离婚合约前妻秘密微盘:FSM的概念和实现(Robert C.Martin和Mina2)

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FSM的概念和实现(Robert C.Martin和Mina2)2009年06月24日 星期三 16:21

FSM(Finite State Machine)有限状态机
Moore机:输出只依赖于状态, 行为简单
Mealy机:输出依赖于输入和状态, 状态简约
1) 基于switch/case或者if/else
2) 基于状态表
3) 使用State Pattern:易于维护,新能不差。
4) 使用宏定义描述状态机
http://www.objectmentor.com/resources/downloads.html Robert C.Martin的Java/C++实现
http://mina.apache.org/introduction-to-mina-statemachine.html 基于Mina2的实现【包sandbox.statemachine】
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finite_state_machine WIKI
http://www.cnblogs.com/swingboat/archive/2005/07/27/201488.html 有限状态机的实现


API Design As If Unit Testing Mattered This was presented by Michael C. Feathers at SD West 2007.
SMC - Finite State Machine Compiler (Java) This is the Java version of the SMC. It's in the form of an executable jar file and is able to generate both Java and C++ code. The source, however, is not yet presentable. CommandLineFixture.zip This fixture for the FIT framework (fit.c2.com) provides shell like behavior. A FIT table can specify commands to run, test the output of those commands, create files, test files for existence, and many other features. See http://fit.c2.com/wiki.cgi?SmcRemote for more information
Programming Practices in XP Powerpoint slides This is the Powerpoint presentation that Robert Martin used for his two web seminars on December 12, 2000.
depend.sh - Dependency Analysis Script This is a bash script that calculates the dependencies described in the paper "Object Oriented Design Quality Metrics: an analysis of dependencies". It walks through a directory structure of C++ programs and generates reports that show the values of the metrics for each class category. (text format)
Task Master Examples These are the examples from the TaskMaster article. They used to be at www.oma.com/Taskmaster/Examples. Now they are here.
Zess A simple mailing list server, developed test-first
CppUnit Lite A simple C++ unit-testing tool based on the popular JUnit. See CppTestTools for a complete testing solution that includes FitNesse.

CppTestTools These are the, now famous, C++ Test tools for writing unit tests and FitNesse fixtures in C++. This package includes Capabilities as well as CppFit, makefiles, macros, and many other useful tools and documents to get you going in the world of TDD in C++ or C.
Agile Coaching Presentation A presentation on coaching given at Agile2006.
Vise.zip A simple recording and checking tool to aid refactoring in Java.
Template for UML Diagrams This is the Visio template that Robert Martin and James Newkirk use for creating UML diagrams in their articles and books. It is based upon Pavel Hruby's work, but has several extensions.