河南借贷纠纷起诉费:美媒:中国世纪?不完全是!//美智库竟鼓吹水雷战对付中国海军 封锁海上交通线

来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/04/29 16:29:52
2011年12月02日 12:52:29
来源: 国际在线

The media: the mountain not only Chinese this a tiger
December 02, 2011 12:52:29
Source:International online
Xinhua micro bo

The text:biginsmall】 【print】
The United States"Hector fenton reaction post"November 28 article, the original question: Chinese century?Not quite
superpowerHave military strength force the world that its hegemony by default, economic superpower is affects capital flows and global growth.China will undoubtedly become an economic superpower, its economy will in decades as the world first.All corners of the earth will feel that China's industrial feelers, Chinese traditional medicine will become more popular, more students will learn Chinese......
However, China is to win the heart, it still has the soft strength gap.The Chinese believe in national center socialist, no matter how trivial or important, from narrow Angle to maintain our own interests instinct unpleasant.
First of all, the nation still bear the opium war to the new China was founded in 1949 from between the anger of the humiliation of the foreigners.No matter when, as long as there's a national "hurt the feelings of the Chinese people," this anger will surge.
Second, if necessary, the government will not consciously as bad a child would be petulant and with economic and military power to countries in some color to see see.And Japan and India's foreign relations is not stable, a large part of the reason is that China still has a brittle and unsafe state of mind.For many decades territorial dispute remains unresolved.
Third, although China society more civilized than a few years ago, but daily life is still cold every man regard each one.Charity organization can not get the full development, because the government is reluctant to give not under the direct leadership of any entity to power.Due to the lack of legal protection, family benefit at the expense of only the interests of the personnel outside the family safe.The disabled, the mental patient, homosexuals and AIDS patients, still will beSocial exclusion.To spit in public, burping is commonplace.In a crowded elevator or the aircraft, people play when mobile phone is still has a loud voice.
Fourth, the Chinese language is written with the pronunciation of the language that's quite all right, is still a exclusive language palace and a belt walled garden, unless the most rigorous training with and determined, it is difficult to foreigners inside.
China affect other cultural assets of unrivaled ability: freeway is imitation of the United States, the popular web site is copy the western, the CCP will also yourself into the global trading system to the net.However, despite the infatuated with the world, the Chinese are not easy to fit it in.China is trying to show its openness--sign written is bilingual, English adore, strong trading links, financial crises of the macroeconomic policies constructive.
But from the emotional speaking, the country remains with the outside keeping his distance.Information controlled, defense, psychological instinct interfere with the free exchange of ideas.In build trust before, foreigners have been will be affected by suspicion.Acquisition of western companies, it is hard to China's domestic and international manufacturers management team all together...
China will only is an economic superpower.mountainTiger is far from being only a.(the author Tom, rove, ChenYiYi doc)
(editing: stone lele) the name:biginsmall】 【print】 【closed】
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美智库竟鼓吹水雷战对付中国海军 封锁海上交通线
2011年12月01日 09:50:33
来源: 新华国际


但是我怀疑美国海军是否真的想发展对抗反介入与区域阻遏威胁的能力。有一个事例让我感到困扰。在最近一次远征作战会议上,一名官员宣布海军正计划在本财政年度结束之前,彻底废弃潜艇发射的水雷。M K67型潜艇布设的机动水雷能够通过自身动力到达很远的地方,然后在那里等待路过的船只,利用多重传感装置识别并瞄准猎物。M K67型水雷基于20世纪50年代的技术,单从其年代上看,的确是迟早需要替代的一种武器。