Chen, Wan Nianqing, plums (a fruit), placed in the "Ruxiuweigan" children who, to show "Mileage Plus。" (Money: "before" the homonym characters, dust, "Cheng" homonym characters, Lee "," homonym。)
⑷ "Dajitaili": the screen is Xiong Jiujiu, gas Angang of the rooster with a "family" - his wife and a group of children stumble toddlers, the full fruits of the end of litchi trees……。 Chicken: "Kat" homonym of the word; Lai: "benefits" of homophonic word。 Chicken and lychee, together is the "auspicious" means.
(5) "uphill Tiger": the mountains are any implication tiger "up, Geely, awe-inspiring ferocity" Therefore, government officials, business (especially the stock market is doing) to "seek auspicious", and "uphill tiger "(Such as: This article introduces the" Yukigaya Chuan Xiao Sheng ") is the favorite of Chinese people.
3    典故
3 story
⑴ kuiling-liu of the "One-Day"
Allusions to the picturesque representation - "One-Day", LIU Kui TSE still take their animals are most familiar with the performance of the Chinese nation subject to the four traditional virtues - dogs in our tradition - has always been a "loyalty" of representatives; Sheep and "filial piety" and have close links, "Zengguangxianwen" in the "milk of the sheep have to kneel TU, A is nurturing the meaning of" sentence, the sheep is auspicious animals, when Chinai are Guizhao , Was the ancients regarded as Thanksgiving, the symbol of filial piety; cattle Chikunailao, high status in the eyes of the ancients, has many places are still spread all kinds of "cattle-justice," the story, thus cattle to "justice" a synonym for Is also appropriate; kuiling-liu As for the performance of Malays by "Day" is derived from the Opium War in a story。 January 1841, British troops captured Fort Humen Haikou, the Sha Kok, Shouqiang liansheng-chen the expense of his war horses were forced to the British garrison in Hong Kong。 This horse temperament Ganglie, Yingren not feed the food, while riding a lost past of the kick, only Chinese hands食料Weita, it Caiken eat, as long as the one mentioned liansheng-chen's name more than it tears 。 Some say it should be sent back to the Humen, it will be accompanied Yao Wei, but it ultimately failed to go back。 Later in the evening it did not take on Mian Gao Gang, Wang and North Sima, eventually starve to death in Hong Kong, known as "Ma Day。" At that time, many people have made a "Poetry Festival Ma," "Day-map" to commemorate it。 (Kuiling-liu (1885-1967), modern painter。 Characters Yiu-chen, Tianjin Ren。 Served as the Chinese Artists Association, vice chairman of the Tianjin Branch。 His good painting animals, birds and flowers, especially Shihu Kyo, in addition to mountains and rivers can also figures 。 "One Day" to the names of the four screen people think it is very easy to figure painting。)
⑵ "Chun Figure 8" and yingquan-chen
Ming-chi to the representation of paintings - "eight Chun map。" 1945 late spring, "with the 1894 G" in the famous painter wuchang-zheng, yachen-wang, hufang-wu, qingxin-yang, dramatist lanfang-mei, xinfang-zhou, jingling-hong, writer yanqiao-fan, etc。 Eight persons by "eight weeks Mu Wang Chun," the story, invited eight paintings at the time the sea horse painting master cooperation, "Chun Figure 8", "G 1894 with the" eight colleagues on the signing of the plan to show what his intention。 Plans to participate in the creation of this artist as: songquan-xiong, jingyu-zhao, xianglang-ge, zhixiang-yin, zhiguang-xie, biyue-xie, yingquan-chen, shaojiu-xu。 They were each painted Yi-chun, for a symbolic "with the 1894 G" in the eight Chester。 This map by the calligrapher gongyu-ma that sign。 Tiba, there are paintings-fu `an-wang, daqian-zhang, chaoran-feng, yunmo-shen, gunian-zhang, qinmeng-pan and zhihui-wu, shizeng-li, such as a large number of celebrities。 This map is - pieces of "survival 8 Jun, Li Zhi-ages" of art treasures。
This "eight Chun map", in 1985, "Xiling Arts" published on the first issue, the matter then in contemporary Yiyuan Reply to Meitan。 However, wuchang-zheng, and so on for eight Fellows of the Juyi, painting master Ma songquan-xiong, jingyu-zhao, xianglang-ge, zhixiang-yin, zhiguang-xie, five have died one after another, one of biyue-xie, shaojiu-xu two unidentified present situation, if still alive, then when the elderly also are the oldest old。 Fortunately, one of yingquan-chen, is still active in the Gusuyiyuan。