爹爹的巨物花核嗯啊:选修6复习导学案--Unit 4

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Unit 4  Global warming
1.consequence/result/effect/outcome  2. glance/gaze/glare/stare
1.agree v.同意
disagree v.不同意
agreement/disagreement n.同意/不同意
2. exist v.存在
existence n.存在
3.state v.陈述,说明
statement n.声明,阐述
4. environment n.环境
environmental adj.周围的,环境的
environmentalist n.环境保护主义者
1.         phenomenon n. 現象
2.         tend vt. 趋向, 往往是;照管, 护理
3.         state vt.声明, 陈述
4.         range n.行列, 范围;vt. 排列, 归类于
5.         average adj.平均的
6.         existence n.生存
7.         advocate倡导,拥护
8.         refresh v.(使)精神振作, (使)精力恢复, 更新
9.         contribution n.捐献, 贡献, 投稿
come about  发生 quantities of大量的 result in导致 be opposed to反对
on behalf of代表……一方 put up with 忍受; 容忍so long as  只要
1. Some byproducts of this process are called “greenhouse” gases, the most important one of which is carbon dioxide.
这个升温过程的一些副产品就叫 “温室”气体,其中最重要的就是二氧化碳.
II 词语辨析  (旨在提供完形填空所需材料)
1). consequence/result/effect/outcome
outcome侧重 某项活动,比赛的结果,结局
1) The ________ of the game was beyond our expectation.
2) The _________ of the meeting was that no one should be dismissed.
3) The advertisements have much ________ on consumers’ choice.
4) In _________ of laziness, he was fired.
Keys: 1) outcome 2) result 3) effect  4) consequence
2). glance/gaze/glare/stare 看,注视
1) They stood at the top of the hill, _______ at the splendid sunset.
2) The manager ______ at the document and signed down his name.
3) The dog _____ at the stranger and barked.
4) Don’t _______ , it’s rude!
Keys: 1) gazing 2) glanced 3) glared 4) stare
III 词性变化 (旨在提供语法填空所需材料)
1.agree v.同意
disagree v.不同意
agreement/disagreement n.同意/不同意
2. exist v.存在
existence n.存在
3.state v.陈述,说明
statement n.声明,阐述
4. environment n.环境
environmental adj.周围的,环境的
environmentalist n.环境保护主义者
1) The ________ pointed out that the change of ________ will cause certain great ________ disaster.(environment)
2) It was ______ that the new-elected president of U.S.A made a ________ announcing new policies to reduce the consequence of economy crisis.(state)
3) Though the two Party usually _______ with each other, they have reached an ________ on the levels of green house gases they will allow. (agree)
4) In the survey, people found it funny that many of the longest-lasting marriages in ______ are those between people who ________ in frequent quarrel.(exist)
keys: 1) environmentalist; environment; environmental 2) stated; statement 3) disagree; agreement 4) existence; exist
IV 重点词汇 (旨在提供综合运用所需材料)
1.  phenomenon n. 現象;奇迹,罕见的人才或事物 phenomena(pl.)
1) Rain and snow are phenomena of the weather. 雨雪是天气现象。
2) Beethoven was a phenomenon among musicians.贝多芬是音乐家中的天才。
3) the phenomena of nature自然现象
4) a social phenomenon社会现象
[练习] 汉译英
1) 月蚀是一种罕见的现象。
2) 你能向我解释下这一奇怪的自然现象吗?
3) 尽管中途退出了2008年奥运会,刘翔依然是跨栏项目的罕见的人才。
Keys: 1) An eclipse of the moon is a rare phenomenon. 2) Could you explain to me the strange natural phenomenon?
3) Though quitting in the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, Liu Xiang is still a phenomenon in hurdle racing.
2.         tend vt. 趋向, 往往是;照管, 护理
tendency n. 趋向,倾向(常与to/towards连用)
1) Most of boys tend to enjoy playing basketball.大部分男孩都喜欢打篮球。
2) The older women tend to believe in strangers easily.老人更容易轻信陌生人。
3) A team of medical workers were sent to tend the survivors of wenchuan Earthquake.
4) Nowadays there is a growing tendency for people to shop on internet.如今人们网上购物有增加的趋势
[练习] 汉译英
1) 处于压力下的人更容易发挥自己的全部潜能。
2) 当老板不在时请他照看一个商店
Keys: 1)People under stress tend to develop their full range of potential.  2) He was required to tend a store in the owner's absence.
3.  state vt.声明, 陈述 n.状况,情况;国家
statement n. 声明, 陈述
1) She is in a terrible state today. 她今天心情不好。
2) the head of state国家首脑
3) He has publicly stated his support for the policy. 他已公开声明他会支持那项政策。
[练习] 汉译英
1) 合同清楚地叙述了那项工作应在何时完成。
2) 我听见那位官员说不接纳儿童。
Keys: 1) The contract stated when the work should be finished. 2) I heard the official state that they would
not accept children.
4.  range n.行列, 范围;vt. 排列, 归类于
beyond the range of…超越……的范围
out of one’s range某人达不到的
range oneself站在……的方面
range from… to … / between… and …从……到……不等
[练习] 根据汉语提示,补全英语句子。
1) The shop keeps____________________(商品品种多) .
2)_____________(年龄范围)i s from six to twelve years old.
3)The temperature__________________________(在15度到35度之间).
4)We should _______________(列身于; 站在……的方面)on the side of law and order.
Keys: 1)a wide range of goods  2) The age range  3) ranges from 15 to 35 degrees 4)range ourselves
5. average adj.平均的;一般的,普通的,中等的 n.平均,平均数
1) His average result of this three subjects is 96. 他三科的平均成绩是96。
2) The average of 4, 8, and 60 is 24。 4、8和60的平均数是24。
above the average 高于平均水平
below the average在一般水平以下
on the average平均, 按平均数计算; 一般地说
[练习] 汉译英
1) 他在我们班处于中等位置。
Keys: 1) He is an average student in our class. 2) The income of the farmers in this area is above the average of the province.
6.         existence n.生存
1) Anything in existence is reasonable.所有的存在都是合理的。
2) In the middle age, no one doubted about the existence of God中世纪时没人怀疑上帝的存在
in existence存在
exist v.存在
[练习] 汉译英
1) 富裕和贫穷同时存在于这个世界里。
2) 人们认为他是这个世界上最好心的人。
Keys: 1) Wealth and poverty exist at the same time in the world. 2) He is believed to be the kindest person in existence.
7.         refresh v.(使)精神振作, (使)精力恢复, 更新
1) When tired, you can refresh yourself with a cup of tea困时喝杯茶提神
2) Refresh storage battery in case of being out of energy halfway.给蓄电池充电以免半路没电。
3) The host refreshed our teacups. 主人又为我们斟茶。
[练习] 汉译英
1) 长时间工作后,一杯冰水使他精神振作。
2) 有时一件小东西也会唤起人们的记忆
Keys: 1) A cup of icy water refreshed him after a long time’s work. 2) Sometimes, a small thing all can refresh your memory
V. 词组
1.         come about  发生
1) How did this come about? 这是怎么发生的?
2) I don't know how it came about but I've got a dent in the rear of my car.
come along  出现, 发生;
come out  出来, 长出;出版
come to  达到;
come to oneself  苏醒, 醒悟;
come up with   赶上, 提出
【链接高考】It's already 10 o'clock. I wonder how it ____________ that she was two hours late on such a short trip.
A. came over    B. came out    C. came about     D. came up
2.         quantities of  大量的
1) Before they enter an entrance examination, they have to do quantities of exercise.
2) He drinks large quantities of water every day.他每天都喝大量的水。
A (large) quantity of /quantities of+名词(可数/不可数)
A mount of/ amounts of+不可数名词
[练习] 汉译英
1) 桌上摆满大量的食物。
2) 在这个地区仅提供少量的牛奶
Keys: 1) Large quantities of food were on the table.  2) Only a small quantity of milk is offered in this area.
3.         result in 导致
1) Stress and tiredness often result in a lack of concentration. 紧张和疲劳常使人精神不集中。
2) Acting before thinking always results in failure. 做事不先考虑总会导致失败.
3) The accident resulted in the death of two people. 这场意外事故造成两人死亡。
4) Excessive dosage of this drug can result in injury to the liver. 这种药使用过量会损害肝脏。
lead to作“导致”
result from  由...产生;
as a result 因此; 结果;
as a result of作为...的结果; 由于...
without result 无效地, 毫无结果地;
1) 结果他们拯救了这座森林里90%的树木。
_____ _____ _____, they saved 90% of the trees in the forest.
2) 我一直在想法打开箱子,但到现在这没有没打开。
I've been trying to open the box, but _____ _____ so far.
3) 此项工程的搁置已导致了6个人被解雇。
The shelving of the project have_____ _____ six redundancy.
4) 她勤奋苦读,终于进了中山大学。
_____ _____ _____ of her hard work was a place at Zhongshan University.
Keys: 1) As a result 2) without result 3) resulted in  4)As a result
4.         be opposed to 反对
1) All the states in UN were opposed to the war launched by Israel.所有的联合国成员国都反对以色列发起的这场战争。
2) Many residents in Guangzhou are opposed to the plan of tearing down the old buildings.
表示反对:disagree with; object to; be against
表示赞成:agree with; be in favour of; be for
[练习] 汉译英
1) 热爱和平的人们都反对核反应。
2) 我们赞成她升为总裁
Keys: 1)People loving peace are opposed to nuclear weapon. 2)We are in favor of her promotion to president.
5.         on behalf of 代表……一方
1) My husband could not be here tonight, but l want to thank you on his behalf.我丈夫今晚因故不能前来, 我代表他向你们致谢。
2) We attended the global conference on behalf of our country.
[练习] 汉译英
1) 很荣幸在这儿代表我的学校演出。
2) 那个英雄的妻子代替她死去的丈夫接受了这枚勋章。
Keys: 1) I’m greatly honored to put on performance here on behalf of my school. 2) The hero’s wife accepted the medal on behalf of her dead husband.
6.put up with 忍受;容忍
1) I'm not going to put up with this! 我再也受不了啦!
2) We have to put up with her bad temper. 我们只得忍受她的坏脾气。
3) Noise is coming to the point where we can't put up with it. 噪音快到我们无法忍受的地步。
put aside 节省;put away储存;put down写下
put off 延期; put out 熄灭; put up 举起;
【链接高模】Tom would like to find somewhere to work because he can not _____ the boss.
A. come up with    B. catch up with    C. keep up with    D. put up with
答案与分析:D。考查词组辨析。根据所给语境可知他无法 “忍受”这个老板。A项表示“想出”
[练习] 汉译英
1) 在这种情况下,我们不得不忍受不便之处.
2) 不允许拖延付清帐单
Keys: 1) In that situation, we had to put up with the inconvenience. 2) We are not allowed to put off paying the bills.
7.  so long as 只要
1) As long as you don't betray me, I'll do whatever you ask me to (do).
2) As long as I live, I will help you. 只要我活着,我都会帮助你。
3) As long as you drive carefully, you will be very safe. 如果你开车小心,你就会很安全。
4) I don't mind as long as it doesn't rain. 只要不下雨就行了。
on condition that …在……的条件下
[练习] 汉译英
Keys: 1)I will go abroad on condition that I earn enough money.  2) We will help you on condition that/as long as you can offer us the proper reason.
VI 重点句子 (旨在提供句子结构等所需材料)
Some byproducts of this process are called “greenhouse” gases, the most important one of which is carbon dioxide. 这个升温过程的一些副产品就叫 “温室”气体,其中最重要的就是二氧化碳.
[解释]one/all/every/each/part… of which(whom)引导的定语从句,表示“他(它)们中的一个/所有/每/部分……”
1) I have three good friends, all of whom have emigrated to U.S.A.我有三个好朋友,他们都移民美国了。
2) Here are many kitties, two of which are yellow.这有许多小猫,其中两只是黄色的。
[练习] 汉译英
Key: I have three uncles, the youngest one of whom went to Australia three years ago.
When   1    (compare) with most natural changes, that the temperature of the earth rose about one degree Fahrenheit during the 20th century is quite shocking. And it’s human activity    2    has caused this   3    (全球的) warming rather   4    a random but natural   5    (现象). Dr Janice Foster explains that we add huge     6      of extra carbon dioxide to the atmosphere by burning fossil fuels. From the second     7    (图表)and the discovery of Charles Keeling, all scientists believe that the burning of more and more fossil fuels    has resulted   8   the increase in carbon dioxide. Greenhouse gases continue to build up. Some think that the trend would be a     9     (灾难). On the other hand, George Hambley      10      (声明) that more carbon dioxide would encourage a greater range of animals and bring us a better life.
答案:1.compared      2.that        3.global       4.rather            5.phenomenon
6.quantities      7.graph       8.in         9.catastrophe       10.states
2课文大意概括 (旨在训练用30个单词概括大意的能力)
From the passage we know that
答案:From the passage we know that the temperature of the earth is rising. It also shows us different ideas about global warming and analyzes the causes of the earth’s increased temperature and the possible effects according to the data from the graphs.
3课文佳句背诵与仿写 (旨在培养对难句的理解和运用能力)
1.【原句】There is no doubt that the earth is becoming warmer and that it is human activity that has caused this global warming rather than a random but natural phenomenon. 毫无疑问,地球是在变暖,而地球变暖正是人类活动导致而成,并非是一种无规律的自然现象。
[模仿要点] 句子结构:there is no doubt that … and that… 句式 + it is …that 强调句
答案:There is no doubt that the celebration of Christmas is a good way of learning the western culture and that it is the celebration of Christmas that makes our life more interesting.
答案:There is no doubt that too many computer games can have a bad effect on students’ health and that it is playing too much computer that costs them too much time resulting in too little time on study.
2.【原句】Some byproducts of this process are called “greenhouse” gases, the most important one of which is carbon dioxide.这个升温过程的一些副产品就叫做“温室”气体,其中最重要的是二氧化碳。
[模仿要点] 句子结构:主句,+ the most + adj. of  +  which 引导的定语从句
答案:Some possible actions should be taken to keep our earth from getting warm, the most important one of which is to limits the use of private cars.
答案: Some good learning methods should be adopted to improve your study, the most effective one of which is to discuss with your classmates.
3. 【原句】They also agree that it is the burning of more and more fossil fuels that has resulted in this increase in carbon dioxide.他们还赞同正是由于越来越多燃烧化石燃料导致了二氧化碳的增加。
[模仿要点] 句子结构:宾语从句中的强调句
答案: The passage indicates that it is human’s activities that has resulted in the environmental destruction to the village.
答案:We all agree that it is the younger generation that should take up the responsibility to build up the country.