
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/04/25 16:41:59
311. I Only Want To Be With You
  前面在第305号歌曲里我说过,英国天后达斯汀史普林菲尔德Dusty Springfield绝对是一个在乐坛拥有重要地位的经典人物,这首I Only Want To Be With You就是她的代表作。
  达斯汀史普林菲尔德出生于二战爆发前的伦敦,本名玛丽伊莎贝尔Mary Isabel,50年代后期开始加入一些民谣组合,先是The Lana Sister,后来是The Springfields,其中The Springfields和她和自己的哥哥组成的,在英国民谣界有一定知名度,因此后来她决定单飞时为自己取了个艺名Dusty Springfield。
  1963年,达斯汀史普林菲尔德凭借着这首I Only Want To Be With You在英国走红,之后三度当选英国最佳女艺人,并且与著名的披头士、滚石等乐队一起开创了英国艺人大举进军美国的盛举(史称British Invasion)。
  达斯汀史普林菲尔德在美国同样非常成功,嗓音低沉委婉的她一度有白人灵歌天后(White Queen of Soul)之称,同时曲风广泛的她还涉及乡村、蓝调、民谣、音乐剧等多种形态,并且入选了摇滚名人堂,而在英国本土她也获得了王室的授勋。
   这首I Only Want To Be With You后来也有很多翻唱,我个人较欣赏澳大利亚女歌手蒂娜亚瑞娜(Tina Arena)的版本,与原版迥然不同的味道。
  I don't know what it is that makes me love you so
  I only know I never want to let you go
  Cause you've started something oh can't you see
  That ever since we met you've had a hold on me
  It happens to be true
  I only want to be with you
  It doesn't matter where you go or what you do
  I want to spend each moment of the day with you
  Oh look what has happened with just one kiss
  I never knew that I could be in love like this
  It's crazy but it's true
  I only want to be with you
  You stopped and smiled at me
  And asked if I'd care to dance
  I fell into your open arms
  And I didn't stand a chance
  Now listen honey
  I just want to be beside you everywhere
  As long as we're together honey I don't care
  Cause you've started something
  Oh can't you see
  That ever since we met
  You've had a hold on me
  No matter what you do
  I only want to be with you
  Oh oh you stopped and you smiled at me
  And asked if I'd care to dance
  I fell into your open arms
  And I didn't stand a chance
  Now hear me tell you
  I just want to be beside you everywhere
  As long as we're together honey I don't care
  Cause you've started something
  Oh can't you see
  That ever since we met
  You've had a hold on me
  No matter what you do
  I only want to be with you
  I said no matter no matter what you do
  I only want to be with you

作者:montery 回复日期:2011-03-05 18:24:49 

作者:什么狗东西 回复日期:2011-03-05 23:30:24 

作者:张翅 回复日期:2011-03-06 20:30:41 

作者:还可以用的用户名 回复日期:2011-03-06 22:00:50 

作者:fatebaby 回复日期:2011-03-06 23:03:05 

作者:茫然回国 回复日期:2011-03-06 23:09:40 

作者:挂甲人 回复日期:2011-03-07 08:46:31 
    312. I Run To You
   Lady Antebellum是美国异军突起的新组合,其中文名称也五花八门,有音译的安蒂贝勒姆夫人乐队(或安缇贝伦夫人乐队)、意译的怀旧女郎或者战前女神等等。
  Lady Antebellum的创建其实也颇有意思,这个三人组合中的领导人物Charles Kelley本来就是个建筑工人,但他有个哥哥是才子歌手josh kelley,受哥哥的影响,他决定拉上自己的高中同学Dave Haywood一起在音乐领域谋求发展。
  而这个组合中的Hillary Scott则是乡村女歌手 linda davis 的女儿,她和Charles Kelley先在myspace上互有往来,后来在现实生活里偶遇,发现彼此的音乐理念十分接近,因此一见如故,于是又加上Dave Haywood组合了这个三人帮,Charles Kelley与Hillary Scott负责主唱,Dave Haywood承担了吉他、钢琴等诸多乐器的演奏,创作则由三人共同完成。
  尽管成军于乡村音乐圣地纳什维尔的Lady Antebellum是一个乡村乐队,但他们的音乐早已不是20世纪传统乡村歌曲的概念,除了男女主唱在行腔上还有一些乡村乐的味道外,歌曲的旋律和编配已经非常的现代,甚至带有了摇滚的色彩。
  我个人在两年前听到他们的音乐后就非常的喜欢,在这个帖子首页的播放器里,第一首歌是著名的法国民谣“两只老虎”,第二首我就选了他们的这首I Run To You。
  就在半个月之前的格莱美颁奖典礼上,Lady Antebellum大出风头,拿到了5座奖杯笑傲群雄,可见真正的好音乐是不会被埋没的,只要你有才,哪怕你原来只是个美国农民工。
  I run from hate
  I run from prejudice
  I run from pessimists
  But I run too late
  I run my life
  Or is it running me
  Run from my past
  I run too fast
  Or too slow it seems
  When lies become the truth
  That’s when I run to you
  This world keeps spinning faster
  Into a new disaster so I run to you
  I run to you baby
  And when it all starts coming undone
  Baby you’re the only one I run to
  I run to you
  We run on fumes
  Your life and mine
  Like the sands of time
  Slippin’ right on through
  And our love’s the only truth
  That’s why I run to you
  This world keeps spinning faster
  Into a new disaster so I run to you
  I run to you baby
  And when it all starts coming undone
  Baby you’re the only one I run to
  I run to you
  oh I run to you
  This world keeps spinning faster
  Into a new disaster so I run to you
  I run to you baby
  And when it all starts coming undone
  Baby you’re the only one I run to
  I run to you I run to you
  I run to you
  I run to you
  I always run to you
  run to you
  run to you

作者:挂甲人 回复日期:2011-03-08 07:07:43 
   313. I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus
  I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus就是这样的一首圣诞金曲,父母的舐犊之情也好、夫妻间的恩爱之情也好都呼之欲出,非常适合节日的喜庆气氛,因此在全球也拥有众多的版本,大家慢慢找自己的喜爱吧。
  I saw mommy kissing Santa Claus
  Underneath the mistletoe last night
  She didn't see me creep down the stairs to have a peek
  She thought that I was tucked up in my bedroom fast asleep
  Then I saw mommy tickle Santa Claus
  Underneath his beard so snow white
  Oh What a laugh it would have been
  If daddy had only seen
  Mommy kissing Santa Clause last night
  I saw mommy kissing Santa Claus
  Underneath the mistletoe last night
  She didn't see me creep down the stairs to have a peek
  She thought that I was tucked up in my bedroom fast asleep
  Then I saw mommy tickle Santa Claus
  Underneath his beard so snow white
  Oh What a laugh it would have been
  If daddy had only seen
  Mommy kissing Santa Clause last night
  Mommy kissing Santa Clause last night

作者:踏满香尘 回复日期:2011-03-08 09:02:31 

作者:赤条来去无牵挂 回复日期:2011-03-08 15:46:41 

作者:白水117 回复日期:2011-03-08 22:38:49 

作者:瑞雪凝香 回复日期:2011-03-08 23:57:50 

作者:挂甲人 回复日期:2011-03-09 18:11:22 
   314. I Still Believe
  一首非常好听而且颇见功力的歌曲,同时也是天后玛丽亚凯莉Mariah Carey成名道路上最重要的一首歌。
  80年代初,美国有一个五兄妹演唱组Debarge 迪巴吉合唱团,一度被视为The Jackson 5的接班人,不过后来两个主唱哥哥Eldra DeBarge 和妹妹Bunny DeBarge都先后退出了,乐队也随之解体。
  妹妹Bunny DeBarge单飞后推出了这首I Still Believe,但并没在歌迷里引起太大的反响,而另一位女歌星布兰达丝塔Brenda K Starr注意到了这首歌,并在后来将其翻唱获得了成功。
  在一次参加WTG唱片公司的晚会的时候,布兰达丝塔本来想把玛丽亚凯莉演唱的小样推荐给WTG唱片公司总裁Jerry Greenberg,不料样带却被索尼哥伦比亚唱片公司的总裁汤米摩托拉Tommy Mottola中途截走了,事后来看,也许是汤米摩托拉当时已经看上了青春靓丽的花蝴蝶。
  到了99年的时候,玛丽亚凯莉也推出了这首I Still Believe,这也是到目前为止被认为是这首歌最出色的一个翻唱版本,无论演唱还是编曲都比十几年前的那两个版本精致了许多,而此刻的她也已经和汤米摩托拉离婚。
  You look in my eyes
  And I get emotional inside.
  I know it's crazy
  But you still can touch my heart.
  And after all this time,
  You'd think that I,
  I wouldn't feel the same
  But time melts into nothing
  And nothing's changed.
  I still believe, someday you and me,
  Will find ourselves in love again.
  I had a dream, someday you and me,
  Will find ourselves in love again.
  Each day of my life
  I'm filled with all the joy I could find.
  You know that I am not the desperate type.
  If there's one spark of hope left in my grasp
  I'll hold it with both hands.
  It's worth the risk of burning to have a second chance.
  No, no, no, no, no, no I need you baby.
  I still believe that we can be together.
  If we believe that true love never has to end,
  Then we must know that we will love again.
  I still believe, someday you and me,
  Will find ourselves in love again.
  I had a dream, someday you and me,
  Will find ourselves in love again.
  I still believe, someday you and me,
  Will find ourselves in love again.
  I had a dream, someday you and me,
  Will find ourselves in love again.

作者:五点钟遇见 回复日期:2011-03-09 19:22:49 

作者:挂甲人 回复日期:2011-03-10 15:24:16 
   315. I Swear
  在不久前推出的第290首歌 I Can Love You Like That里我就介绍过乡村歌手约翰麦可蒙哥马利John Michael Montgomery,这首I Swear也是他个人最著名的代表作,不过这首歌最著名的版本却不是来自他,而是来自All-4-One的翻唱。
  当年这首乡村歌曲被创造出来后居然一直无人问津,包括肯尼罗杰斯(Kenny Rogers)等等的大腕歌手都对此歌不感兴趣,直到5年后歌曲的两位作者之一应邀参与蒙哥马利的新专辑的制作工作,他力劝后者演唱此歌,蒙哥马利尽管也没太看好这首歌,但还是把它收进了自己的专辑。
  结果这首歌一经推出大受欢迎,蝉联了四周乡村乐排行榜的冠军,而蒙哥马利所属的大西洋唱片立刻趁热打铁,又马上安排了旗下新人组合四合一(All-4-One)也录制了一个版本,并请来了我前面介绍过的流行乐教父大卫福斯特David Foster来亲自制作。果然,All-4-One的这个版本更是出彩,拿到了连续11周的排行榜冠军。
  All-4-One版本MV视频 http://www.yinyuetai.com/video/10174
  I swear !
  By the moon and the stars in the skies.
  And I swear !
  Like the shadow that's by your side.
  I see the questions in your eyes.
  I know what's weighing on your mind.
  You can be sure I know my part.
  'Cause I'll stand beside you through the years.
  You'll only cry those happy tears.
  And though I'd make mistakes.
  I'll never break your heart.
  And I swear !
  By the moon and the stars in the skies.
  I'll be there.
  I swear !
  Like the shadow that's by your side.
  I'll be there.
  For better or worse.
  Till death do us part.
  I'll love you with every beat of my heart!
  I swear !
  I gave you everything I can.
  I'll build your dreams with these two hands.
  We'll hang some memories on the walls
  And when(And when)Just the two of us are there.
  You won't have to ask if I'd still care.
  'Cos as the time turns the page.
  My love won't age at all.
  And I swear(I swear)!
  By the moon and the stars in the skies.
  I'll be there.
  I'll be there.
  I swear(And I swear)!
  Like the shadow that's by your side.
  I'll be there.
  I'll be there.
  For better or worse.
  Till death do us part.
  I'll love you with every beat of my heart!
  And I swear !
  I Swear(I swear)!
  By the moon and the stars in the skies.
  I'll be there.
  I'll be there.
  I swear
  Like the shadow that's by your side.
  I'll be there(I'll be there).
  For better or worse.
  Till death do us part.
  I'll love you with every single beat of my heart.
  And I swear,I swear,I Swear !

作者:挂甲人 回复日期:2011-03-11 17:46:40 

作者:挂甲人 回复日期:2011-03-11 17:48:50 
   316. I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Who Loves Me)
  来自惠特妮休斯顿(Whitney Houston)的一首非常经典的歌曲,当大家听到这首节奏强劲、动感十足的旋律时,会不会想到这首歌其实本来是一首乡村歌曲?反差很大吧。
  乡村乐虽然很好听,但是白人色彩过强,一直与黑人歌手格格不入,因此当年这首歌被写出来后并没有受到惠特妮的青睐,好在这首歌的制作人是纳茹阿达迈克尔沃尔顿(Narada Michael Walden),他为包括惠特妮休斯顿、玛丽亚凯莉、芭芭拉史翠珊、乔治迈克尔等多名巨星制作过专辑,是多次拿到格莱美的又一大师级人物。
  沃尔顿对歌曲进行了精心的编配,并且使用了名为“音墙”(Wall of Sound)的录音技术,立刻将这首歌打造成为了劲爆现代的舞曲风格,非常具有听觉上的冲击力,同时也利于展现惠特妮力道十足的嗓音,从而让惠特妮由对这首歌的勉为其难变为了爱不释手,发挥出了其早年演唱的最佳水准。
  2008年,新秀Alexandra Burke凭借对这首歌的出色翻唱拿到了英国偶像大赛的冠军,长江后浪推前浪啊。
  Alexandra Burke现场视频http://www.yinyuetai.com/video/115272
  Clock strikes upon the hour
  And the sun begins to fade
  Still enough time to figure out
  How to chase my blues away
  Ive done alright up till now
  Its the light of day that shows me how
  And when the night falls the loneliness calls
  Oh I wanna dance with somebody
  I wanna feel the heat with somebody
  Yeah I wanna dance with somebody
  With somebody who loves me
  Oh I wanna dance with somebody
  I wanna feel the heat with somebody
  Yeah I wanna dance with somebody
  With somebody who loves me
  Ive been in love and lost my senses
  Spinning through the town
  Sooner or later the fever ends
  And I wind up feeling down
  I need a man who'll take a chance
  On a love that burns hot enough to last
  So when the night falls
  My lonely heart calls
  Oh I wanna dance with somebody
  I wanna feel the heat with somebody
  Yeah I wanna dance with somebody
  With somebody who loves me
  Oh I wanna dance with somebody
  I wanna feel the heat
  Yeah I wanna dance with somebody
  With somebody who loves me
  Somebody who somebody who
  Somebody who loves me
  Somebody who somebody who
  To hold me in his arms oh
  I need a man who'll take a chance
  On a love that burns hot enough to last
  So when the night falls
  My lonely heart calls.
  Oh I wanna dance with somebody
  I wanna feel the heat with somebody
  Yeah I wanna dance with somebody
  With somebody who loves me
  Oh I wanna dance with somebody
  I wanna feel the heat with somebody
  Yeah I wanna dance with somebody
  With somebody who loves me
  Come on baby, haha
  Now get with this
  Don't you wanna dance
  with me baby?
  Don't you wanna dance
  with me boy?
  Don't you wanna dance
  with me baby?
  With somebody who loves me.
  Don't you wanna dance say you wanna dance
  Don't you wanna dance?
  Don't you wanna dance say you wanna dance
  Don't you wanna dance?
  Don't you wanna dance say you wanna dance?
  Uh huh. With somebody who loves me

作者:浅草之 回复日期:2011-03-11 17:59:46 

作者:沉默是烟1 回复日期:2011-03-11 21:31:23 

作者:wolfman_jack 回复日期:2011-03-12 00:26:39 

作者:挂甲人 回复日期:2011-03-12 14:11:50 
   317. I Want It That Way
  这是来自后街男孩(Backstreet Boys)的一首非常走红的歌曲。
  一般比较公认的男孩偶像组合的鼻祖是来自80年代美国的新街边仔New Kids On The Block(后面到他们的歌时我会详细说说的),不过这种模式却是到了90年代后才风靡全球,同时中心地点也不再是美国而是变成了欧洲。
  来自英国的接招合唱团(Take That)可以说是这一时期的最早走红的团体(虽然他们刚出道时仅仅被称为“英国的新街边仔”), 紧接着还有来自爱尔兰的男孩地带(Boyzone)。这两个组合的成功深深地刺激了美国人,因此他们通过精心的策划和包装,也推出了后街男孩(Backstreet Boys) 和超级男孩(N'Sync)。
  当时的美国音乐市场对这种偶像组合还是比较轻视的(这也是之前的新街边仔没能大红大紫的原因),因此Backstreet Boys也好、N'Sync也好,都是先向欧洲市场出击,通过大规模的巡演、宣传积累人气,等有了一定的成绩后再杀回美国,并且最终取得了成功。
  而此刻他们的对手已经不是Take That和Boyzone了,那两个组合的内部都开始出现了一些问题,不过又有一支爱尔兰后起之秀横空出世与他们抗衡,那就是Westlife,这些以后我们慢慢讲。
  You are my fire The one desire
  Believe when I say I want it that way
  But we are two worlds apart
  Can't reach to your heart When you say
  That I want it that way
  Tell me why Ain't nothin' but a heartache
  Tell me why Ain't nothin' but a mistake
  Tell me why
  I never wanna hear you say I want it that way
  Am I your fire
  Your one desire desire it's too late
  But I want it that way
  Now I can see that we've fallen apart
  From the way that it used to be Yeah
  No matter the distance I want you to know
  That deep down inside of me
  You are my fire The one desire
  You are (You are You are You are)
  Don't wanna hear you say
  Ain't nothin' but a heartache
  Ain't nothin' but a mistake
  (Don't wanna hear you say)
  I never wanna hear you say
  I want it that way
  Tell me why
  (Never wanna hear you say it)
  Cause I want it that way

作者:zibra2129329 回复日期:2011-03-12 16:40:42 
    mark down

作者:挂甲人 回复日期:2011-03-13 16:44:56 
   318. I Want To Hold Your Hand
  伟大的披头士Beatles无需过多介绍,这首I Want To Hold Your Hand则是他们在将近半个世纪前征服美国的作品。
  那会儿的披头士虽然已经红遍英伦和欧洲,但美国的各大唱片公司还是认为他们的音乐不合美国人的口味,因此一直不准备引进,直到这首I Want To Hold Your Hand出现,形势才有所改观。
  当时的一个嗅觉敏锐的美国电台DJ,他通过飞英国航班的空姐的帮助,购买到了披头士最新的这首I Want To Hold Your Hand,在电台播出后大受欢迎,其他电台也纷纷效仿,通过各种渠道去英国购买披头士的唱片,这也迫使相关的美国唱片公司加快了引进披头士的步伐,在这首I Want To Hold Your Hand被正式引进后,立刻连续7周占据排行榜冠军,紧接着引进的Love Me Do、Can’t Buy Me Love等歌曲也都先后拿到冠军。
  Oh yeah I tell you somethin'
  I think you'll understand
  When I say that somethin'
  I want to hold your hand
  I want to hold your hand
  I want to hold your hand
  Oh please say to me
  You'll let me be your man
  And please say to me
  You'll let me hold your hand
  Now let me hold your hand
  I want to hold your hand
  And when I touch you
  I feel happy inside
  It's such a feelin' that my love
  I can't hide
  I can't hide
  I can't hide
  Yeah you got that somethin'
  I think you'll understand
  When I say that somethin'
  I want to hold your hand
  I want to hold your hand
  I want to hold your hand
  And when I touch you
  I feel happy inside
  It's such a feelin' that my love
  I can't hide
  I can't hide
  I can't hide
  Yeah you got that somethin'
  I think you'll understand
  When I feel that somethin'
  I want to hold your hand
  I want to hold your hand
  I want to hold your hand
  I want to hold your hand

作者:黑背 回复日期:2011-03-13 22:56:10 

作者:slfeng007 回复日期:2011-03-14 13:11:30 

作者:阿赖耶识居然被用 回复日期:2011-03-14 13:50:39 

作者:zj10171017 回复日期:2011-03-14 16:51:35 

作者:zj10171017 回复日期:2011-03-14 16:55:49 
    A Thousand Miles

作者:打肿小PP 回复日期:2011-03-14 17:57:03 

作者:挂甲人 回复日期:2011-03-14 23:46:29 
   319. I Want You
  来自澳大利亚的组合野人花园(Savage Garden)前面介绍过,这里不多说了。这首I Want You就是他们的成名之作,当年毫无名气的他们把这首歌录制完成后抱着碰运气的心态将小样寄给了多家电台,终于,某一天一家电台决定播出此歌,接到通知的他们欣喜如狂,但恐怕他们自己也没有想到,这首歌播出后大受欢迎,在澳洲的排行榜上一路狂升,最后一直拿到了冠军,从而让野人花园名声大涨,也开始走上了进军全球的道路。
  Anytime I need to see your face I just close my eyes
  And I am taken to a place
  Where your crystal minds and my gentle feelings
  Take up shelter in the base of my spine
  Sweet like a chica cherry cola
  I don't need to try to explain
  I just hold on tight and If it happens again
  I may move so slightly to the arms
  And the lips and the face
  Of the human cannonball that
  I need to I want to
  Come stand a little bit closer breathe in and get a bit higher
  You'll never know what hit you when I get to you
  Ooh I want you I don't know if I need you but
  Ooh I'd die to find out
  Ooh I want you I don't know if I need you but
  Ooh I'd die to find out
  I'm the kind of person who endorses a deep commitment
  Getting comfy getting perfect is what I live for
  But a look and then a smell of perfume
  It's like I'm down on the floor
  And I don't know what I'm in for
  Conversation has a time and place in the interaction
  Of a lover and a mate but the time of talking
  Using symbols using words can be likened
  To a deep sea diver who is swimming with a raincoat
  Come stand a little bit closer
  Breathe in and get a bit higher
  You'll never know what hit you when I get to you
  Ooh I want you I don't know if I need you but
  Ooh I'd die to find out
  Ooh I want you I don't know if I need you but
  Ooh I'd die to find out
  Ooh ahh
  Ooh ahh
  Anytime I need to see your face I just close my eyes
  And I am taken to a place
  Where your crystal minds and my gentle feelings
  Take up shelter in the base of my spine
  Sweet like a chica cherry cola
  I don't need to try to explain
  I just hold on tight and If it happens again
  I may move so slightly to the arms
  And the lips and the face
  Of the human cannonball that I need to I want to
  Ooh I want you I don't know if I need you but
  Ooh I'd die to find out
  Ooh I want you I don't know if I need you but
  Ooh I'd die to find out
  So can we find out
  Ooh I want you I don't know if I need you but
  Ooh I'd die to find out
  Ooh I want you I don't know if I need you but
  Ooh I'd die to find out
  Ooh I want you I don't know if I need you but
  Ooh I'd die to find out
  Ooh I want you I don't know if I need you but
  Ooh I'd die to find out

作者:挂甲人 回复日期:2011-03-15 13:59:41 
   320. I Was Made For Dancin
  雷夫葛瑞 (Leif Garrett)是60年代美国的天才童星,他出身于演艺世家,5岁登台,之后在影视以及音乐方面都星途顺利,唱出这首I Was Made For Dancin时还不满18岁,被认为前途无量。
  You got me rolling like a wheel on the road
  Turning round and round no where to go
  I've got to find out if you're feeling it too
  It's hard to tell so here's what I do
  And every time I want more
  I'll take you out on the floor
  I was made for dancing
  All all all all night long
  I was made for dancing
  All all all all night long
  The days and nights are moving by me and you
  It's such a crazy love you tear me in two
  I spend my time moving to dreams and a phase
  It's a crazy love you can see it in my face
  And every time I want more
  I'll take you out on the floor oh oh
  I was made for dancing
  All all all all night long
  I was made for dancing
  All all all all night long
  I was made for dancing
  All all all all night long
  I was made for dancing
  All all all all night long
  Ah ah dancing
  I was made for dancing ah ah
  I was made for dancing dancing dancing oh
  I was made for dancing
  All all all all night long
  I was made for dancing
  All all all all night long
  I was made for dancing
  All all all all night long
  I was made for dancing
  All all all all night long

作者:活着2012 回复日期:2011-03-15 16:53:40 

作者:挂甲人 回复日期:2011-03-16 15:42:28 
  321. I Will Always Love You
  这是一首非常著名的歌曲了,但更多的人还是因电影《保镖The Bodyguard》里惠特妮休斯顿(Whitney Houston)的版本才了解了这首歌,因此关于它的背景还是应该说说。
  波特华格纳Porter Wagoner是五六十年代著名的乡村乐大师,前面的第241首歌Green, Green Grass of Home就是他的经典作品之一,而他另一个最著名的作品不是歌曲,而是乡村天后多莉帕顿Dolly Parton。
  随着多莉帕顿的成长,两人既有音乐理念上的分歧,也有合作模式上的微妙,因此最终她还是决定离开波特华格纳自立门户了,分手之际,多莉帕顿创作并演唱了这首感人肺腑的I Will Always Love You来表达对恩师的这份敬意,所以说这首歌的主题是“虽然我爱你,但是我还是要离开你”。
  写到这顺便说一下,很多朋友只是因为歌名的缘故就把它当做歌颂爱情万年长青的歌曲,在求婚、求爱甚至婚礼上使用,其实是很不吉利的,因为这首歌表现的是分手,So goodbye,please don"t cry,We both know I"m not what you need。
  74年的时候,多莉帕顿就凭借这首歌拿到了排行榜的冠军;到了82年,多莉帕顿主演电影《春色满德州The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas》时又重新录制了一个版本,再次拿到了排行榜冠军。
  到了92年,电影《保镖The Bodyguard》拍摄时根据剧情需要女主角要唱一首六七十年代的老歌,而惠特妮休斯顿一开始选中的歌曲因故不能使用,男主角凯文科斯特纳(Kevin Costner)则推荐了这首I Will Always Love You。
  我在前面说过,作为黑人歌星的惠特妮休斯顿对乡村乐一直不敢兴趣,好在经过大卫福斯特David Foster(又是这个牛人)重新的编配制作,惠特妮休斯顿的版本大气磅礴,充满了黑人灵歌的色彩,与原作呈现出来了完全不同的风味,这个版本上市后引起了更大的轰动,连续十四周雄霸排行榜冠军。
  到了95年的时候,歌曲的作者和原唱多莉帕顿邀请另一位乡村歌星Vince Gill合作,用男女对唱的方式第三次录制了这首歌曲,结果这个版本又拿到了当年乡村音乐协会的大奖。
  2007年,已经80岁的乡村音乐传奇大师波特华格纳Porter Wagoner去世,事实上,他与多莉帕顿分开后两人关系一直不佳,甚至为了经济利益曾对簿公堂,此刻,再听到这首I Will Always Love You,不仅令人百感交集、唏嘘不已。
  If I should stay
  I would only be in your way
  So I"ll go, but I know
  I"ll think of you every step of the way
  And I will always love you
  I will always love you
  You, my darling you, you
  Bitter sweet memories
  That is all I"m taking with me
  So goodbye, please don"t cry
  We both know I"m not what you need
  And I will always love you
  I will always love you
  I hope life treats you kind
  And I hope you have all you dreamed off
  And I wish to you joy and happiness
  But above all this I wish to you love
  And I will always love you
  I will always love you

作者:windy926 回复日期:2011-03-16 17:42:05 

作者:挂甲人 回复日期:2011-03-17 15:47:37 
  322. I Will Come To You
  这首的I Will Come To You是一首歌颂友情的真挚旋律,既动听又大气,曾经被选为大众汽车的广告曲,而汉森兄弟也在不断成长,我个人比较欣赏他们在数年后现场演绎此歌的版本,嗓音已经不再青涩,音乐更多了一份成熟和内敛。
  When you have no light to guide you
  And no one to walk to walk beside you
  I will come to you
  Oh I will come to you
  When the night is dark and stormy
  You won't have to reach out for me
  I will come to you
  Oh I will come to you
  Sometimes when all your dreams may have seen better days
  And you don't know how or why, but you've lost your way
  Have no fear when your tears are fallin'
  I will hear your spirit callin'
  And I swear I'll be there come what may
  'Cause even if we can't be together
  We'll be friends now and forever
  And I swear that I'll be there come what may
  When the night is dark and stormy
  You won't have to reach out for me
  I will come to you
  Oh I will come to you
  We all need somebody we can turn to
  Someone who'll always understand
  So if you feel that your soul is dyin'
  And you need the strength to keep tryin'
  I'll reach out and take your hand

作者:yk860517 回复日期:2011-03-17 21:51:36 
    楼主 您幸苦了 这么多的经典歌 很给力!

作者:Alan23 回复日期:2011-03-18 03:56:29 

作者:cnay2008 回复日期:2011-03-18 12:44:12 

作者:vv_傅 回复日期:2011-03-18 14:25:11 

作者:randomcloud 回复日期:2011-03-18 16:05:01 

作者:mzblixinglei 回复日期:2011-03-18 23:22:37 

作者:挂甲人 回复日期:2011-03-19 03:39:16 
  323. I Will Follow Him
  这首歌的原唱是一首60年代的法语歌Chariot,演唱者佩杜拉克拉克(Petula Clark)我们以后会专门介绍。
  后来这首歌被美国的一个唱片公司的制作人听到,当时他正在推出童星Little Peggy March,觉得这首歌十分适合这个小姑娘,于是买下了歌曲的版权并填上英文歌词以I Will Follow Him的名称推出,这个版本在美国大受欢迎,拿到了排行榜冠军,Little Peggy March也以15岁零1个月的年龄成为了史上最年轻的Billboard冠军歌手。
  到了90年代,这首歌又成为了电影《修女也疯狂Sister Act》的主题曲,由于情节的原因在片中被多次演唱,因此这首欢快悦耳的歌曲又再度走红、风靡世界。
  电影《修女也疯狂Sister Act》版本视频//v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjQwMjQwNTIw.html
   I love him, I love him, I love him
  And where he goes
  I'll follow, I'll follow, I'll follow
  I will follow him
  Follow him wherever he may go
  There isn't an ocean too deep
  A mountain so high it can keep me away
  I will follow him
  Ever since he touched my hand I knew
  And near him, I always must be
  For nothing can keep me from him
  He is my destiny
  I love him, I love him, I love him
  And where he goes
  I'll follow, I'll follow, I'll follow
  He'll always be my true love
  My true love, my true love
  From now until forever
  Forever, forever
  I will follow him
  Follow Him wherever he may go
  There isn't an ocean too deep
  A mountain so high it can keep
  Keep me away, away from my love
  I love Him, I love him, I love him
  And where he goes
  I'll follow, I'll follow, I'll follow
  He'll always be my true love
  My true love, my true love
  From now until forever
  Forever, forever
  I will follow him
  Follow him wherever He may go
  There isn't an ocean too deep
  A mountain so high it can keep
  Keep me away, away from my love
  Where he goes I'll follow, I'll follow, I'll follow
  I know I always love him, I love him, I love him
  Where he goes I'll follow, I'll follow, I'll follow
  I know I always love him, I love him, I love him

作者:szsd2008 回复日期:2011-03-19 11:18:46 
  I swear

作者:stevehxj 回复日期:2011-03-19 22:21:19 

作者:挂甲人 回复日期:2011-03-19 22:57:46 
  324. I Will Remember You
  前面介绍Angel那首歌时我们已经认识了加拿大的天籁之音莎拉麦克拉克兰(Sarah McLachlan),今天的这首I Will Remember You是她的又一代表作。
  95年的时候,一部只花了2万5千美金制作的小成本独立电影《The Brothers McMullen》拿到了当年美国圣丹斯国际电影节(Sundance Film Festival)的大奖,而其中的主题歌就是这首由莎拉麦克拉克兰演唱并参与创作的I Will Remember You。
  I will remember you
  Will you remember me?
  Don't let your life pass you by
  Weep not for the memories
  Remember the good times that we had?
  I let them slip away from us when things got bad
  How clearly I first saw you smilin' in the sun
  Wanna feel your warmth upon me, I wanna be the one
  I will remember you
  Will you remember me?
  Don't let your life pass you by
  Weep not for the memories
  I'm so tired but I can't sleep
  Standin' on the edge of something much too deep
  It's funny how we feel so much but we cannot say a word
  We are screaming inside, but we can't be heard
  But I will remember you
  Will you remember me?
  Don't let your life pass you by
  Weep not for the memories
  I'm so afraid to love you, but more afraid to loose
  Clinging to a past that doesn't let me choose
  Once there was a darkness, deep and endless night
  You gave me everything you had, oh you gave me light
  And I will remember you
  Will you remember me?
  Don't let your life pass you by
  Weep not for the memories
  And I will remember you
  Will you remember me?
  Don't let your life pass you by
  Weep not for the memories
  Weep not for the memories

作者:潇湘遗恨 回复日期:2011-03-19 23:23:47 

作者:felix_ada1982 回复日期:2011-03-20 02:21:36 

作者:小栗子 回复日期:2011-03-20 10:12:37 

作者:挂甲人 回复日期:2011-03-20 15:50:22 
  325. I Will Survive
  这是美国女歌手葛罗莉亚盖娜(Gloria Gaynor)的代表作,她在70年代一度有Disco女王之称。
  一次在欧洲的演出时,她不慎从舞台失足摔伤了脊椎,长时间的疗养期间母亲又因病去世,如此众多的打击并没有让她消沉,伤愈复出后的她立刻以这首I Will Survive征服了世界。
  At first I was afraid I was petrified
  Kept thinkin' I could never live without you by my side
  But then I spent so many nights
  Thinkin' how you did me wrong
  And I grew strong
  And I learn how to get along
  And so you're back from outer space
  I just walked in to find you here with that sad look upon your face
  I should have changed that stupid lock
  I should have made you leave your key
  If I'd've known for just one second you'd back to bother me
  Go on now go walk out the door
  Just turn around now
  'Cause you're not welcome anymore
  Weren't you the one who tried to hurt me with goodbye
  Did I crumble
  Did you think I'd lay down and die
  Oh no not I I will survive
  Oh as long as I know how to love I know I'll stay alive
  I've got all my life to live
  I've got all my love to give and I'll survive
  I will survive hey hey
  It took all the strength I had not to fall apart
  Kept trying' hard to mend the pieces of my broken heart
  And I spent oh so many nights
  Just feeling sorry for myself I used to cry
  But now I hold my head up high
  And you see me somebody new
  I'm not that chained up little person still in love with you
  And so you feel like droppin' in
  And just expect me to be free
  Now I'm savin' all my lovin' for someone who's lovin' me
  Go on now go walk out the door
  Just turn around now
  'Cause you're not welcome anymore
  Weren't you the one who tried to hurt me with goodbye
  Did I crumble
  Did you think I'd lay down and die
  Oh no not I I will survive
  Oh as long as I know how to love I know I'll stay alive
  I've got all my life to live
  I've got all my love to give and I'll survive
  I will survive oh
  Go on now go walk out the door
  Just turn around now
  'Cause you're not welcome anymore
  Weren't you the one who tried to hurt me with goodbye
  Did I crumble
  Did you think I'd lay down and die
  Oh no not I I will survive
  Oh as long as I know how to love I know I'll stay alive
  I've got all my life to live
  I've got all my love to give and I'll survive
  I will survive
  I will survive

作者:LL萧 回复日期:2011-03-20 20:13:24 

作者:thymephyme 回复日期:2011-03-20 22:20:23 

作者:eyemoon 回复日期:2011-03-20 22:27:49 

作者:742433690 回复日期:2011-03-21 10:25:58 

作者:挂甲人 回复日期:2011-03-21 16:00:11 
  326. I Wish You Love
  这首歌原来是一首非常著名的法国香颂Que Reste-T-Il De Nos Amours,来自法国歌王查尔斯德内Charles Trenet,歌中弥漫的那份浪漫、精致以及淡淡的忧伤醉人心脾,是整个法兰西家喻户晓的经典旋律。
  这首歌传到美国后又被爵士歌王纳特金科尔(Nat King Cole)以英文版本I Wish You Love予以推出,更是风靡多年历久不衰,其后数十年又被多次翻唱,包括了迪安马丁(Dean Martin)、朱迪嘉兰(Judy Garland)、南希威尔森(Nancy Wilson)、阿尔玛柯冈(Alma Cogan) 、派翠西亚凯丝(Patricia Kaas)、小野丽莎(Lisa Ono) 、麦克布雷(Michael Buble)等众多大腕。
  I wish you bluebirds
  in the spring
  To give your heart a song to sing
  And then a kiss
  But more than this
  I wish you love
  And in July a lemonade
  To cool you in some leafy glade
  I wish you health
  And more than wealth
  I wish you love
  My breaking heart and I agree
  That you and I could never be
  So with my best, my very best
  I set you free
  I wish you shelter from the storm
  A cozy fire to keep you warm
  But most of all
  When snowflakes fall
  I wish you love
  I wish you shelter from the storm
  A cozy fire to keep you warm
  But most of all
  When snowflakes fall
  I wish you love

作者:丫丫081014 回复日期:2011-03-21 20:59:17 

作者:回峰 回复日期:2011-03-22 00:29:39 

作者:巨超超的老婆 回复日期:2011-03-22 01:20:12 
    谢谢楼主 也谢谢你的音乐 对味 哈哈

作者:饮水曲肱 回复日期:2011-03-22 09:06:26 


作者:挂甲人 回复日期:2011-03-22 17:32:42 
  327. I Won't Last A Day Without You
  Roger Nichols 和 Paul Williams是70年代美国流行乐坛的一对黄金搭档,他们拥有非常出色的创作才华,自己也可以演唱,但一直默默无闻,直到后来他们遇到了卡朋特兄妹组合(The Carpenters),并为后者创作了多首脍炙人口的经典歌曲,双方才相得益彰。
  这首I Won't Last A Day Without You就是其中之一,当歌曲录制好以后并没有受到唱片公司高层的重视,在卡朋特的新专辑中被放到B面中间一个不起眼的位置,当然更不是主打歌了,因此一开始的反响并不大。
  一年后,歌曲作者Roger Nichols 和 Paul Williams自己又录制了一个版本,同样没有引起轰动;直到又过了一年,当时正在走红的女歌手莫林麦戈文Maureen McGovern录制的一个版本才开始让这首歌惹人注目。
  走红后的这首歌大受青睐,芭芭拉史翠珊(Barbra Streisand)、戴安娜罗丝(Diana Ro)、阿马蒂诺(Al Martino)等多名大腕都纷纷推出了自己的翻唱版本。
  Day after day I must face a world of strangers
  Where I don't belong, I'm not that strong
  It's nice to know that there's someone I can turn to
  Who will always care, you're always there
  When there's no getting over that rainbow
  When my smallest of dreams won't come true
  I can take all the madness the world has to give
  But I won't last a day without you
  So many times when the city seems to be without a friendly face
  A lonely place
  It's nice to know that you'll be there if I need you
  And you'll always smile, it's all worthwhile
  When there's no getting over that rainbow
  When my smallest of dreams won't come true
  I can take all the madness the world has to give
  But I won't last a day without you
  Touch me and I end up singing
  Troubles seem to up and disappear
  You touch me with the love you're bringing
  I can't really lose when you're near
  When you need my love
  If all my friends have forgotten half their promises
  They're not unkind, just hard to find
  One look at you and I know that I could learn to live
  Without the rest, I found the best
  When there's no getting over that rainbow
  When my smallest of dreams won't come true
  I can take all the madness the world has to give
  But I won't last a day without you
  When there's no getting over that rainbow
  When my smallest of dreams won't come true
  I can take all the madness the world has to give
  But I won't last a day without you
  Won't last a day without you

作者:书香红袖 回复日期:2011-03-22 19:39:50 

作者:像在太阳下死去 回复日期:2011-03-23 01:13:15 
  I字头的James Brown的I feel good,Van Halen - I Can't Stop Loving You,这两首有么?

作者:像在太阳下死去 回复日期:2011-03-23 01:15:22 
    Eric Clapton - I Shot The Sheriff

作者:挂甲人 回复日期:2011-03-23 11:14:57 
  328. I( Who Have Nothing )
  前一首歌刚刚介绍了Roger Nichols 和 Paul Williams这一对音乐创作搭档,他们确实很厉害,不过接下来介绍的Jerry Leiber和Mike Stoller这对搭档可就更牛了,无论在摇滚领域还是R&B领域,这二位都是硕果累累。
  他们的成名作是为猫王所写的Hound Dog和Jailhouse,可以说这两首歌几乎奠定了猫王成为摇滚巨星的地位;同时,他们俩还捧红了两个著名的R&B组合The Coasters以及The Drifters(包括后来单飞的The Drifters的主唱Ben E. King)。
  这首I( Who Have Nothing )就是他们二人创作的众多经典歌曲中的一首,歌曲大气磅礴、配乐上十分丰满,数十年来拥有大量的翻唱版本。我个人推荐三个英国男人的版本乔考克Joe Cocker的、汤姆琼斯Tom Jones的、克利夫理查Cliff Richard的。
  07 年美国偶像冠军Jordin Sparks参赛现场版视频//v.youku.com/v_show/id_cf00XMTM4ODYxOTY=.html
  I I who have nothing
  I I who have no one
  Adore you and want you so
  I'm just a no one
  With nothing to give you but oh
  I love you
  He He buys you diamonds
  Bright sparkling diamonds
  But believe me dear when I say
  That he can give you the world
  But he'll never love you the way
  I love you
  He can take you anyplace he wants
  To fancy clubs and restaurants
  But I can only watch you with
  My nose pressed up against the window pane
  I I who have nothing
  I I who have no one
  Must watch you go dancing by
  Wrapped in the arms of somebody else
  When darling it's I
  Who loves you
  I love you
  I love you
  I love you

Jerry Leiber(左一)、Mike Stoller与猫王

作者:小李飞鸟 回复日期:2011-03-23 15:23:08 
  后面有没有voice-cheap trick?

作者:小李飞鸟 回复日期:2011-03-23 15:27:18 

作者:山东小袁 回复日期:2011-03-23 16:20:31 

作者:山东小袁 回复日期:2011-03-23 16:21:43 
    @挂甲人 楼主加油 支持你 在精神上

作者:mmsh闪电 回复日期:2011-03-23 16:51:38 

作者:ququpp说话啦 回复日期:2011-03-23 21:22:07 

作者:大宝菲 回复日期:2011-03-23 21:40:03 

作者:kristismile 回复日期:2011-03-23 22:12:41 

作者:没有RPWT 回复日期:2011-03-23 22:35:24 

作者:我本善靓 回复日期:2011-03-24 11:03:09 

作者:挂甲人 回复日期:2011-03-24 21:02:00 
  329. I'd Love You To Want Me
  灰狼(Lobo) ,原名Roland Kent LaVoie,40年代出身于美国的一个单亲家庭,母亲是歌手,从未谋面的父亲是个乐手,不知是否得益于父母的遗传基因,他在少年时就崭露出了非常出色的音乐才华。 60年代时,他辗转于多个民谣及摇滚乐队,到了71年,他终于开始推出个人专辑,并且为自己取了个艺名灰狼(Lobo)。
  英国童星迪克兰 (Declan Galbraith)翻唱版本视频http://www.yinyuetai.com/video/117945
  When I saw you standing there
  I bout fell out of my chair
  And when you
  Moved your mouth to speak
  I felt the blood go to my feet
  Now it took time for me to know
  What you tried so not to show
  Something in my soul just cries
  I see the want in your blue eyes
  Baby I'd love you to want me
  The way that I want you
  The way that it should be
  Baby you'd love me to want you
  The way that I want to
  If you'd only let it be
  You told yourself years ago
  You'd never let your feelings show
  The obligation that you made
  For the title that they gave
  Oh, baby I'd love you to want me
  The way that I want you
  The way that it should be
  Oh, baby you'd love me to want you
  The way that I want to
  If you'd only let it be
  Now it took time for me to know
  What you tried so not to show
  Something in my soul just cries
  I see the want in your blue eyes
  Baby I'd love you to want me
  The way that I want you
  The way that it should be
  Baby you'd love me to want you
  The way that I want to
  If you'd only let

作者:挂甲人 回复日期:2011-03-25 11:02:44 
  330. I'd Like To Teach The World To Sing( In perfect harmony)
  70年代,两位美国广告人因天气原因困在了爱尔兰的机场,他们看到头一晚还在火冒三丈的乘客们第二天已经心情平静,一边喝着可乐一边聊天。由于他们二人所服务的最大客户就是可口可乐,因此他们很快想出来一个创意,以I'd Like To Buy the World a Coke为主题创造出一首轻松欢快的歌曲来作为最新的可口可乐全球宣传歌曲。
  而就在机场他们恰好遇到了两位英国的作曲家,双方一拍即合,两位英国作曲家刚刚完成的写给女歌手Susan Shirley的一曲Mom, True Love and Apple Pie在旋律和味道上十分契合这个主题,因此后来这两位英国人又收回了这首歌的版权并在其基础上完成了I'd Like To Buy the World a Coke,由新探索者(The New Seekers)演唱。
  顺便说一下,这个乐队之所以叫新探索者The New Seekers是因为它是当年名噪一时的探索者The Seekers乐队解散后其中一个成员又重新组建的(探索者The Seekers乐队后面马上就会介绍到)。
  由于这首歌曲大受欢迎,因此制作方后来又将其中的商品广告内容予以修改,以I'd Like To Teach The World To Sing为题重新录制发行,再次风靡了全球,数十年来拥有大量的翻唱版本,经久不衰。
  Berget Lewis版本MV视频//v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNjM3MDQ1ODg=.html
  Id like to build the world a home
  And furnish it with love
  Grow apple trees and honey bees and snow
  white turtle doves
  I'd like to teach the world to sing
  In perfect harmony
  I'd like to hold it in my arms and keep
  it company
  I'd like to see the world for once
  All standing hand in hand
  And hear them echo through the hills "Ah
  peace throughout the land"
  (That's the song I hear)
  I'd like to teach the world to sing (that the world sings today)
  I’d Like To Teach The World To Sing
  I'd like to build the world a home

作者:8899001122 回复日期:2011-03-25 11:28:53 

作者:fishjin5 回复日期:2011-03-25 16:19:01 

作者:活着2012 回复日期:2011-03-25 17:16:27 

作者:bagw 回复日期:2011-03-26 10:50:21 

作者:山东小袁 回复日期:2011-03-26 12:38:48 

作者:山东小袁 回复日期:2011-03-26 12:42:34 

作者:szsd2008 回复日期:2011-03-26 14:01:04 

作者:挂甲人 回复日期:2011-03-26 18:07:43 
  331. I'd Really Love to See You Tonight
  丹希尔斯Dan Seals来自德州的音乐世家,希尔斯家族中拥有大量的乡村乐音乐人,从小耳濡目染的丹希尔斯与自己一个精通钢琴的同学约翰福特寇利John Ford Coley结伴,先是参加了多个乐队,后来二人决定自己组一个双人组合,名为Seals & Coley。后来发现这个名字会和另一个组合混淆,那就是丹希尔斯的哥哥吉姆希尔斯Jim Seals与他的朋友Crofts所组成的Seals & Crofts。
  无奈之下,丹希尔斯他们的组合只好改名,最终定名为英格兰丹与约翰福特寇利England Dan & John Ford Coley这个长而拗口的名字。他们的星路一直不顺,与唱片公司合作一年后就被解约,之后的4年里也一直无人问津,二人只好一边打工谋生,一边偶尔为Seals & Crofts的唱片做一些幕后的和音等工作。
  直到一个偶然的机会他们得到了I'd Really Love to See You Tonight这首歌,录制后立刻被多家唱片公司青睐,抢着和他们签约。果然,歌曲推出后也风靡一时,英格兰丹与约翰福特寇利这个组合的名字不胫而走,并且随着其他一些经典歌曲的推出(我们后面会介绍到),他们在70年代后期的美国歌坛一时风光无限,甚至直逼当时最走红的老鹰Eagles。
  可惜好景不长,进入80年代后他们归于沉寂并最终解散,后来的丹希尔斯先是用England Dan的名义单飞,接着又改回本名Dan Seals专攻乡村歌坛,也算小有收获吧,但与England Dan & John Ford Coley组合时期的辉煌无法相提并论。
  Hello, yeah, it's been a while.
  Not much, how 'bout you?
  I'm not sure why I called,
  I guess I really just wanted to talk to you.
  And I was thinking maybe later on,
  We could get together for a while.
  It's been such a long time,
  And I really do miss your smile.
  I'm not talking 'bout moving in,
  And I don't want to change your life.
  But there's a warm wind blowing,
  The stars are out, and I'd really love to see you tonight.
  We could go walking through a windy park,
  Or take a drive along the beach.
  Or stay at home and watch t.v.
  You see, it really doesn't matter much to me.
  I'm not talking 'bout moving in,
  And I don't want to change your life.
  But there's a warm wind blowing,
  The stars are out, and I'd really love to see you tonight.
  I won't ask for promises,
  So you won't have to lie.
  We've both played that game before,
  Say I love you, then say goodbye.
  I'm not talking 'bout moving in,
  And I don't want to change your life.
  But there's a warm wind blowing,

作者:maylemontree 回复日期:2011-03-28 11:21:48 

作者:乐乐的毛毛球 回复日期:2011-03-29 11:08:57 

作者:挂甲人 回复日期:2011-03-29 21:48:00 
  332. I'll Never Find Another You
  前面介绍第330号歌曲时我就说过,那首歌的演唱者叫新探索者(The New Seekers),所以现在该介绍正宗的探索者乐队The Seekers了(也有翻译为寻觅者合唱团)。
  在60年代,来自英国的两大摇滚巨擘披头士The Beatles和滚石The Rolling Stones是绝对的王中王,风靡全球,但他们在英国本土的排行榜上却常常输给一支来自澳大利亚的民歌乐队,那就是探索者The Seekers,这个由三男一女组成的乐队风格清新雅致、质朴流畅,特别是女主唱Judith Durham的嗓音干净清澈,极为迷人。
  不过他们走红的时间比较短,乐队从成军到解散只有5年,这里有一个原因就是乐队成员虽然在表演上实力不俗,但在创作上却是他们的短板,而他们最走红的几首歌(包括这首I'll Never Find Another You)都是出自英国音乐人汤姆史普林菲尔德Tom Springfield的手笔。
  大家看到史普林菲尔德Springfield这个名字熟悉吗?在不久前的第311号歌曲里,我介绍了特立独行的英国天后达斯汀史普林菲尔德Dusty Springfield,她的哥哥就是汤姆史普林菲尔德Tom Springfield,他们兄妹最早曾经组成过史普林菲尔德乐队The Springfields在英国民谣界发展,后来名气大涨的妹妹达斯汀单飞了,哥哥汤姆则更多地投入幕后工作,为The Seekers在英国的走红立下了汗马功劳。
  The Seekers解散后不久,其中的一名成员吉他手Keith Potger就又组建了The New Seekers,但他只负责幕后工作,登台表演的是一个三男二女的成员组合,I'd Like To Teach The World To Sing是他们最著名的作品。
  尽管The New Seekers也成绩不俗,但始终无法代替原版正宗的The Seekers在歌迷心目中的地位,也许就像这首歌里所说的——Never Find Another You。
  There's a new world somewhere
  They call the promised land
  And I'll be there some day
  If you will hold my hand
  I still need you there beside me
  No matter what I do
  For I know I'll never find another you
  There is always someone
  For each of us they say
  And you'll be my someone
  For ever and a day
  I could search the whole world over
  Until my life is through
  But I know I'll never find another you
  It's a long long journey
  So stay by my side
  When I walk through the storm
  You'll be my guide be my guide
  If they gave me a fortune
  My treasure would be small
  I could lose it all tomorrow
  And never mind at all
  But if I should lose your love dear
  I don't know what I'll do
  For I know I'll never find another you
  But if I should lose your love dear
  I don't know what I'll do
  For I know I'll never find another you
  Another you another you

作者:saniry 回复日期:2011-03-29 22:48:32 
    very good

作者:uigldo 回复日期:2011-03-30 00:57:12 
    谢谢LZ,辛苦啦。。。。。哎,我最喜欢的迈克学摇滚居然没介绍,伤心~~~that's why--you go away啊
  lady antebellum--need you now
  玛利亚.凯莉+男人||男孩组合(one sweet day)
  中国韵味的80年代的英文歌--within you"ll remain
  比吉斯--man in the middle

作者:黑不拉叽的影子 回复日期:2011-03-30 08:48:32 


作者:彭坦图良 回复日期:2011-03-30 14:19:51 


作者:挟桃子以令诸猴 回复日期:2011-03-30 15:14:00 

作者:挂甲人 回复日期:2011-03-30 20:55:20 

作者:挂甲人 回复日期:2011-03-30 21:01:04 
  333. I Honestly Love You
  奥莉维亚纽顿约翰(Olivia Newton John)出生于英国,儿时虽父母移居澳大利亚,后来在当地的选秀比赛中脱颖而出,又获得了杀回故乡英国发展的机会。在祖国,她得到了有英国猫王之称的克利夫理查(Cliff Richard)的赏识因此开始获得演出机会而崭露头角,并且最终引起了美国唱片公司的注意,将其在美国市场推出。
  奥莉维亚纽顿约翰进军美国后仅仅一年多就拿到了格莱美的最佳乡村女歌手(详情后面到那首歌再具体说),而在第二年,她偶然得到了这首I Honestly Love You立刻爱不释手,尽管其所在唱片的高层都不看好这首歌,但在奥莉维亚的坚持下还是予以灌录出版。
  结果这首感人肺腑I Honestly Love You非常的走红,不仅让她拿到了生平的第一个BillBoard冠军,更是让她又拿到了当年格莱美的最佳流行乐女歌手和最佳年度唱片两座大奖。
  Maybe I hang around here
  A little more than I should
  We both know I got somewhere else to go
  But I got something to tell you
  That I never thought I would
  But I believe you really ought to know
  I love you
  I honestly love you
  You don't have to answer
  I see it in your eyes
  Maybe it was better left unsaid
  This is pure and simple
  And you must realize
  That it's coming from my heart and not my head
  I love you
  I honestly love you
  I'm not trying to make you feel uncomfortable
  I'm not trying to make you anything at all
  But this feeling doesn't come along everyday
  And you shouldn't blow the chance
  When you've got the chance to say
  I love you
  I love you
  I honestly love you
  If we both were born
  In another place and time
  This moment might be ending in a kiss
  But there you are with yours
  And here I am with mine
  So I guess we'll just be leaving it at this
  I love you
  I honestly love you
  I honestly love you