米娜的密钥 在线:巴菲特这一次错了 双语

来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/05/09 07:22:33
巴菲特这一次错了 Why Buffett is wrong about soaking the rich 


Like Monty Python’s crime-fighter The Bishop, Berkshire Hathaway chief executive Warren Buffett arrived late last week to the congressional argument over the debt crisis. By the time he published his broadside in the New York Times to the effect that billionaires like himself are being “coddled” by US politicians, Republicans had already staved off tax increases until after the next elections. Both parties had passed $1,500bn in deficit reductions to a bipartisan committee unlikely to call for tax increases. And Standard & Poor was sufficiently unimpressed to downgrade the US credit rating.

就像喜剧团体蒙提•派森(Monty Python)塑造的那个总想打击犯罪的“主教”(The Bishop)那样,伯克希尔哈撒韦公司(Berkshire Hathaway)首席执行官沃伦•巴菲特(Warren Buffett)上周姗姗来迟,加入国会关于债务危机的争论中。他在《纽约时报》(New York Times)上发表了一篇炮轰美国政府的文章,大意是像他自己这样的亿万富翁正在受到美国政客的“娇惯”。文章发表之前,共和党已经把增税推迟到下一次大选之后。民主党和共和党向一个两党联合委员会提交了总规模达1.5万亿美元的减赤计划,而该委员会不太可能要求增税。这一计划仍不足以说服标准普尔(Standard & Poor’s),它仍然决定下调美国信用评级。

Mr Buffett believes taxes on the “mega-rich” ought to go up, in the name of both fairness and debt reduction. He paid just under $7m in federal taxes last year, about 17 per cent of his taxable income. But his back-office employees pay 36 per cent. It is a spreading problem. In 1992, the top 400 US earners made $16.9bn and paid 29.2 per cent in taxes. Today their income is $90.9bn and they pay 21.5 per cent.


The rich pay less because capital gains and carried interest get taxed at a low rate. As Mr Buffett puts it, “those who make money with money” are treated better than those who “make money from a job”. In saying this, Mr Buffett subscribes to the religious understanding of money that was universal in the Christian world before the rise of Florentine banking (and of Protestantism) and has been restated in our own time by practitioners of Islamic finance. People are alive but money is not, which makes it wrong – because it is life-denying – to prefer the latter.

富人的税负更低是因为资本利得和附带权益(carried interest)的税率较低。如巴菲特所说,“那些以钱生钱的人”获得的待遇优于那些“靠工作挣钱的人”。巴菲特这样说,实际上是赞同了在佛罗伦萨银行业(以及新教)兴起之前、基督教世界普遍认同的宗教金钱观念,这种金钱观在当代又得到了伊斯兰教金融从业者的重新解读。人是有生命的,而金钱没有,因此看重金钱而不看重人是错误的,因为这样是对生命的不尊重。

It is a powerful and even a beautiful argument, but there are two problems with it. The first is that just because something is time-honoured moral wisdom does not make it workable capitalist fiscal policy. Economics, in fact, prides itself on throwing aside such wisdom. It is inconsistent to argue on Christian grounds that paying interest on “sterile” money is sinful and then to argue on Keynesian grounds that thrift in a downturn is inefficient.


The demands of efficiency and of equality have always been at odds, but they seem to be coming ever further out of synch. The UK’s coalition government is riven over whether to keep Labour’s 50p-in-the-pound rate on incomes over £150,000. Whether one sides with the Tories (who would scrap it), or the Liberal Democrats (who would keep it, or find a substitute), it is striking how little revenue it raises: about £3bn a year.

对效率和公平的要求向来是矛盾的,但两者现在似乎变得越来越难以同步了。在是否维持工党提出的对与年收入15万英镑以上人群征税50%的问题上,英国联合政府产生了分歧。不论是支持保守党(主张取消这一高税率),还是支持自由民主党(Liberal Democrats)(主张保留高税率,或者用别的政策代替),这一政策带来的税收都少得令人吃惊:每年只有大约30亿英镑。

There is a second inadequacy in Mr Buffett’s suggestion. Polls show a majority of Americans want rich people’s taxes raised. But soaking billionaires will not suffice to address the deficit and debt. The main US tax quarrels concern Mr Buffett (or Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, who stood alongside Barack Obama in April to announce that he was “cool” with seeing his taxes rise) only indirectly. The anger comes from a middle and upper-middle class that feels bankers and idlers have been freeloading off them. To view upper-middle class fury as an ideological preference for a small state is probably wrong. It is more a tax strike, based on the suspicion – one that arose during the debate over last year’s health care bill – that the middle class is being looted.

巴菲特的建议还有一点不足。民调显示,大多数美国人都希望对富人增税。但加重亿万富翁税负并不足以解决财政赤字和公共债务问题。美国关于税收的主要争吵只与巴菲特有间接关系。Facebook创始人马克•扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)也是一样。他曾在4月份站在奥巴马(Barack Obama)身边表示,他对于增税“没有意见”。怒气来自中上层中产阶级,他们感到银行家和那些游手好闲的人从他们身上不劳而获。把上层中产阶级的怒火理解为他们对小政府的意识形态偏好,很可能是错误的。更确切地说,这是怀疑自己被掠夺了的中产阶级的一场罢税,而这种怀疑早在去年关于医改法案的辩论中就已经产生了。

Doing as Mr Buffett suggests might actually exacerbate this problem. If those 400 mega-rich people could be taxed on their earnings at the top 35 per cent income tax rate, it would raise an extra $12bn in taxes. If they could be made to pay 50 per cent – an unlikely scenario, to judge from the UK’s difficulty maintaining such a rate – that would raise an extra $26bn. In an era of trillion-dollar deficits, soaking the mega-rich would get the country between an eightieth and a fortieth of the way to a balanced budget. Taxing the half-million- and million-dollar-a-year men, would help a bit. The rest would be loaded onto the backs of the same upper-middle class whose fury grows by the day.


The amount the rich are taxed is only one element of a larger problem – their influence over the political system. In the US, much of this influence comes through campaign contributions, but even more comes through the deductibility of “charitable” contributions. Mr Buffett himself has urged rich people to give half their wealth to philanthropy. This makes inequality look less embarrassing on paper, but it worsens the problem of plutocratic influence, because the deductibility effectively harnesses a taxpayer-funded matching contribution to the whims of the rich.


The suggestion of Vince Cable and other UK Liberal Democrats that a tax on large mansions be used to replace or supplement the 50p rate shows that things have gone further than Mr Buffett realises. The proposal has a mid-twentieth-century feel to it. It is a sign that what the public is eyeing covetously is no longer just the incomes of rich people but also their wealth.

文斯•凯布尔(Vince Cable)和其他一些英国自由民主党人士建议,用豪宅税来代替或补充50%的所得税率,这表明事态发展已超出了巴菲特所料。这一建议带有20世纪中期的色彩。它标志着,公众的眼光不再只盯着富人的收入,还盯着他们的财产。

The writer is a senior editor at The Weekly Standard

注:本文作者系美国《旗帜周刊》(The Weekly Standard)高级编辑

这一次期末考试失败了 这一次,我真的放弃了 我下了双语的影片怎么办 如果同一个人第二次向你借钱(第一次拒绝了),这一次你该如果拒绝? 上次的提问没有回答正确了,这一次有没有人知道这个头像是谁!? 这一次,我又差点要绝交了,我知道问题不在别人,而在自己!~ 哭了,我说过,我只会在为他哭这一次,最后一次 哈利·波特又遇到了讨厌的魔鬼,这一次,他使用了什么咒语战胜了魔鬼的呢? 初一双语报的答案,火速传来,谢了 女朋友给我提过两次分手,我跟她提了这一次,怎么就成事了呢 我家的鹦鹉要下蛋了!前几次鸟蛋都被它自己砸碎了,这一次该怎么办? 有人说四级考试的时间变了是真的吗?就是这一次的12月24日的时间。 在地球历史上南北极颠倒过几次请问现在这一次如果发生了我们人类将会怎么样? 听说力宏又要出新的琴谱了,上一次是唯一的琴书,这一次的什么时候会出呢? 有没有一首歌的前几句是:“放心去飞/勇敢地去追/说好了这一次不掉眼泪/” 我对她说这一次真的不在与她联系了,她说我的话她不信 为什么我提问的问题成功了 我的上面怎么没有我的提问呢 就这一次 双语小报 双语杂志 这一次世界杯的小组名单 这一次是第几届世界杯? 这一次我该如何选择? 如果说这一次火箭进了前八 进了季后 挤下了湖人 科比会怎么样 连续两年没有进季后 我帮别人汇了11250元钱,我拿了600元钱,我真的不想让他知道,请你们帮帮我。就这一次!!!