
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/04/28 00:08:46


2011-11-25 12:29:30 来自: 子夜(最爱彼尔德!)




搬运排版: 子夜



★★★白羊座——译者: 长叶暗罗

★★★金牛座——译者: AS








★★★双子座——译者: 一一













★★★狮子座——译者: 找到组织了

★★★处女座——译者: 折玉笙

★★★天枰座——译者: L在云间





★★★天蝎座——译者: 子夜








★★★射手座——译者: 哲林








★★★摩羯座——译者: 脚步








★★★水瓶座——译者: CLOVER

★★★双鱼座——译者: PM


鱼鱼,2011年6月至2012年6月期间,你的旅行、沟通、泛泛之友、兄弟姐妹、细枝末节、出差、文书以及专题领域得以 开拓。鱼鱼的好奇心被激发,你将搜集真相、讲个好故事。这并非幸运周期中最幸运的部分,仅仅因为其发生在并非最重要的环节。不过,2012年6月(直至2013年6月)你将会迎来非常重要非常幸运的时期,此间你可以建立之后很多年都会入住的家庭,或者结束一份职业生涯并开启另一份。所以,请利用好这份厚礼哦——如此生机勃勃、见多识广的“一年”(2012年6月至2013年6月),搜集所有你能够了解的事实、研究影响2012到2013年职场或家庭部分出现变化的所有可能性。现在所了解到的一切对你明年做抉择将大有益处,比如,如果你在计划明年要有所行动,现在就可以去你想待的小区、城镇甚至乡下做个考察;倘若你还没什么想法,跟着感觉走吧——今年直觉是个好向导!现在很适合写作、结束冗长的报告或者研究项目——2011年9月之前或12月以后对此较为有利;(研究阶段告一段落,请专注于表述你所学到的;任何额外需要的研究可以在2011年9月-12月之间完成。)如果你在找工作,试着关注一下新闻媒体、物流、电信以及分销领域,这些年你的工作一直在变化,不过今年不是很明显,你可能注意到——并且即将受益于——工作场合越来越多的沟通与旅行。别忽略了必要的对话、接洽或邮件。






In early June 2011 Jupiter will once again change signs, bringing a new luck cycle for everyone, lasting into mid-June, 2012. The last cycle was brief, not even six months, and demanded hard choices, even the sacrifice of competing interests. This one is more leisurely, lasing 12 months, and contains no hard choices or sacrifices. It occurs in Taurus, a slow, steady sign that draws its strength from calmness.



Aries - (March 21-April 19)
ARIES, June 2011 to June 2012 brings luck to your money picture. You will earn more, will gain a pay raise, sell items, can buy and sell profitably, can increase your client base, etc. Try to aim for permanent or long-lasting sources of money. For example, overtime might increase your salary for awhile, but a pay raise could benefit you for years.
Your monetary luck can be tied to international companies or dealings, to higher education, the travel industry, legal settlements, publishing, media, broadcasting, to cultural venues, even to love. (You might marry someone wealthy!) Libraries, schools, and travel hubs glow with profit. Your career has been under pressure for some years: this year marks an excellent time to change careers or start a business.

ARIES, now to August 30, 2012, your karmic axis lies in the area of understanding, knowledge and ideas, travel and culture. You’ll gain if you lean toward profound ideas and relationships, higher learning, law, far travel, international affairs, religion and/or philosophy, love, cultural rituals (e.g., weddings, confirmations, mitzvahs) publishing, advertising – and generally, if you try to see the sense in life and society, if you seek wisdom, intellectual growth, and love.
But you might find yourself on a road of delays or obstacles (though they won’t seem daunting or large at first) if you accent the short and casual side of these same sectors – choosing, instead of profundity, to stick with a “just friends” stance with everyone, to waste time in a plethora of details, short trips, errands and emails, conversations and gab-fests.
Until mid-2012, your decisions in communications and travel, knowledge and ideas, will determine your success. Through June 2011, you get a lucky boost in the right direction – if you jump on it (e.g. take a voyage) you entire life could improve!

金牛Taurus - (April 20-May 20)
TAURUS, from June 4, 2011 to June 11, 2012, your personal luck will soar. Paradoxically perhaps, this luck will deeply involve another – or deeply enhance, benefit and expand projects or situations that involve another person, or a partnership of some sort. (For many of you, this will be your spouse, but it can be a business partner/associate, a lover, a friend, someone you want to become intimate with, etc.)
This luck has three phases – three times it will offer a smooth ride or success in a meaningful relationship, and can bring you marriage, great opportunity, a lucky relocation (perhaps to a foreign destination) or a beneficial legal contract. Elements of co-operation combine with elements of investment or sexual intimacy; these in turn combine with elements of higher education, law, publishing, far travel, cultural rituals and/or love. As you can see, many things are on your side! However, hard work will be required, especially in that last “list” (higher education, cultural, love, etc.).
Do pursue financial success, but don’t pursue higher earnings. In money, think value, sharing, investment, long-term. Short, daily, spending, selfish, independent money pursuits, if over-emphasized, will sap success.

TAURUS, your karmic axis, from March 4, 2011 to August 30, 2012, lies in sexual, financial, and “revelation” zones. For success during these 18 months, reject surface appearances. Delve deep to discover hidden meanings deep – research, investigate, deal with your deepest urges and needs, plumb your subconscious, seek agents, advisors, therapists. This is a time of commitment and consequence, of deep changes, health issues and lifestyle choices. As you choose, so you will reap. Don’t be afraid, Taurus. Be brave enough to alter a relationship, to invest in your future, to commit to an intimate relationship. A deep, committed relationship is better than casual or “no strings” sensual interludes. Ultimately, an honest, loving choice is best.
Financially, you’ll fare better if you choose the “long road” – invest, accept equity in lieu of a pay raise, etc. You might create problems for yourself if you opt for simple earnings, or try to keep your money “separate.” Good results come from sharing. You’re in the steering room of your life these 18 months: steer!


幸运部分Leo - (July 23-Aug. 22)
LEO, from June 4, 2011 to mid-June 2012, your luck will surge in career, ambition, status, and prestige relationships. You could be voted president of your service club, or appointed to a management role at work.
This will be the best year for your career since 1999/2000. Your work will be a bit harder and longer than usual, but your accomplishments will line up to support your ambitions. Higher-ups will notice your increased efforts, and stand ready to reward you with opportunities, a new position, more responsibility, etc. What you achieve this year can last for decades. If you’re approaching marriage, your future parents-in-law approve of you strongly. Your own parents stand proud when they see you, and are more willing than most years to respond to your requests with generosity. (Even judges, police and such authorities will tend to favor you.) You can find that your creative, romantic, or speculative talents – your ability to take a risk – or an educational, legal, international or media/publishing element – contribute luckily to your standing. It’s a great year to start your own business or to invest in your skills.
If you’re single, you might “marry up” or otherwise greet some upward draft in life that would not usually be lumped in with “career.” So do take advantage of your luck to start this new phase in a positive, fruitful direction!
LEO, until August 30, 2012, the Moon’s north lunar node will travel through your romantic sign, bringing ease of accomplishment, a subtle continuous boost, and a sense of serenity or gratification in romance, creative endeavours, speculation, teaching/raising children (K-12) and all pleasures that you dive impetuously into. This is one of those times when infatuation could lead to real love and happiness! (At the very least, pursuing any of these karmic areas will tend to make the rest of your life march along in a smooth, fruitful way.)
Contrarily, being afraid to take a big chance, playing the field in romance, being so social that you prevent “mad love” from occurring, putting things off optimistically, saying “there’ll be better chances tomorrow,” going for entertainment rather than creativity – these will garner flat results at best, and, at worst, bring loss or disappointment. All these can be interpreted as risk-aversion; e.g., socializing = seeking safety in numbers. Putting things off optimistically excuses you from immediate, risky action – but in risk you will thrive!


Virgo - (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
VIRGO, the twelve months from June 4, 2011 to mid-June 2012 bring wisdom and a broader understanding of life.
Luck streams into your love sector, bringing a uniquely gentle, intellectual harmony with a person who excites your deepest sensual and spiritual regions. A brand new kind of person, tantalizing, elusive, sympathetic and supportive, enters. Strangely and sweetly, the non-physical and the physical merge. Avoid those who overdo drugs or alcohol.
If you’re unhappily married, or separated, this year (June to June) is likely to bring a legal, formal parting of ways. In all cases – new love, renewed love or divorce – this cycle’s events open the curtain on a huge 15-year chapter in your life, with new and different opportunities and relationships. This is a splendid year to see this new horizon, to understand it and form an approach to it.
Your luck in legal matters soars. You can win lawsuits (or end them) or sign contracts that ensure a future profit. This is a hugely beneficial year to attend university or college, travel internationally, join a religion or form a philosophy, write, broadcast, publish, seek fame, wed, or link up with other cultures and minds.
VIRGO, from March 2011 to late August 2012, good karma will give you a smooth, protected path in home, property, security, with children and pregnancy, and in retirement, agriculture, gardening and nutrition. Developments here are irreversible and will affect your whole life – so be cautious, honest and moral. End stale or unworkable relationships/situations, in order to make room for new, fertile and productive circumstances. This entire zone, real estate, farming, security, etc., offers monetary progress.
The same period, March 2011 to August 2012, presents you with temptations to chase ambitions, career and status relations, to seek community prestige, political office, situations of power or renown. These temptations can lead you into misguided actions, as small and innocent (but unwise) as vying for attention from the boss or VIPs within range, pushing to have your proposals enacted, demanding a pay raise or promotion, all the way to not-so-innocent collusion, power struggles, backstabbing, lying to authorities, and general Macbeth type sins. Your efforts in career zones (innocent or not) will tend to meet delays and difficulties. If you push, you’ll get pushed back –perhaps right out the door! Staying safe during this period is relatively easy: 1) accept any changes occurring in this area; 2) maintain the status quo, and keep your head down. Avoid changing jobs or careers during these 18 months. It is better to quit your job (and simply rest, or indulge in the good karmic areas listed above) than to seek a new job. Retreat is better than ambition, security better than risk. Be honest, good-hearted, and you’ll be fine!

幸运部分Sagittarius - (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
SAGITTARIUS, your new luck cycle, from June 4, 2011 to mid-June 2012, will bring piles of work…but there’s gold in that pile. You can easily land a lucrative job, increase your pay scale, or otherwise swell your bank account. If you’re in sales, you’ll attract and keep lucrative clients, because you’ll go that extra mile to serve them.
It’s not a lottery-winning year; it’s a year of much – and expanded – work. But the economic gains you achieve through hard work will merely be the first step in a long, growing financial expansion, due to last to at least 2023. In a lucky way, your “work” might be in areas you love: travel, intellectual, cultural, legal or educational zones. You might also find that your rewards are delayed. For example, hard work studying will pay off when (and after) you earn your degree. The work you perform now can lead to promotions, either now or in 2015/16. Be careful, deliberate, plan and march steadily toward your work goals. In no other year would you be so likely to achieve them! It’s a splendid year to buy tools, equipment, machinery and computers.
This cycle (and overwork) can affect your health, so guard against weight gain, especially around the hips and thighs. Protect these areas from blows, falls, etc.
SAGITTARIUS, between March 2011 and August 30, 2012, the lunar north node (good karma) lies directly within your sign, while the south node (difficult karma) transits your sign of relationships and opportunities. During these 18 months, be independent and project your personality. You, your mood and thoughts, will receive a certain amount of “cosmic gentleness.” Your ideas, morals and ethical outlook will be trustworthy (so do trust them!). Your intuition will operate reliably.
During the same 18 months, you’ll be tempted to join forces with another, to marry or co-habituate, to form a business partnership, to contract or negotiate agreements, to litigate, relocate, or to leap on a variety of opportunities that all, in one way or another, involve a mutual effort or a commitment to another person. Be wary of these. Binding yourself to another during this time (and others will want you to!) can lead to frustratingly irresolute conditions or loss in future. For example, marrying could bring a velvet trap; a business partnership or contract could tie you to an unprofitable circumstance. Even litigation is a form of binding. If anyone attacks you, you’ll succeed if you walk away, fail if you stay to fight. Be happy, productive, ambitious, loving, gentle, romantic, flirtatious, sexually involved – but remain independent!

Capricorn - (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
CAPRICORN, from June 4, 2011 to mid-June 2012, you will face splendid romantic luck. You can meet someone who is strong yet gentle. This applies even if you’re a man, as the woman who attracts you now will tend to have good looks combined with a healthy, solid presence, physically as well as emotionally. Paradoxically, perhaps, romance will also entail some responsibility – but you thrive on responsibility. In the most simple sense, this means it won’t be free, but the “duty” that’s attached to love this year is likely to be a happy one – e.g., a wedding, or parenthood. Perhaps you’ll need to help your loved one with some task or burden.
This same influence brings expansion and benefits to other areas, such as creativity (especially verbal or written) arts, pleasure and vacations (an international one is very favoured) sports and games, speculation, risk, and the joys of teaching or raising children.
Dealings with government agencies, head office, institutions, factories, warehouses and studios will be lucky. You could qualify for government aid, or win a grant. Scholarships are available. Your spiritual side rises buoyantly. You already know you’re undergoing deep changes; this makes you very alluring. A love born now could last a lifetime.
CAPRICORN, March 2011 to late August 2012 nudges you beneficially to retreat into yourself, to seek spiritual and contemplative pleasures, to join charitable endeavours or organizations. Head office, government agencies and institutions will welcome and aid you. This might seem counter-intuitive at times, for June 2011 to June 2012 brings a lucky stream of romantic, creative and pleasure opportunities, and personal luck. But romance and creativity thrive in intimate, quiet surroundings now, not in brash or loud environments. Romance might spring up in a government agency, charitable or head office situation, or while you attend a management meeting.
Until late August 2012, avoid wasteful work. Don’t bury yourself in work simply because it’s easier than making hard decisions. Don’t use chores to avoid a commitment in love; don’t lose yourself in routine, nor let your kids turn you into their slave. During this period, avoid preventive health or “get fit” schemes, exercise regimens or machines, overdosing on vitamins, etc. Relaxation and sweet solitude – and medicine if necessary – will aid your health far more. This is NOT a good period to buy machinery, cars, tools, etc., nor to hire employees. You’ll succeed, quietly and smoothly, in administrative and policy tasks.


Aquarius-(Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
AQUARIUS, the year from June 4, 2011 to mid-June 2012 blesses you in the realm of home, family, real estate, healing, gardening/agriculture, soul, nutrition, security and retirement. This could be the year you really settle down. Anything you do to improve your domestic situation will pay off for many years to come, financially and/or emotionally. Buy furniture, landscape, renovate – or have a baby! Even if you’re a renter without a down payment, use this luck to move to a more spacious, attractive place. If you only have a bit of money, buy a rural plot for vacation camping or a future retirement cottage.
This luck phase also brings deep, sweet emotional and psychological healing, whether within yourself, or on a broader scale, such as family counselling. Let go of past grief and disappointment – this leads to a rebirth of your freshness, vitality, and optimism about life. Abandon stale or restricting people/projects now: instead, nurture the new. Get plenty of rest. The security and peace you establish this year will give you a platform of strength to meet the exciting romantic, creative, speculative or child-oriented adventures due to come from mid-2012 onward!
AQUARIUS, from March 2011 through August 2012, your karmic axis splits between “private passion” and “social joy” zones. This will bring you a few crucial decisions (or dilemmas) in choosing between these two options. On the personal side are deep romance, pleasure, risk, creativity, gambling, sports, teaching and raising children, and acting on impulse. On the social side are entertainment, parties, seeking to be popular, making new friends, planning your future (rather than acting on impulse) flirtations, playing the field (light romance) acting within or for a group, union, political and legislative involvements, conventions, bright new horizons, and “fun.”
All else being equal, you’ll find a smooth, happy, easy path in the social sector. But the passionate zone will tend to offer deep, subtle temptations that keep not quite paying off. Unfulfilled promises. So this is a time to play the field rather than fall into a dramatic infatuation. (If you madly chase someone, you could chase them away.) That doesn’t mean no romance; it means light, happy, friendly romance will succeed (though, frankly, more after June 2012 than before). Above all, follow your gentle, wise side: it knows best in love areas. It’s much better to stick with someone cozy and familiar than to chase a dramatic new entry.

幸运部分Pisces - (Feb. 19-March 20)
PISCES, June 2011 to June 11, 2012 expands your spheres of travel, communications, casual friends, siblings, details, errands, paperwork and reports. You’ll be curious, and you’ll gather the facts, and you’ll tell a good story. This isn’t the luckiest of luck cycles, simply because it occurs in an area that isn’t hugely important. However, in June 2012 (through June 2013) you will be in a very important luck cycle, one that can establish the home you’ll live in for many years to come, or one which might end one career and start another. So use this present, very lively and informative “year” (June to June) to gather all the facts you can learn and investigate all the possibilities bearing on a possible change of home or career in 2012/13. What you learn now can make your choices so much better next year. For example, if you are planning to move next year, take a few short trips now to investigate the neighbourhood, city/town, or even country you might want to end up in. If you have no idea, follow your nose – it’s a good guide this year!
This is a great time to write, to get that long report or research project finished. Work on this before September or after December 2011.(The research phase is over, so focus on expressing what you learned. Any bit of extra research needed can be done September-December 2011.) If you’re seeking employment, try news media, transportation, telecom, or distribution fields. Your career is changing these years, but not particularly this year. You might notice – and will benefit from – increased communication and travel at your workplace. Don’t neglect necessary conversations, contacts or emails.
You can make some entertaining, lively friends this year. You might also re-unite with long-lost cousins or siblings. Get out, explore – it’s a busy, fun year!

PISCES, from early March 2011 to late August, 2012, you will find that domestic, property, nurturing, gardening, agriculture, security, retirement and foundational matters do not particularly go well. This would be a good sector to avoid – EXCEPT where alterations, adjustments, duties or repairs are called for. In other words, be summoned to this area and solve what you must (no neglect allowed!) but DON’T promote nor enter these zones of your own accord, especially not on a whim, a temptation, or a too-good-to-be-true “promise.” This is not a good time to buy real estate, start major family projects or therapies, lay a new garden, nor institute new agricultural or watering systems. Beware thieves who promise a grand retirement nest egg. Don’t arbitrarily end old projects or relationships. All these, real estate, retirement, gardening, etc. will be super lucky September 2012 to July 2013: wait ‘til then.
You’ll be wise and blessed in your career and dealings with higher-ups. Seek employment rather than vegetating at home. You’ll find a smooth, gratifying and often mildly lucky path when you’re ambitious, or deal with prestige, VIPs, fathers (including your own). This is a good time to “marry up.” All areas of your life will tend to run smoothly (to August 2012) if you choose career over home, ambition over security.

  • 2011-11-25 12:30:15 FenrirAS (一人一孤城。)


    > 删除
  • 2011-11-25 12:30:18 发条兔。 (宠辱不惊型。)


    > 删除
  • 2011-11-25 12:33:06 冷淡大妈桃小暴 (有怨念的等,没心没肺的走)

    clover 辛苦!

    > 删除
  • 2011-11-25 12:35:49 脚步 (我就是要你)


    > 删除
  • 2011-11-25 12:36:57 蓝月亮


    > 删除
  • 2011-11-25 12:38:04 印天糖 (每天都在倒计时里度过)


    > 删除
  • 2011-11-25 12:39:23 兔小西 (心有林夕)


    > 删除
  • 2011-11-25 12:40:01 折玉笙 (折玉为笙笙歌远。)


    > 删除
  • 2011-11-25 12:42:08 懒懒~


    > 删除
  • 2011-11-25 12:42:43 子夏太阳花 (只想做个善良且沉静的人)


    > 删除
  • 2011-11-25 12:43:03 勇敢の鉗子先生 (生命的旅行...有得有失)


    > 删除
  • 2011-11-25 12:43:32 pipkin (花兒謝花兒開 誰能明白)

    蠻好,等魚 。

    > 删除
  • 2011-11-25 12:44:01 镜夜冰舞 (待踏马蹄清夜月)


    > 删除
  • 2011-11-25 12:44:04 丶是猫不是猪


    > 删除
  • 2011-11-25 12:46:04 开着月亮睡觉


    > 删除
  • 2011-11-25 12:47:07 无声无息 (无可无不可)


    > 删除
  • 2011-11-25 12:47:48 Bruna (如果一切只是浮云)


    > 删除
  • 2011-11-25 12:48:08 ┍Crystal (To be my own North Star.)


    > 删除
  • 2011-11-25 12:48:38 龙舌兰 (若是不曾走过,怎么懂。 ?)


    > 删除
  • 2011-11-25 12:50:39 海上听月客 (后羿之族裔!)


    > 删除
  • 2011-11-25 12:50:53 长叶暗罗 (﹡花开堪折直需折⊕﹡)


    > 删除
  • 2011-11-25 12:54:59 果子 (我整不傻你。2的2次方)


    > 删除
  • 2011-11-25 12:55:38 夜场。 (你的笑曾经很逼真。)


    > 删除
  • 2011-11-25 12:56:27 小象。 (假如我提的每个梦)


    > 删除
  • 2011-11-25 12:56:27 小象。 (假如我提的每个梦)


    > 删除
  • 2011-11-25 12:57:30 魚 兒 。 (just like a star across my sky)

    > 删除
  • 2011-11-25 12:57:57 Echo (最是那一低头的温柔)


    > 删除
  • 2011-11-25 13:04:33 一一


    > 删除
  • 2011-11-25 13:07:56 photoshop


    > 删除
  • 2011-11-25 13:09:15 美好 (找个那谁谁...一辈子~~~)


    > 删除
  • 2011-11-25 13:10:22 WHY (等来的不是想要的...)

    > 删除
  • 2011-11-25 13:11:10 等待 (默默守候~)


    > 删除
  • 2011-11-25 13:13:23 喵咪 (这一生最是难忘,与你共度的时光)


    > 删除
  • 2011-11-25 13:15:15 妞子 (纠结摩羯女)


    > 删除
  • 2011-11-25 13:17:15 Mikonagai

    等处女 白羊 双子

    > 删除
  • 2011-11-25 13:17:47 阿璃 (同手同脚)


    > 删除
  • 2011-11-25 13:18:10 Desert (人生苦短 及时性感)

    > 删除
  • 2011-11-25 13:19:06 Amy


    > 删除
  • 2011-11-25 13:22:35 丑女的马甲 (Never mind.)


    > 删除
  • 2011-11-25 13:23:30 (重回旧时明月路)


    > 删除
  • 2011-11-25 13:51:24 愉快动物饼干 (你若安好,便是晴天霹雳!)


    > 删除
  • 2011-11-25 13:52:29 等你爱我


    > 删除
  • 2011-11-25 13:54:10 霓大王 (是女戰士)


    > 删除
  • 2011-11-25 13:54:40 转转 (你如戏子企盼~)


    > 删除
  • 2011-11-25 13:54:55 鬼妖


    > 删除
  • 2011-11-25 13:59:55 elephant (爱是恒久忍耐。)


    > 删除
  • 2011-11-25 14:05:50 elena


    > 删除
  • 2011-11-25 14:07:44 (无心恋战)


    > 删除
  • 2011-11-25 14:08:03 沫不在。 (不如想念)


    > 删除
  • 2011-11-25 14:08:19 物华Cecile (追梦也要有实力)


    > 删除
  • 2011-11-25 14:08:46 P E R R Y ? (你有我说也说不完的坏脾气。)



    > 删除
  • 2011-11-25 14:09:05 (好聚好散 难么?)


    > 删除
  • 2011-11-25 14:12:29 蝴蝶结 (心如止水 心无杂念)


    > 删除
  • 2011-11-25 14:14:45 阿桑 (别再做梦了)


    > 删除
  • 2011-11-25 14:15:28 Q_T (u are bound to fall for me)


    > 删除
  • 2011-11-25 14:18:42 L在云间




    -------当然,这次选择无效,因为我已经抱啦。 哈哈哈。。。下次你再抱吧。

    > 删除
  • 2011-11-25 14:21:27 Miner (好吧,开始等待)


    > 删除
  • 2011-11-25 14:26:17 _Ding___ (丁丁必须要hold住!!!)


    > 删除
  • 2011-11-25 14:29:37 pure~ (和谁在一起都孤独~)


    > 删除
  • 2011-11-25 14:41:26 陌上花浅 (咻咻咻咻~)


    > 删除
  • 2011-11-25 14:43:01 pure~ (和谁在一起都孤独~)


    > 删除
  • 2011-11-25 14:44:46 yuchan (2011要坚强要幸福~)


    > 删除
  • 2011-11-25 14:45:31 阿妩 (谁的心不曾柔软)


    > 删除
  • 2011-11-25 14:54:18 pure~ (和谁在一起都孤独~)


    > 删除
  • 2011-11-25 15:04:44 小巫614 (614加油!)


    > 删除
  • 2011-11-25 15:06:49 上善若水水玲珑 (悲催天蝎女)


    > 删除
  • 2011-11-25 15:07:31 moon (南无地藏王菩萨)


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  • 2011-11-25 15:08:21 Xberger (阵发性大包大揽)


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  • 2011-11-25 15:09:00 欲言ㄡ止 (剩下的生日我给你过)


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  • 2011-11-25 15:10:44 修庙清灵 (一念将生,一念已灭。)


    > 删除
  • 2011-11-25 15:19:42 Nico

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  • 2011-11-25 15:21:01 流水


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  • 2011-11-25 15:21:06 水水


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  • 2011-11-25 15:32:35 子夜 (最爱彼尔德!)

    ★★★天蝎座——译者: 子夜








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  • 2011-11-25 15:34:56 子夜 (最爱彼尔德!)


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  • 2011-11-25 15:36:24 sjheng


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  • 2011-11-25 15:39:01 子夜 (最爱彼尔德!)


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  • 2011-11-25 15:39:54 lz柏木木 (愿2011我爱情事业双丰收家人健康)


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  • 2011-11-25 15:41:10 box


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  • 2011-11-25 15:45:19 lanyouer


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  • 2011-11-25 15:49:55 宝月 (瞅谁谁怀孕。。。)


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  • 2011-11-25 15:56:17 宅女不在家 (宅在家里没男人)


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  • 2011-11-25 15:58:13 我叫朱七七 (日秤。月秤。水秤。金秤。升射。)




    -------当然,这次选择无效,因为我已经抱啦。 哈哈哈。。。下次你再抱吧。


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  • 2011-11-25 15:59:54 木水苏 (星座,控……)


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  • 2011-11-25 16:01:13 牛牛牛阳阳阳 (君子之交淡如口水~)


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  • 2011-11-25 16:25:47 yinsu1234


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  • 2011-11-25 16:27:41 灼灼其华 (开始卖萌 宛若新生)

    晚上! 淡定兼激动滴等大神的中文版 辛苦折折了 撒花儿~

    > 删除
  • 2011-11-25 16:31:25 water (理智判断,谨慎处理)


    > 删除
  • 2011-11-25 16:35:09 陌上花浅 (咻咻咻咻~)



    亲爱的螃蟹, 你的幸运周期将自2011年6月4日开始, 延续至2012年的6月11日. 在这13周里, 你将以任何可能的形式见证这份幸运的显现. 你的心愿, 尤其是那些涉及工作和职业的愿望, 都将得以实现. 幸运女神最眷顾的当属你的社交生活. 你的魅力指数将急剧增长, 轻松浪漫的邂逅与调情也会时不时给你惊喜. 果断地邀约与接收邀请吧. 到哪里你都能感受娱乐的欢快氛围. 这段时间尤其适合你加入一个新的社交圈, 社团或组织, 它可以是有关政治的, 服务性质的或者体育运动类的(当然不止这些). 近期你遇到的人和加入的团体, 必将使你在未来岁月里获益良多. 新人们将拓宽你的认知和视野, 这种变化会让你终生受益. 而这些人中的某位, 很可能就是你未来的伴侣.

    但请注意, 并非任何交往都能平顺. 这15年间, 你身边某些人的诡秘和固执会使你倍感压抑. 可这些貌似难搞的家伙也许会变成你的终身伴侣! 不管是爱情, 名誉(某些蟹纸的确会遇到此方面问题), 还是其他任何方面, 与其在受阻时陷入低谷, 不如做个机会主义者. 再也找不到比这更好运的一年了. 生活是如此灿烂夺目, 乐观的心态使你对每个清晨充满期待!


    南北交点表明, 自此刻一直到2012年8月30日, 与其将手头的工作授权他人, 不如自己完成会更为顺利而高效. 这段时间内, 任何有关动手实践, 照料家人, 处理(或购买)机械产品(也包括工具, 汽车/货车和电脑)的事宜都将得到宇宙的协助. 随时留意关于营养, 饮食, 锻炼, 环境卫生以及疾病预防等方面的问题(不只是你自己, 还包括你的家人), 这会有好处的.

    在此期间, 你会被那些有关官僚主义, 政府机关, 还有各种机构(医院啦, 慈善机构啦, 大学啦, 监狱啦等等)的事情以及相关人员搞得很头大. 一个计划或目标可能因此被耽搁, 要么就是彻底失去了推动力而导致搁浅. 尽量避免把大块时间留给政策会议, 委员会, 总公司, 行政机构以及任何虚文滥调的事情. 别试图靠授权委托或政策声明解决问题, 自己动手实践吧. 在私人生活中, 避免任何逃避的行为. 一个所谓的避难所不一定真那么安全私密, 反而极可能是个精密的陷阱. 谨记一点: 若想吸引他人, 必先奉献自己.

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  • 2011-11-25 16:37:32 小茉


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  • 2011-11-25 16:39:58 自由的海鸟


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  • 2011-11-25 16:59:24 子夜 (最爱彼尔德!)



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  • 2011-11-25 17:01:52 善存 (耐心点,你的智慧在增长)


    > 删除
  • 2011-11-25 17:03:39 water (理智判断,谨慎处理)

    谢谢 子夜

    > 删除
  • 2011-11-25 17:05:33 Yuring


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  • 2011-11-25 17:06:20 sadistic星王子 (笑贫不笑娼)


    > 删除
  • 2011-11-25 17:12:20 water (理智判断,谨慎处理)

    > 删除
  • 2011-11-25 17:12:27 water (理智判断,谨慎处理)

    > 删除
  • 2011-11-25 17:12:33 water (理智判断,谨慎处理)


    > 删除
  • 2011-11-25 17:12:40 water (理智判断,谨慎处理)

    > 删除

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【射手新月日食水贴】爱是TIMING 不需要多聪明   (兔小西)

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猫石对话之2011年11月28日至12月4日运势   (满天星)