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财富》(中文版)董事长兼总编辑高德思(Thomas D. Gorman)独家采访管理大师吉姆•柯林斯(Jim Collins,因著有畅销书《从优秀到卓越》、《基业长青》而广为闻名)。吉姆•柯林斯就中国企业家面临的种种问题,包括领导力、继任计划、商业教育、核心价值等提出了一系列广泛而深刻的看法和建议。敬请关注!


Thomas D. Gorman: First of all, I want to thank you for taking time to be with us today and particularly I know you're in "monk mode", as it has been described, and it's a very special generosity that we appreciate.

Jim Collins: I am in monk mode.

Thomas D. Gorman: This really is as I see it, a continuation of a conversation that we began very briefly in 2001.

Jim Collins: 2001.

Thomas D. Gorman: After you gave an inspired and I think an inspiring presentation to the Fortune Global Forum, which was held that year in Washington, DC. And 2001 stands out because you had published "Good to Great".

Jim Collins: Yep.





高德思:那一年,在华盛顿举办的《财富》全球论坛(Fortune Global Forum)上,你做了非常精彩、而且非常鼓舞人心的发言,然后我们简短交谈过。之所以强调2001年,是因为你在那一年出版了《从优秀到卓越》。



Thomas D. Gorman: And that was the subject of your presentation, which was a very memorable presentation. 2001 was of course also a very momentous year for China, it was the year that China entered the World Trade Organization, and that was a historic catalyst for all kinds of changes, including in the economics sphere, investment sphere and in terms of integration of China with the world economy.
Looking back to that period of time, we had ten Chinese companies on the Fortune Global 500 list. By contrast in 2009 we had 37. That's incredible growth, obviously, in a very short period of time.
And in that same time span -- 2001 to 2009 -- 50%, actually more than 50% growth in the number of publicly listed Chinese's companies. Whether listed abroad or in the domestic market, so also a lot of change there. Meanwhile, we've just been through the most turbulent period the world economy has seen in living memory.

Jim Collins: Yeah.

Thomas D. Gorman: So all of these things strike me as giving us a very opportune moment in which to consider the principles of greatness that you have written about, so eloquently, how they may apply to this phenomenal growth of the Chinese corporate universe, and also, in the context of the current turbulence that we're living through, which I know is the subject of the book you're working on now.

Jim Collins: It's sort of about the permanent turbulence I think we'll be in.

Thomas D. Gorman: Right. So I thought this would be a great place to revisit some of these subjects and I can't think of a better place to start, than the first sentence of "Good to Great" which is of course, "Good is the enemy of great" and I'd be interested in your thoughts about the universality of that. Do you think that applies as much to companies in China or any other country as it does to the (U.S. company) research set that lead you to that observation?

Jim Collins: Well, we were speaking a moment ago about the rise of the business group in China today, and how there are business leaders who want to build a great company.
And there's a big difference between having a good company that is successful or just being a successful person, or just making a lot of money, and building a great institution, a great company, something that in my mind, a really great company is all about, in the end is a company that delivers such exceptional results. And makes such a distinctive impact on the world it touches. Whether it's a small world or a big world, that if you took it away, it would leave an unfillable hole that couldn't be filled by any other institution. That you've built something that is truly distinctively special and exceptional in how well it performs.
And that you can't do by simply saying, good enough is, you have to say, no, in order to really be indispensable, to truly reach that point, where something would be lost if we went away.
That requires a dedication to building something far more than just successful, which is: a great company.



















Thomas D. Gorman: You've written that every good to great company had a level 5 leader, as you called them, at the pivotal point of transition.

Jim Collins: Yep.

Thomas D. Gorman: And I'd like to have you explain a little bit about, what are the key attributes of a level 5 leader?

Jim Collins: Yeah.
Well, first I want to sort of go back for where that idea came from. And on two dimensions, first just kind of something about how we look at the world and then how that led us to see this thing that I wasn't looking for. And it's very important to start with, this wasn't something I wanted to find, expected to find, anticipated finding, it was a surprise. But, it's a surprise that came out of a very empirical approach that we take in our work.














Thomas D. Gorman: Am I right that you found that those level 5 leaders, virtually all of them, had the personal attribute of humility as well? Or, is it more that they were overshadowed by institutional ambition?

Jim Collins: They were, I would say, that it was, they had a form of humility in the sense, I want to be really clear, is not a kind of humility that is necessarily an external package that you can see. We found a lot of different types.
Let's just pause on this point, because I think it's very important.
It's not about your external demeanor. Most of the level 5's were in fact this is what got us thinking about them -- most of them were more, sort of, plow horse than show horse. Often they were shy, often they were not particularly magnetic personalities, they were people who were socially awkward.






Jim Collins: I mean, Darwin Smith at Kimberly Clark, was just kind of strange. He's idea of a good social event was to sit by himself on a tractor and move rocks from one end of the property to another. I mean, that was his idea of a good time. That was his idea of socializing, right? To move rocks about, and when asked about his style, he just simply said, "eccentric." He's not your sort of smooth guy and yet he was one of these great leaders.
But on the other hand, you have someone like Anne Mulcahy, of Xerox, who is somebody who I greatly admire, who was dealt a very difficult set of cards. Company in real difficult straights, may be going away, company with great historic track record. And Anne really brought Xerox back and she though, she is magnetic, she's social. I've seen her in front of hundreds and thousands of people having them like weeping and stomping and cheering and with a sense of goose bumps.
And you ask yourself, what is the awkward Darwin Smith riding around on his tractor, and Anne Mulcahy, who is this magnetic, wonderful person, who just makes you feel good when you walk into a room, what do they share in common, that makes them different?
It's not about them. And, that is really the difference.
Both of them care deeply about doing whatever it took to build or to rebuild something into a great stature that would go on beyond them. And that in the end, really stood for something.
Their extra little personality traits, really different. But, that inner drive and the steely determination -- same.
You meet Anne Mulcahy and she's a nice person, but boy, whatever difficult decisions need to be made to save Xerox, she would make them, and they were very painful. She said, "I don't ever want those decisions to become easy." It's not that they were easy, it's just they had to be done.
And when Darwin Smith sold the mills, hundreds of years of company history, it's not that is was easy, but as he said, "If you have a cancer in your arm, you have to have the guts to cut off your own arm." Right?
So the level five is someone, we don't want to sort of get caught up on the fact, that they are necessarily, self-effacing, necessarily shy, that they necessarily have a charisma by-pass. They may or may not have those external attributes, but it's the internal drive, it's not about them, they have the relentlessness to make very painful decisions.
And finally, the humility comes in the form of never feeling they've got all the answers worked out, and always feeling they're on the edge of potential catastrophe. And that helps keep their edge, that they are very aware of the brutal facts all the time.



不过卓越的领导者中也有像施乐公司(Xerox)的安妮•马尔卡希(Anne Mulcahy)这样的人物。我对她非常欣赏。她面对的是一个棘手的烂摊子。她当年担任CEO时,施乐这样一家曾经十分辉煌的公司正深陷困境,而且还有破产的可能。不过安妮却将施乐从破产的边缘挽救了回来。她是一个富有魅力、并非常擅于社交的人。我曾经见过她面对成百上千的听众,令他们激动得时而流泪、时而跺脚、时而又欢呼。










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