
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/05/03 09:07:08

如果你经常跑步,很可能会知道并遵守安全规则,如很重要的一点——跑步要迎着车流来的方向。如果你的孩子骑自行车,我打赌,你也会要求他遵守自行车安全规则。自行车行人须顺着车流骑行。不管你年龄抑或交通方式,必须使别人看的到你,穿着亮色或反光衣服,夜间时须配车灯。但是,对于父母孩子同时外出时,道路安全该如何保证呢? 如你们是步行,孩子骑自行车,你们怎样在保证安全的情况下同行?


I checked in with two experts to find out. About.com's Guide to Bicycling, Dave Fielder, recommends that in general, each person stick to her own side of the road. Dave says:

我咨询了两位专家,其中About骑车指导网站的大卫 菲尔德建议,通常下每个人应保持各行其道。他说道,


When the bike rider is faster (which will be most of the time), each person should maintain their own sides of the street, traveling the correct way according to the rules. This means the person on foot should be on the left, facing traffic, and the bike rider should be on the right, going with it.



Dan Gelinne of the Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center (part of the University of North Carolina Highway Safety Research Center) agrees, but notes that guidelines on road safety for kids will vary based on specific circumstances:

丹 基林尼行人自行车信息中心(北卡林娜大学高速公路安全研究中心下属机构)也这样认为,但是指出,儿童道路安全须知则不尽相同,主要基于以下具体情况:

If there are no sidewalks, the safest place to walk is on the left side of the street, going against traffic.


If there are sidewalks on only one side of the street, that is the safest side to walk on, no matter the direction.


On a low-volume street with no sidewalks, each person should stay on her own side of the road.


On a street with a sidewalk, check local policies. Sometimes a city or town will prohibit bicycling on sidewalks, but make exceptions for children under a certain age.


If there are specific issues with unsafe driving behaviors in the neighborhood, contact the city or town to ask for help.


If the bicyclist rides faster than the runner can go, and will be looping back to meet the runner, make sure the bicyclist knows how to signal properly and avoid turning into traffic.
