钢筋 屈服强度:2011中考英语考前错题本

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  a 

  [误] I think it is an useful English dictionary.

  [正] I think it is a useful English dictionary.

  [析] 在不定冠词a与an的用法中要注意的一点是:an用在以元音开头的词之前;而a则用在以辅音开头的词之前。要特别注意的是以u字母打头的单词,如useful, university等,其第一个音标是[j],所以要特别予以注意。

  [误] I need a hour to finish this letter.

  [正] I need an hour to finish this letter.

  [析] 要注意hour和honest的第一个字母不发音。

  [误] My teacher is a unknown man, but he is a very good man.

  [正] My teacher is an unknown man, but he is a very good man.

  [析] 要注意以u打头的单词,它的发音为[]时,单数名词前要用an,如uncle等。

  [误] There is a "f" in the word "football".

  [正] There is an "f" in the word "football".

  [析] 英文字母单独使用时,如其第一个发音是元音时,其前面的不定冠词应该用an而不是a.

  [误] I have a little brother. He is a 8yearold boy.

  [正] I have a little brother. He is an 8yearold boy.

  [析] 要注意这些字母的第一个发音为元音,如eight, eleven等。


  able 

  [误] This bike is able to be repaired.

  [正] This bike can be repaired.

  [析] be able to 主要表达某事或某人具有某种能力去作某事,应译为"有本领"、"有能力"、"可以"作某事,如:I'm able to swim across this river. 而can可以用来表示具有接受能力或吸收能力。如:This radio can be repaired here.

  about 

  [误] This class is about to begin just now.

  [正] This class is about to begin.

  [析] 要注意be about to 是"将要"的意思,含有将来时之意,不要与表示过去时的时间状语连用。另外,be about to 一般用作书面语,对应的口语是be going to.


  about on 

  about与on都可以作"关于"讲,但却有所不同,例如:This book is about physics. 应译为"这是一本关于物理学的科普读物。"而:This book is on physics.则应译为"这是一本物理学方面的专著。"

  above 

  [误] The temperature is five degrees over zero.

  [正] The temperature is five degrees above zero.

  [析] 表达"在……上方"时,above与over是可以互换的,如:The sky is above(or over)our heads. 但是要表达在垂直方向上的上方时则应用above不可用over,如:The sun has risen above the horizon.

  [误] There is often thick cloud above the South of China in summer.

  [正] There is often thick cloud over the South of China in summer.

  [析] 当表达覆盖之意时,只可用over而不能用above.

  [误] There is a bridge above the river.

  [正] There is a bridge over the river.

  [析] 用来表达"从……上方越过"时不能用above只能用over,如:The plane flew over the city. 但要注意There is waterfall above the bridge. 则应译为"在桥的上游有一个瀑布。"


  across 

  [误] He ran across the wood.

  [正] He ran through the wood.

  [析] across是指某一动作在一平面内进行,而through则是指该动作在一三维立体空间的运动过程。如:The man came in through the window. He walked across the square.

  across 的主要用法有两个。其一,意为"对面",如:There is a school just across the street. 其二,意为"横过",如:He walked across the street.


  afraid 

  [误] I dont't afraid of him.

  [正] I am not afraid of him.

  [析] 要注意"害怕"afraid一词在英语中不是动词,而是形容词,要与be动词连用。


  after 

  [误] Two weeks after he left.

  [正] Two weeks later he left.

  [正] He left after two weeks.

  [析] 要表达"在多少时间之后",英语中有两种表达法,即:用later时,要时间在前,如three hours later; 而用after时要时间在后,如after three hours.

  [误] My father will be back after a few hours.

  [正] My father will be back in a few hours.

  [析] 受中文的影响,这个介词常常被误用。当你要表达在一段时间内某个动作可以完成时,一定要用in,而不能用after,因为after是指在某一时间之后。例如:This work will be done in two days. 即表明在两天内这一工作一定会做完。而如用了after,即表示在两天之后,完成的时间是不确定的。


  after behind 

  after多用于表示顺序的前后,如:She walked in the line after Tom. 或用来表示"追赶",表示一种动态,如:He ran after Mary. 而behind多用于强调先进与落后,如:She is much behind the other girls in sewing. 或者用于表达"迟于",如:The train was ten minutes behind the time table. 或者与表示静态的动词连用,如:She hid herself behind the flowers.

  afternoon 

  [误] He worked very hard in a hot afternoon.

  [正] He worked very hard on a hot afternoon.

  [析] 习惯用的词组in the afternoon, 如果加入任何修饰词后其前面的介词in都要改为on,不论其修饰词在前还是在后,如:He swam in this river on the afternoon of June lst. 又如:Are you free on Sunday afternoon? 


  against 

  [误] He against me.

  [正] He is against me.

  [析] 要注意against意为"反对",但它在英文 中却不是动词,而是介词,如要讲反对某事或某人时则要加动词be, 如:He is against somebody/something.

  against for 

  against意为"反对"、"不赞成";而for则意为"同意",为其反意词。如:Are you for or against the plan?


  age 

  [误] He is twenty years old of age.

  [正] He is twenty.

  [正] He is twenty years old.

  [正] He is at the age of twenty.


  ago 

  [误] Tom's father has been dead five years ago.

  [正] Tom's father died five years ago.

  [析] ago意为由说话时算起,若干时间以前。它只能和一般动词过去时连用,而不要与完成时连用。

  [误] Yesterday I met a friend. We didn't see each other for a long time since we left the college twenty years ago.

  [正] Yesterday I met a friend. We hadn't seen each other for a long time since we left the college twenty years ago.

  [析] 要注意的是在本句是ago是用在由since引起的从句之中,只是从句应用过去时,但不影响主句的时态。


  agree 

  [误] Does the teacher agree to us?

  [正] Does the teacher agree with us?

  [误] Does he agree with our plan?

  [正] Does he agree with us?

  [析] agree with 指"同意某人的提议、建议、计划"等。如果要讲同意某项计划则要用agree to, 如:Do you agree to the plan?


  all 

  [误] The old man has two sons. All of them are workers.

  [正] The old man has two sons. Both of them are workers.

  [析] all是指三者或以上的全部,而both则是指"两者都"。

  [误] The all children are playing football now.

  [正] All the children are playing football now.

  [析] all作修饰词时其位置要在所有的修饰词之前,不论这些修饰词是定冠词、指示代词、形容词或名词,或代词的所有格。

  [误] You all are right.

  [正] Yo u are all right.

  [析] all作同位语时其位置要置于be动词之后,实意动词之前,如:The teachers all work hard. 或用于第一助动词之后,如:The boys have all been waiting for their mothers.


  almost 

  [误] Nearly nobody thinks he is right.

  [正] Almost nobody thinks he is right.

  [析] nearly与almost是近意词,其含意差别不大,但是与否定词连用时要用almost, 例如:She brought almost no money with her. 此句中的almost不能用nearly替换。


  alone 

  [误] The old man lived lone but he didn't feel lonely.

  [正] The old m an lived alone, but he didn't feel lonely.

  [析] alone, lone, lonely 三个词全具有"孤单、孤独"之意。但其用法不同:lone可 以作定语,而alone则只能作表语,lonely则多指感情上与感觉上的孤独。


  already 

  [误] We are already for the work.

  [正] We are all ready for the work.

  [析] already 是副词,其意为"已经",如:He already knew about it. 而all ready为形容词意为"准备好"。


  already yet 

  already多用于肯定句中,例如:The students have already finished the work. 而yet则多用于疑问句与否定句中,如:Have you finished it yet? I haven't finished it yet.


  also 

  [误] I didn't find the dictionary also.

  [正] I didn't find the dictionary either.

  [析] 作为"也"讲,在否定句中要用either而不能用also.


  also too 

  also与too都可用在肯定句中表示"也",但also通常用于be动词或情态动词之后,如:I can also do it myself. 而too一般放于句尾。I'll attend his class, too.


  always 

  [误] Always he asked himself why he had come here.

  [正] He always asked himself why he had come here.

  [析] always一般不能用于句首,它在一般句中的位置是于动词之前第一助动词之后,如:I've always thought he is honest. 又如:He is alw ays late.


  among 

  [误] If the three apples are divided among the two boys how much will each receive?

  [正] If the three apples are divided among the three boys how much will each receive?

  [析] among常用于三个事物或人物之间,而between则多用于两者之间。


  an 

  [误] This is an useful dictionary.

  [正] This is a useful dictionary.

  [析] 详见a条。


  and 

  [误] He did not speak loudly and clearly.

  [正] He did not speak loudly nor clearly.

  [误] Our school is not in New York and Chicago, but in Boston.

  [正] Our school is not in New York or Chicago, but in Boston.

  [析] "和"这一概念在肯定句中应用and,但在否定句中则要用or


  angry 

  [误] My mother was angry to me.

  [正] My mother was angry with me.

  [误] He was angry with what I said.

  [正] He was angry at what I said.

  [析] 要注意be angry后面如果接人,表示"对某人生气不满"时应用be angry with somebody. 但要接事物时要用be angry at something.


  another 

  [误] I ha ve two sisters, one in America and another in English.

  [正] I have two sisters, one in America and the other in English.

  [析] 要注意英语中another, other, the other, the others, others的不同用法,现分别说明如下:another作形容词其意为:泛指的另一个或再一个,别的,类似的。一般在句中作定语,如: This is not good enough, please show me another one. another还可以作为代词用,如:One student said:"I want to play baskball."another said:"I want to play football."other作形容词其意为"泛指其余的,别的"。如:I have other books besides these. 又如:Ask some other people please. the other则为特指,作形容词时其后面可接单数或复数名词,如:She has two flowers. One is white, the other one is yellow. (特指,单数)又如:There are fifty students in our class, twenty five are boys, the other students are girls. (特指,复数)但当the other作为代词时,它代表的可以是单数,也可以是复数,如:He has a book in one hand, and a pen in the other. (单数)又如:There are some people in the room. Four are girls, the other(复数)are boys. 要注意的是当the other作主语时,其后面的谓语动词要视具体情况而定,它可能是单数,也可能是复数。others则只能作代词,其意为other ones即为:泛指某些,某一部分人或物,如:Each of us must think of others. 而the others只能作为代词,它是特指某一些人或物,如:I know only one or two of the students; the others are unknown to me.


  answer 

  [误] Someone is knocking at the door. Please reply the door bell.

  [正] Someone is knocking at the door, Please answer the door bell.

  [析] answer与reply是近意词,作为及物动词用时有时二者是可以互换的,如:The student answered/replied that he wanted to watch TV. 但在某些特定场合则不易互换。作为应答之意时则多用answer,如:You should answer to your name. Pl ease answer my letter as soon as possible. Answer my question in English.


  any 

  [误] Do you have some questions?

  [正] Do you have any questions?

  [析] some一般要用于肯定句,而any则用于否定句或疑问句。

  [误] China is larger than any other countries in Asia.

  [正] China is larger than any other country in Asia.

  [析] 要注意any other 其后要跟单数名词,但any of the other 其后要接复数名词。China  is larger than any of the other countries in Asia.

  [误] Here are some books; you can choose anyone of these.

  [正] Here are some books; you can choose any one of these.

  [析] anyone只能指人,而any one即可指人 也可以指物。


  around 

  [误] The nine planets go around of the sun.

  [正] The nine planets go around the sun.

  [析] around后面不要再加介词,如:The sun shines all around us.

  around round 

  作介词用的around与round通常可以互换,只不过美语常用around,而英语常用round,例如:You can see the post office round/around that corner. (绕过那个弯你就可以看到邮局。但是一定要区别它们的不同之处:round可以用作形容词、副词、介词、动词、名词;而around只能用作副词或介词。例如:The post office is just round (around) the house (用作介词). He has round face (用作形容词). The river rounded the stones. (用作动词)


  arrive 

  [误] I arrived Beijing the day before yesterday.

  [正] I arrived in Beijing the day before yesterday.

  [正] I reached Beijing the day before yesterday.

  [误] He arrived in the school at 11∶00.

  [正] He arrived at the school at 11∶00.

  [析] arrive为不及物动词,当到达的是较大的地理区域时用介词in,而到达较小的地方时则用at, 如:arrive in New York, arrive at the village.

  arrive reach get 

  arrive如上所述是不及物动词,而reach则是及物动词。如:How did you reach the school this morning? 而get可用作不及物动词,作"到达"讲时其后面多与to连用。如:When did you get to New York?


  as 

  [误] This man works in the bank for a manager.

  [正] This man works in the bank as a manager.

  [析] as与for有时是可以通用的。如:This room is used as (for) a classroom. 但是用来指官衔、职位时只能用as.

  [误] My brother is so taller as Tom.

  [正] My brother is as tall as Tom.

  [析] as… as之间只能用形容词与副词的原级,而不能用比较级。在否定句中可以用so…as,也可以用as…as,但在肯定句中只能用as…as,如:He is not so tall as Tom.

  [误] I'll give him the note as soon as he will come.

  [正] I'll give him the note as soon as he comes.

  [析] as soon as所引导的状语从句中应使用一般时态表示将来。


  ask 

  [误] The student asked a question to the teacher.

  [正] The student asked the teacher a question.

  [析] ask应接双宾语,即ask somebody something.

  [误] They asked some books.

  [正] They asked for some books.

  [析] 向某人要求某物时应用ask somebody for something或ask for something from somebody, 如:He asked his mother for some money. 或He asked for some money from his mother.


  asleep 

  [误] He is deeply asleep.

  [正] He is fast asleep.

  [析] 要讲"熟睡",就要用fast来修饰asleep。另外, 在英语中一般不讲somebody is sleeping而要用asleep。关于睡觉这一词的惯用法还有:go to sleep(如:The old man usually goes to sleep at ten.), fall asleep(如:I fell asleep at English class yes terday.)


  at 

  [误] It will really do you no harm quite.

  [正] It will really do you no harm at all.

  [析] at all和quite的汉语意思均为"全然"、"确定的",但at all适用于否定句,例如: -I'm sorry. I'm late.  -No trouble at all. 

  又如:I don't think it is right at all. 而quite则适用于肯定句,例如:He is quite a good teacher.

  [误] The children play football for lunch.

  [正] The children play football at lunch.

  [析] 英语中的at lunch为"在吃午饭时"。这种惯用法还有at work(在工作),at table(在吃饭),at desk(在学习)。而for lunch则是为午饭而准备的食物,又如:We had some milk for breakfast.

  [误] There is a post office in the corner of the street.

  [正] There is a post office at the corner of the street.

  [析] at the corner是指墙外面的角,而in the corner是指建筑物内部的角落。例如:There is a computer in the corner of the room. There is a street lamp at the corner of the street.


  at in on 

  在表示时间时用来表示具体钟点用at,如:He will be back at six. 表示一天的上、 下午时要用in,如:I usually get up at six in the morning. 但要注意的是,in the morning和in the afternoon这两个词组中如果加入了任何修饰词,其介词要换为on, 如:on the cold morning, on the hot afternoon.又如:See you on Monday morning. 如讲到具体的某一天,要用on, 如:on Sunday, 如:I usually want to visit my mother on Sundays. 在谈到周、月、季、年时要用in,如:All the children will be happy in Easter week. He was born in July. 但要注意在泛指圣诞节、复活节、感恩节时都用at, 如:Wher e are you going at Easter.



back 

  【误】 I'm sorry. I have to back home.

  【正】 I'm sorry. I have to go back home.

  【正】 I'm sorry. I have to go home.

  【析】 back用作"回到(某处)"之意,不是动词。


  be 

  【误】 Where do you from?

  【正】 Where are you from?

  【析】 "你从何处来"应为Where are you from?或Where do you come from? 但要注意这两句话均是问对方从哪个国家来的。要是口语中问"你是从什么地方来?"应讲Where did you come from? 回答用I came from the library.


  beat 

  【误】 We have won your class.

  【正】 We have beaten your class.

  【正】 We have won the game.

  【析】 win是胜过之意,它是及物动词,但其后的宾语只能接比赛、战争、奖品、奖金的名称,如:Which team won the football match? 而beat指打败对手、敌人……如:My brother beat me at poker.(要注意的是,beat的过去式与原形相同,而过去分词为beaten)。

  【误】 The ball beat me badly.

  【正】 The ball hit me badly.

  【误】 He used to hit the little boy black and blue.

  【正】 He used to beat the little boy black and blue.

  【析】 beat指打击多次,而hit则为击中对方的一次性打击。


  beautiful 

  【误】 He is a beautiful boy.

  【正】 He is a handsome boy.

  【析】 我们可以讲She is a beautiful girl. This is a beautiful park. 但要讲男人的"英俊"时要用handsome.


  because 

  【误】 The reason why I was late is because I was ill.

  【正】 The reason why I was late is that I was ill.

  【误】 Because it was Sunday, so the park was crowded.

  【正】 Because it was Sunday the park was crowded.

  【析】 这种错误是因为中文的习惯与英语的表述法不同,中文常讲我来晚了的原因是因为我病了,而英文中的第二个因为要用that代替。又因中文常讲因为……所以……,而英文中用了因为就不能再用所以了,同样用了"所以"也就不要再用"因为"一词。例如:Because we study hard, we passed the exam easily. 或者:We study hard so we passed the exam easily.


  because because of 

  because后要接从句,例如:We like physics because we can learn a lot of new ideas. 而because of后要接名词作介词宾语,如:He is not at school because of the illness.


  before 

  【误】 We have two hours to kill before we will go home.

  【正】 We have two hours to kill before we go home.

  【析】 kill time意为"消磨时光"。

  英语状语从句中要用一般现在时表示将来的动作。如:If it rains we will not go to the park.

  【误】 I did this work two days before.

  【正】 I did this wor k two days ago.

  【析】 用ago组成的时间状语其主句中的谓语动词要用过去时,而before引起的时间状语其主句中的谓语动词多用完成时,如:I has done this work a few days before.

  before long long before 

  before long是"不久"之意,例如:I shall go to America before long. 而long before则是"很久很久"之意,如:We knew this teacher long before w e saw him. (我们在看到这位老师之前很久就知道他了。)


  begin 

  【误】 The meeting will begin from Monday.

  【正】 The meeting will begin on Monday.

  【误】 The film has begun for ten minutes.

  【正】 The film has been on for ten minutes.

  【析】 begin是瞬间动词,所以它的完成时态不能接表示一段时间的状语,如:The film has begun. 这句话是对的,即"电影已经开始"。但要讲已经开始10分钟了则要用has been on即"上演了10分钟"。

  begin start 

  begin与start两词后面加不定式或动名词都可以,且意思并无区别,但在表达习惯时接动名词的用法较多,如:How old wern you when you first started learning English?但这两个词的进行时态中则多用不定式,如:I was beginning to get hungry. 但如果句子的主语是物而不是人,则多用不定式,如:The ice began to melt. It started to get dark before we got to school. 当动词是表达某种心理状态时,要用不定式,如:The student began to understand his mistakes.

  【误】 They study hard i n the class from the beginning to the end.

  【正】 They study hard in the class from beginning to end.

  【析】 from beginning to end是习惯用法,即自始至终,不要加冠词,但如单独使用则要加冠词,例如:At the beginning,the teacher gave us an exam.


  behind 

  【误】 He missed the class because he was behind t he time.

  【正】 He missed the class because he was behind time.

  【析】 behind time一短语意为"晚了",而behind the times意为"落后于时代"。behind是介词同时又是副词,如Come out from behind the door(介词). He's a long way behind(副词). He fell behind with his classmates(副词).


  below 

  【误】 What's that below the chair.

  【正】 What's that under the chair.

  【析】 under意为"正下方",而below意为"比……低",或指"在下游"。如:There is a fall below the river. (河的下游有一个瀑布。)其反义词为over,如:There is a big plane flying over the city. 但在"下面的例子"一表达语中则要用the example below, 而不要用under.


  beside 

  【误】 The students stood besides the teacher.

  【正】 The students stood beside the teacher.

  【误】 I study English beside Chinese.

  【正】 I study English besides Chinese.

  【析】 beside意为"在……旁边",而besides是"除……以外(还如何)"。


  beside by near 

  beside意为"在……旁",如:There is a tall tree beside the river. by多指"倚、靠"、"沿着"之意,如:She is standing by the window. near多用来表示两地间距离不远,如:There is a post office near our school.


  better 

  【误】 You had better to do it at home.

  【正】 You had better do it at home.

  【误】 You hadn't better wake me up at six.

  【正】 You had better not wake me up at six.

  【析】 had better在肯定句中为"应该作某事",其后加不带to的不定式,而在否定句中应用had better+not+动词原形。在简答语中had常省略为'd,如:You'd better not. 又如:

  Let's go first. No, we'd better not.


  between 

  【误】 Among the two trees there is a space of the feet.

  【正】 Between the two tr ees there is a space of the feet.

  【析】 两者之间多用between,三者或三者以上之间则用among.

  【误】 You must choose between this club or that club.

  【正】 You must choose between this club and that club.

  【析】 在两个之间作出选择要用between…and…,而不能用between…or….


  big 

  【误】 There was a big rain last nigh t.

  【正】 There was a heavy rain last night.

  【析】 大雨在英语中只能用a heavy rain而不要用a big rain. 


  bit 

  【误】 He is a bit fool. 

  【正】 He is a bit of a fool.

  【析】 a bit可以作程度副词,与a little相同,但它用于名词前应用a bit of, 而用 于形容词前则应用a bit,如:I'm a bit tired, 而其简答的否定句应为Not a bit, (一点儿也不。)又如:

  -Do you mind if I open the door?

  -Not a bit. 


  black 

  【误】 The children became black after swimming in the sea.

  【正】 The children became sunburned after swimming in the sea.

  【析】 因太阳照晒而皮肤变黑,不应用black而应用sunburned, sun colour或dark.

  【误】 The girl has black eyes and black



  【正】 The girl has dark eyes and black hair.

  【析】 英语中black eyes的意思是被打得发青的眼睛。

  【误】 The Europeans like red tea.

  【正】 The Europeans like black tea.

  【析】 红茶在英文中应为black tea. 这种惯用法还有:black and blue(鼻青脸肿,青一块紫一块);blackandwhite(黑白电视片)。go black意为"在失去知觉时眼前一片黑暗";look black意为"情况不妙,前景暗淡"。如:After the fight he was black and blue.On TV, I like colour for something and blackandwhite for others.


  body 

  【误】 Going to bed earlier and getting up earlier is good for your body.

  【正】 Going to bed earlier and getting up earlier is good for your health.

  【析】 中文常讲对你身体有利,而英文中则讲对你健康有利。


  borrow 

  【误】 May I lend some books from the library?

  【正】 May I borrow some books from the library?

  【误】 How long can I borrow it?

  【正】 How long can I keep it?

  【析】 英语中有三个词都可译为"借",但意义各不相同如:"借入"是borrow,其常用句型结构是borrow something from somebody,这是个瞬间性动词,不可与表示延续的时间状语连用。例如:The students want to borrow some books from the library. "借出"用lend,即借给别人东西。其常用句型是lend somebody something, 或lend something to somebody.例如:Could you lend us your dictionary?或Could you lend your dictionary to us? 它也是瞬间性动词,也不能与延续的时间状语连用。keep则是延续性动词,可以和表示长时间段的时间状语连用,也可与how long等疑问词连用,如:You can keep it for three days.


  born (bear的过去分词)

  【误】 I born in Shanghai.

  【正】 I was born in Shanghai.

  【误】 He was born from Greek parents.

  【正】 He was born of Greek parents.

  【析】 "出身于……样的家庭"不要作from而要用of,例如:He was born of a poor family.


  both 

  【误】 They both are students.

  【正】 They are both students.

  【误】 They refuse both to answer this question.

  【正】 They both refuse to answer this question.

  【析】 both作同位语时,一般要用在be动词之后实意动词之前。

  【误】 I know his both parents.

  【正】 I know both his parents.

  【误】 The both brothers were students.

  【正】 Both the brothers were students.

  【正】 Both brothers were students.

  【析】 当both与形容词性物主代词my, his, her等以及定冠词the连用时,都应将这些词置于both之后。另外,在与定冠词连用时the可以省略。

  【误】 Both of my parents are not at home.

  【正】 Neither of my parents are at home.

  【误】 Both of your answers are not right.

  【正】 Neither of your answers is right.

  [ 正] Both your answers are wrong.

  【析】 both不能用于否定句中作主语。表示"两者都不"时要用neither;但作宾语时both与either则都对,但要注意句意有所不同。例如:I cannot give both of the books to you. (我不能将两本书全给你。)而I cannot give either of the books to you. (两本书中哪本书也不能给你。)


  bring 

  【误】 Please bring this dictionary to Mr Brown.

  【正】 Please take this dictionary to Mr Brown.

  【误】 Next time, please take your little sister here.

  【正】 Next time, please bring your little sister here.

  【析】 英语中bring是"带来",而take是"带走"。还有一个词fetch, 表示"到某处去把某物取、接回来"。如:Please fetch the doctor at once.


  business 

  【误】 My father went to Shanghai for business.

  【正】 My father went to Shanghai on business.

  【析】 o n business出差


  busy 

  【误】 The students were very busy to prepare for the exam.

  【正】 The students were very busy preparing for the exam.

  【析】 be busy doing something为"忙于作某事"

  【误】 The students were busy for the exam.

  【正】 The students were busy with the exam.

  【析】 busy直接接名词时应用with.


  but 

  【误】 He couldn't help but realizing that he was wrong.

  【正】 He couldn't help but realize that he was wrong.

  【误】 She couldn't help to cry when she saw her mother.

  【正】 She couldn't help crying when she saw her mother.

  【析】 couldn't help其后应接动名词,表示情不自禁的动作,但couldn't help but后面要加动词原形即省to的不定式,所以前一句应译为"他才真正认识到他错了。"


  buy 

  【误】 I have bought this dictionary for three years.

  【正】 I have had this dictionary for three years.

  【析】 buy是截止性(即瞬间)动词,它可以有完成时,如:I have bought this dictionary. 但是不能与表示较长的时间状语连用。如要讲我这本字典已买了3年了则要用have had这一结构即我拥有这本字典已3年了。


  by 

  【误】 The boy shot the cat by a gun.

  【正】 The boy shot the cat with a gun.

  【误】 He came to school by a taxi this morning.

  【正】 He came to school by taxi this morning.

  【析】 作为某种运输手段来讲,by与名词间不能有冠词,如:by car, by bike, by air等。如有了冠词或其他修饰词,则应用别的相应的介词,如:"我们今天早上是乘他的车来的"一句应译为:We came here in his car this morning.与by结合而成的词组很多,常用的有:by the way顺便说说;by hand手工制作;by oneself独自地;by no means决不。



call 

  【误】 I'll call at Mr Brown.

  【正】 I'll call on Mr Brown.

  【误】 I'll call on Mr Brown's home.

  【正】 I'll call at Mr Brown's home.

  【析】 作"拜访"讲时,at后面接访问地点,而on后面接访问的人。


   call on drop in visit 

  call on比较正式的为公务的访问,如:We were called on by the old students. 而drop in则是比较随便的走走,顺便拜访,如:If you're free, drop in. 而visit则是更正式的外交访问或友好往来,如:My school's headmaster will visit America next week.


  can 

  【误】 A blind man can not judge colours.

  【正】 A blind man cannot judge colours.

  【误】 I cann't call for you at ten.

  【正】 I can't call for you at ten.

  【析】 can的否 定形式应为cannot或can't.

  【误】 It's only six o'clock. That mustn' t be the postman.

  【正】 It's only six o'clock. That can't be the postman.

  【析】 must用来表示一种肯定的推断,如:She must have some problems. She keeps crying. 但在否定句中则要用can't, 要表示对过去的推测则要用"must+have+过去分词"的表达法,如:The lights have gone out.A fuse must have blown.而对过去的否定推测则多用"can't+have+过去分词",如:I don't think he can have heard you. Call again.

  【误】 We could not help to laugh at once.

  【正】 We could not help laughing at once.

  【正】 We could not help but laugh at once.

  【析】 "couldn't help+动名词"表示禁不住做了某事。但could not help but与could not but后面要加不带to的不定式,意思都是不得不去做某事.如:You could not (help) but respect him.


  can be able to 

  can与be able to都可以用来表示能力,但can只有现在时与过去时,be able to则可用任何时态,如:He will be able to teach the child. 但要表示经过努力而达到的一次性动作则只 能用be able to,如:He finally was able to jump over 210 meters. 或:The plane was able to fly over the mountain. 但要注意的是这两个词都没有进行时态,而be able to后面不接不定式的被动态。


  can could 

  can与could都可以用在现在时的口语中,只是用could更为礼貌,语气更委婉。如:Could you tell us a story?


  care 

  【误】 I don't care coffee.

  【正】 I don't care for coffee.

  【误】 Take care for your steps.

  【正】 Take care of your steps.

  【析】 care for是"对某物感兴趣",而care of是"关心,要当心某事",如:She didn't care for him. Take care of what you are doing.

  【误】 I don't care where we will go if it doesn't rain.

  【正】 I don't care where we go if it doesn't rain.

  【析】 在it doesn't matter, I don't care, I don't mind, 及in case引出的状语从句后面要用现在时表示将来。如:I've got a football in case we have time for a game.


  change 

  【误】 I want to change my camera with that one.

  【正】 I want t o change my camera for that one.

  【析】 change for为"以某物为交换物"。而change with则是"随……而变",如:The wood's colour changed with the season.


  cheap 

  【误】 A teacher's salary is generally very cheap.

  【正】 A teacher's salary is generally very low.

  【析】 工资的高低要用low,cheap是指价格便宜,如果要讲物美价廉则要用not expensive, 如:This car is not expensive.


  choose 

  【误】 We each had to have a choose of A or B.

  【正】 We each had to have a choice of A or B.

  【析】 choice是名词,而choose是动词。


  class 

  【误】 The class is watching TV.

  【正】 The class are watching TV.

  【析】 class作主语时,如果作为整体讲则应用单数形式的谓语动词,如:The class was more than forty in number. 如考虑到具体的每个成员时则应用复数形式的谓语动词,如:The class are, in general, very bright.


  clean 

  【误】 Sorry, I didn't bought it here. I cleanly forgot.

  【正】 Sorry, I didn't bought it here. I clean forgot.

  【析】 clean可以作为副词讲,其意为"完全",而cleanly则意为"正确地"、"干净利落地",如:The knife doesn't cut cleanly. 而clean作为形容词讲时意为"清洁的"、"干净的",如:Her face is not clean now.


  clever 

  【误】 I'm not clever in English.

  【正】 I'm not clever at English.

  【析】 clever at是固定搭配,表示在某方面有特长。


  close 

  【误】 It is cold outside. Please keep the door close.

  【正】 It is cold outside. Please keep the door closed.

  [析 ] 这里的close是动词,意为"关闭",而keep后要加形容词,所以要用close的过去分词形式closed作形容词。作形容词用的close意为"近的"、"亲密的"。

  【误】 Come closely so that I can see you.

  【正】 Come close so that I can see you.

  【误】 Good teaching and good testing are close related.

  【正】 Good teaching and good testing are closely related.

  【析】 close,closely同样可以作副词用,但其意义不同,close是"靠近"、"接近"之意,而closely则是"紧密"、"严密"、"密切"之意。

  【误】 My school was quite close from my home.

  【正】 My school was quite close to my home.

  【析】 "与……接近"是close to…,例如:

  He was close to fifty.

  There is a busstop close to the station.


  close shut turn 

  shut与close是同义词,如close the door或shut the door. 但要讲把某人关在门外时则只能用shut somebody out而不能用close,因shut语气较强,并含有隔离之意。而turn off是指关上电视、电灯、煤气之类,有切断之意。


  cloth 

  【误】 The children wear very good cloth to go to school.

  【正】 The children wear very good clothes to go to school.

  【误】 I need a lot of clothing.

  I'm going to make a new cloth. 

  【正】 I need a lot of cloth.

  I'm going to make a new dress. 

  【析】 cloth是"布"、"布料",没有复数形式。一块布料是a piece of cloth, 而clothes统指衣服,是复数名词,"一套衣服"要讲a suit of clothes, 如果是"一件件衣服"应讲shirt, dress, sweater等。而clothing是衣物的总称,是不可数名词。例如:This clothing is needed in warm countries.Her clothes are made of fine cloth.英语中的dress是指比较正式的服装,如a school dress(校服),a student dress(学生套装),a working dress(工作服)。


  coffee 

  【误】 Please give me two waters.

  【正】 Please give me two coffees.

  【正】 Please give me two cups of water.

  【析】 虽然coffee, water, tea等都是物质名词,但是只有coffee可用coffees取代若干杯coffee,而其他的却不行,其前要加a cup of或a glass of.


  colour(color) 

  【误】 Colours of flowers are red, yellow and white.

  【正】 Flowers are red, yellow and white.

  【析】 中文的"花的颜色有红色、黄色和白色",若译为英文Colours of flowers are…,就显得重复了。

  【误】 I like green colour.

  【正】 I like green.

  【正】 I like colour green.

  【析】 colour green中的colour是gr een的同位语,所以这种说话方式英语是可以接受的。


  come 

  【误】 I came across with an old friend in the street yesterday.

  【正】 I came across an old friend in the street yesterday.

  【析】 come across是"偶然碰见、遇见",要直接加宾语,如:I've just come across a beautiful poem in this magazine.

  【误】 Where do you come from?

  I come from the station. 

  【正】 Where did you come from?

  I came from the station. 

  【正】 Where do you come from?

  I come from China. 

  【析】 Where do you come from?意为"你是什么地方的人?"而Where did you come from?则是"你从何处来?" 

  【误】 The stars are coming out from the cloud.

  【正】 The stars are coming out of the cloud.

  【析】 come out of意为"从……地方出来"。


  come in come into enter 

  come in与come into的意义相同,但come into后面要加宾语,而come in后面不用宾语。如I found someone came into my room. The door opened and the child came in.

  enter常作为及物动词使用,如:The bus entered the English tunnel.


  congratulate 

  【误】 I want to congratulate you for your success with all my heart.

  【正】 I want to congratulate you on your success with all my heart.

  【析】 动词congratulate somebody on something是"向某人祝贺某事"。其名词congratulation在用时一般要用复数,如:I offered him my congratulati ons on his success.



  cook 

  【误】 My father is a good cooker.

  【正】 My father is a good cook.

  【析】 很多动词加上er则变为执行该动作的一种人,如workworker,teachteacher. 但cook即是动词"做饭",同时名词也是"厨师"。而cooker则是"厨具"、"炊具"之意。如:I will cook the dinner. I bought a good press cooker(高压锅)。


  corner 

  【误】 There is a post office in the corner of the street.

  【正】 There is a post office at the corner of the street.

  【误】 A girl sat at the corner of the room.

  【正】 A girl sat in the corner of the room.

  【析】 in the corner是在建筑物内部的角上,而at the corner是在外部的角上,如:There is a big tree at the corner of the building.


  cost 

  【误】 I cost ten dollars for the book.

  【正】 I spent ten dollars on the book.

  【误】 I cost two hours to do my homework.

  【正】 It took me two hours to do my homework.

  【析】 cost, spend. take都可以作"花费"讲,但用法不同。cost的用法是"something+cost+somebody+时间或金钱",如:The book cost me ten dollars. spend的用法是"somebody+spend+时间+(in)doing something",如:I spent two hours (in) writing this book. 或"somebody+spend+金钱+on something",如:I spend two dollars on this book. 而take的用法则要用逻辑主语it:"It+takes+somebody+时间+to do something", 如:It took me an hour to clean the classroom.


  country 

  【误】 You can find cows in a country.

  【正】 You can find cows in the country.

  【析】 country即可作"国家"讲,也可作"农村"讲。当作"农村"讲时,一定要加定冠词,而且只有单数形式。例如:

  【误】 Farmers live in the countries.

  【正】 Farmers live in the country.

  【析】 但作为"国家"讲时则可有单、复数形式,例如:Japan is an Asian country. Japan, China, and India are Asian countries.另外,country一般指的是地理概念上的国家,如:New Zealand is an agricultural country. 而nation多指民族组成的国家,如:The Chinese nation(中华民族)。state多侧重于政权方面的区域、国家范围,如:the state farm(国营农场)。


  cross 

  【误】 There are traffic lights at the cross.

  【正】 There are traffic lights at the crossing.

  【析】 cross作为名词讲时是十字架、十字形的东西,如:Red Cross(红十字会)。

  【误】 The little boy is goin g to across the street.

  【正】 The little boy is going to cross the street.

  【析】 across是副词或介词,但不能作动词用。


  cross pass 

  cross是指横过某地,如:He crossed the square. 而pass则强调从某物体旁经过,如:I mailed some letters when I passed the post office.


  crowd 

  【误】 The room soon was crowded by people.

  【正】 The room soon was crowded with people.

  【析】 crowded在这句话中应作为形容词,所以这句话不是被动语态而是系表结构,如:The room was crowded with books.


  cup 

  【误】 A silver glass was given to the winner.

  【正】 A silver cup was given to the winner.

  【误】 My mother was looking for the whisky cup.

  【正】 My mother was looking for the whisky glass.

  【析】 glass一般指由玻璃制成的器皿,而cup多指用陶瓷或金属制成的杯子,且cup尤其用在奖杯上。喝酒多用的是玻璃制成的杯子,如我们讲I drink a glass of wine at supper. 而不讲I drink a cup of wine at supper.



dance 

  【误】 We'll invite you and your wife to a dance party.

  【正】 We'll invite you and your wife to a dancing party.

  【正】 We'll invite you and your wife to a dance.

  【正】 We'll invite you and your wife to a ball.(美语中常用ball作为舞会。)


  date 

  【误】 He studied ten hours a date.

  【正】 He studied ten hours a day.

  【析】 date是指具体日期。如问What's the date today? 应回答具体日期:"October 1st 1998."而day是指1日(24小时)。如What day is today? 问的是星期几,应回答"It's Sunday."

  【误】 Today's date is January first. 1998.

  【正】 Today's date is January 1, 199 8.

  【正】 Today's date is January 1st, 1998.

  【析】 在日期书写中不要用序数词全写,而要用1st, 2nd, 3rd……如果一定要用序数词,其顺序应为:It is the first of January.


  day 

  【误】 This is a book about every day English.

  【正】 This is a book about everyday English.

  【正】 This is an everyday English book.

  【误】 We go to school everyday.

  【正】 We go to school every day.

  【析】 everyday是形容词,意为"日常的",而every day则是"每天"、"天天"之意。


  dead 

  【误】 My father has died for ten years.

  【正】 My father has been dea d for ten years.

  【析】 die是瞬间动词,它可以用于完成时,如:My father has died. 但用于完成时不能与表示一段时间的状语连用。它也可以用于过去时,如:My father died three years ago

  【误】 We'll always remember the deads who were killed in the war.

  【正】 We'll always remember the dead who were killed in the war.

  【析】 形容词前如加定冠词表示一类人,如the rich(富人),the sick(病人),the poor(穷人),其后的谓语动词要用复数,如:The rich are not always happy.


  dead deadly 

  dead在某些词组里 是"完全"、"的确"的意思,如dead right, dead tired, dead sure。而deadly则是"致命的",如:The rich man had many deadly ene mies. 又如:Cancer is a deadly disease. 


  dead died 

  dead是形容词,如:Mrs Ginty was dead. 而died是动词die的过去式及过去分词,如:She died in 1960.但英语中如表达出对某人去世的伤感说法是pass away, 如:My father passed away, this morning.


  deer 

  【误】 In the zoo, there are many deers.

  【正】 In the zoo, there are many deer.

  【析】 deer是单、复数同形的词,如:one deer,two deer,这样的名词还有fish,sheep等。但如果讲There are many fishes here. 这句话应译为"这里有许多种鱼类。"而不应译为"这里有很多鱼。"


  desk 

  【误】 The boy sat in his desk.

  【正】 The boy sat at his desk.

  【析】 在课桌旁坐着应用介词at, 而at desk 则应译为"在学习",at table应译为"在吃饭"。


  die 

  【误】 In South Africa many people died from cancer.

  【正】 In South Africa many people died of cancer.

  【误】 The old man died of overwork.

  【正】 The old man died from overwork.

  【析】 死于疾病应用die of,而死于某种外因事故则多用from.

  【误】 His mother is died.

  【正】 His mother is dead.

  【误】 The old woman was dead at the age of seventy.

  【正】 The old woman died at the age of seventy.

  【析】 dead是形容词,而die是动词。形容词表示状态,动词则表示动作。

  【误】 He died in a traffic accident.

  【正】 He was killed in a traffic accident.

  【析】 由于事故而造成的死亡一般用to be killed.

  【误】 When the doctor came,the old man had already died.

  【正】 When the doctor came,the old man was already dead.

  【正】 The old man died before the doctor came.


  different 

  【误】 My room is different with yours.

  【正】 My room is different from yours.

  【误】 The village is very different w ith what it was.

  【正】 The village is very different from what it was.

  【析】 different from是"与……不同"之意。


  difficult 

  【误】 English is very difficult to be learned.

  【正】 English is very difficult to learn.

  【误】 He learned physics is difficult.

  【正】 It is very difficult for him to learn physics.

  【析】 要学习英语的表达法而不要生硬地按字去译中文。It is difficult for somebody to do something.为"对 于某人来说做某 事很困难。"


  difficulty 

  【误】 There was little difficulty to find him.

  【正】 There was little difficulty in finding him.

  【析】 这种用法还有trouble, 即difficulty (trouble) in doing something.


  dinner 

  【误】 When did you have the supper?

  【正】 When did you have supper?

  【析】 英语中一日三餐前无冠词,例如:

  【误】 I had a lunch at 12 o'clock.

  【正】 I had lunch at 12 o'clock.

  【析】 在某些特定场合,如指某次宴会,则要加冠词,如:The dinner was gi ven in honour of the guest.


  dress 

  【误】 My father bought a new dress for himself yesterday.

  【正】 My father bought a new suit for himself yesterday.

  【析】 一般来讲男套装用suit,女服则用dress;作男服的服 装店是tailor shop (tailor's), 而做女装的服装店是dressmaker's.

  【误】 The mother dressed the clothes on her child.

  【正】 The mother dressed her child.

  【析】 dress作及物动词当"穿衣服"讲时,其后不能接衣服而只能接人,如:The boy is still too young to dress himself . 但作为一种穿着打扮的状态时,则多用其过去分词作形容词,如:He is not dressed in his new suit.或She is dressed in red. 词组dress up是过节日时应服装整齐,如:They dressed up for the holiday.


  dress have on put on wear 

  要区别这几个动词需分清是表示动作的动词还是表示状态的动词 。表示状态的动词是have on和wear,如:He has on a white coat. He was wearing heavy shoes. 而put on则表示穿衣的动作,如:Put on your coat,it is cold outside.而dress即可以作状态又可以作动作,作动作讲时其后面接人而不能接衣服,作穿着状态时则多用dressed的形式。如:I saw a lady dressed in red. I saw a girl dressing herself.


  drop 

  【误】 The students fell their voice.

  【正】 The students dropped their voice.

  【析】 drop与fall都可以表示"落下、掉下"之意,有时可以互换,如:The dictionary fell (dropped) from the table. 但drop还可以作及物动词,而fall一般只能作不及物动词。

  【误】 I shall drop in you.

  【正】 I shall drop in on you.

  【析】 drop in是随便拜访某人,而其后要接人时应加介词on再加人称。


  during 

  【误】 During I was sick,I couldn't eat well.

  【正】 While I was sick,I couldn't eat well.

  【析】 during后不能接从句,而when和while后可接从句。

  【误】 I have been studying English during three days.

  【正】 I have been studying English for three days.

  【析】 during不能表达一个动作持续多长的时间,而只能表达在某段时间内某事件的发生。即带有由during引导的时间状语的句子只能用过去时,不能用完成时。



each 

【误】 Every of them has his habit.

【正】 Each of them has his habit.

【析】 each可以作形容词,但也可作代词,而eve ry只能作形容词。

【误】 The manager comes to America almost each month.

【正】 The manager comes to America almost every month.

【析】 each与ever y都作形容词讲时,都有"每个"之意,但有不同。each多指个体,而every则多指整体。如:We want every student to succeed. each不同来表达总体概念,所以不能与almost, nearly, likely等词连用。

【误】 We each has a book.

【正】 We each have a book.

【析】 each 作同位语时,其数应与其同位的名词相同,而each作主语时则应取其单数形式。 


each other one another 

each other与one another这两个词组的区别在很多 语法书中强调each other是两者之间,而one another是多者之间,其实不然,如:All students must care for each other, must love and help each other. 事实上这两个词组是同义的,如果要讲有什么区别的话,当我们非常笼统地谈,而不特指什么人时,多用one anoth er.


early 

【误】 Could you come here more early?

【正】 Could you come here earlier?

【析】 单音节和少数双音节副词的比较级和最高级要用er和est来作其结尾,如fast, soon, early, hard, long, near等。


earth 

【误】 What on the earth do you mean?

【正】 What on earth do you mean?

【析】 on earth这一词组在句中为的是加强语气,其意为"究竟"、"到底"。而作为"地球"讲时则要加定 冠词,如:How far is the earth from the moon. 而作为"泥土"讲时则为不可数名词,如:He filled the pot with earth and wanted to plant some flowers.


easy 

【误】 You can easy imagine my surprise.

【正】 You can easily imagine my surprise.

【析】 easy只在有限的词组中被用作副词,如take it easy (不要紧张),go easy, stand easy等。 例如:Easy come, easy go. (钱来的容易花的也快. )Easier said than done. (说的容易做着难。) 



【误】 Japan is on the east of China.

【正】 Japan is to the east of China.

【析】 在讲述地理位置时,有3个介词常用,它们是in, on和to, 其中in表示处于所表达的范围之内,如:Shanghai is in the east of China. on则表示双方接壤,如:North Korea is on the northeast of China. 而表示互不相接的两部分时则用to, 如:Taiwan is to the east of Fujian.


either 

【误】 -I don't like opera.-I don't like too. 

【正】 -I don't like opera.-I don't like either. 

【析】 在否定句中用either表示"也",而在肯定句中用too表示"也"。

【误】 Either you or I are right.

【正】 Either you or I am right.

【析】 这在语法书中被称作就近原则,即哪个主语离谓语动词近,则应采用与哪个主语相一致的谓语动词,相同用法的还有neither…nor…,not only…but also…,以及or在连接两个主语时。如:You or he is to go home. The others will have to stay in the classroom.


elder 

【误】 My older brother has gone to Shanghai.

【正】 My elder brother has gone to Shanghai.

【析】 在表示兄姐的长幼时应用elder表示"哥哥姐姐",如:my elder sister 姐姐,但表示岁数时则多用older,如:She is two years older than I.


empty 

【误】 Are these seats empty?

【正】 Are these seats taken?

【析】 empty是指空洞的没有任何物体,如:The house was empty, 其意思是没有任何家具或屋内无人。但座位是否有人坐应用take.


English 

【误】 My sister studied English langua ge very well.

【正】 My sister studied the English language very well.

【正】 My sister studied English very well.

【析】 在泛指某一种学科时,不应加冠词,如:I like history.但如特指某一门学科时则应加冠词,如:He likes the history of America.


enjoy 

【误】 I enjoy to play football.

【正】 I enjoy playing football.

【析】 enjoy后要接动名词,而不接不定式。

【误】 Did y ou enjoy at the English evening?

【正】 Did you enjoy yoursel f at the English evening?


enough 

【误】 I'm sorry. You are not studying enough carefully.

【正】 I'm sorry. You are not studying carefully enough.

【析】 enough要用在形容词或副词之后。

【误】 Do you have enough of money?

【正】 Do you have enough money?

【正】 Do you have enough of the money?

【误】 The coffee isn't enough.

【正】 There isn't enough coffee.

【析】 enough可以作be动词的表语,但其主语应是代词,如:That's enough. It was enough. 如果是名词时应换 用上面的句型。


entrance 

【误】 The entrance of the cinema is on your right.

【正】 The entrance to the cinema is on your right.

【析】 在表示通往某处时entrance后面多用to作介词。这样的用法还有key to the door, answer to the question等。


evening 

【误】 I walked home in a cold evening.

【正】 I walked home on a cold evening.

【析】 in the evening这一词组如加上另外的修饰词则其介词应换为on.


everyone 

【误】 Everyo ne of you goes to class.

【正】 Every one of you goes to class.

【析】 everyone其后不能接of结构。在否定句中如果要讲"每一个人都没有注意到它",就译作:Nobody noticed it. 要注意Every one of us is not right. 应译为"我们 不都对。"而None of us are right. 才应译为"我们全错了。"


ex am 

【误】 We take part in an exam.

【正】 We take an exam.

【析】 take part in为"参加"某种活动,运动,而在学科中选择某一学科学习并进行考试应用take.


except 

【误】 The room is clean except two desks.

【正】 The room is clean except for two desks.

【误】 I come here every day except for Sunday.

【正】 I come here every day except Sunday.

【析】 在同一类物体中排除某一部分用except, 在不同类物体中排除某一物体时用except for。而except that其后接从句,如:She is a good girl except that she is careless sometimes. 而besides则是"包括在内",如"我学习英语同时还学法语。"应译为:I study English besides French.


exercise 

【误】 The students exercise spoken English in the morning.

【正】 The students practise spoken English in the morning.

【析】 exercise多指运动、训练,而practise则多指把理论付诸于实践的练习。

【误】 Everyone should do exercises every day.

【正】 Everyone should do exercise every day.

【析】 作为运动讲exercise是不可数名词,而当"练习"、"体操"、"早操"则是可数名词,例如:I do a lot exercises in the P.E. class.




fail 

  【误】 Tom failed his exam.

  【正】 Tom failed in his exam.

  【正】 Tom failed to pass the exam.

  【析】 fail为不及物动词,其后可用in加名词,或直接接不定式。


family 

  【误】 I'm sorry I have to go. Tom's families are waiting for me .

  【误】 I'm sorry I have to go. Tom's family is waiting for me.

  【正】 I'm sorry I have to go. Tom's family are waiting for me.

  【析】 family是集合名词,把它当作整体看它是单数,如看作家庭中的每个成员则为复数。如:Your family are very kind to me. My family is very large.


  far 

  【误】 My school is ten miles far from here.

  【正】 My school is ten miles away from here.

  【析】 far一般不与实际距离连用。

  【误】 "Did you walk far?"  "Yes,I walked far." 

  【正】 "Did you walk far?"  "Yes, I walked a long way." 

  【析】 一般肯定句中不用far单独作状语,而用a long way.far组成的常用词组有:as far as. ①远至,一直到。如:He walked as far as the station. ②就……而言。如:As far as he was concerned these books were very good. ③只要。如:I can help you as far as I can. so for到目前为止。例:He is very well so far.


  farther further 

  far有两个比较级,即farther和further,其意思略有不同:farther主要用于表示距离的远近,如:Milan is farther away than Rome. 而further则是指"进一步的",如:Will we need any further discussion on this matter.


  fast 

  【误】 A fast train runs fastly.

  【正】 A fast train runs fast.

  【析】 fast其形容词与副词形式相同。


  fast soon 

  fast指行动本身的速度快,如:The foreigner speaks too fast. 而soon则多指两个动作之间间隔短,时间到来的迅速,如:She will come soon.


  feel 

  【误】 I feel badly about my mistakes.

  【正】 I feel bad about my mistakes.

  【析】 感观动词如feel, smell等后面要接形容词而不是副词。feel good是指某人精神好,而feel well是指人身体状况良好。

  【误】 I try not to hurt her feeling.

  【正】 I try not to hurt her feelings.

  【析】 feeling在作"感情"讲时要用复数,而作"感觉"讲则要用单数。如:I have a feeling that we will win the game.


  few 

  【误】 Few of them is very good.

  【正】 Few of them are very good.

  【析】 few意为"几乎没有",但要用复数谓语动词。如果讲有一些人应用a few, 如:There were only a few people in the street.

  【误】 There are less farms than there used to be.

  【正】 There are fewer farms than there used to be.

  【析】 few的比较级为fewer,其后接可数名词;而little的 比较级为less,其后接不可数名词。

  field 

  【误】 He is a famous scientist on the field of physics.

  【正】 He is a famous scientist in the field of physics.

  【析】 in the field是"在田野上"或是"在某一学科领域内",而on the field则多指"在战场上"。如:He lost his life on the battle field.


  fill 

   【误】 She filled orange into my glass.

  【正】 She filled my glass with orange.

  【析】 表示要用某种物品装满某容器时要用fill with词组,如:The boy ran back home filled with joy.


  fill full 

  fill是动词,但有及物与不及物两种用法,当表示"充满"之意时是不及物动词,应用fill with,如:The little girl's eyes filled with tears. 而当表示"使……装满某物"时,是及物动词,如:He filled his pocket with books. 而be filled with应看作系表结构,如:The boy's mother was filled with anger. full是形容词,要用be full of这一词组,如:The boy was full of joy.


  find 

  【误】 He has finded his lost bike.

  【正】 He has found his lost bike.

  【析】 find是不规则动词,其过去式和过去分词均是found。但found一词又意为"建立",它是规则动词,其过去式及过去分词均为founded.

  【误】 It is very difficult to look for a suitable job.

  【正】 It is very difficult to find a suitable job.

  【析】 look for为"寻找",而find是找到。寻找工作并不难,难的应是找到合适的工作。


  find find out 

  find out意为"找出、算出、发现",如:I have found out how to do it. 而find的主要侧重点在找到某物,如:I find my book under the desk.


  finish 

  【误】 I finished to read that book last night.

  【正】 I finished reading that book last night.

  【析】 英文中有些动词其后只能用动名词作宾语而不能用不定式作宾语,这样的动词在中考范围内有两个,即finish和enjoy。


  fire 

  【误】 There's no smoke without a fire.

  【正】 There's no smoke without fire.

  【析】 此句应译为中文"无风不起浪"。fire作为物质名词"火"讲时为不可数名词,而作为"炉火"、"火灾"讲则是可数名词,如:There was a fire in the next street last month. 如要讲"着火了"要用be on fire, 如:The factory was


  on fire.

  【误】 The man fired to us.

  【正】 The man fired at us.

  【析】 fire (on) at均指"向某目标开火",at用于较小目标,而on用于较大目标。


  first 

  【误】 Is this your firstly visit to Beijing?

  【正】 Is this your first visit to Beijing?

  【析】 除了在强调第一、第二、第三等场合中有时还可见firstly一词外,这个词已不多见,而均被first取代。first还有"首先"、"首次"、"第一次"之意。


  follow 

  【误】 I received a letter which ran as follow.

  【正】 I received a letter which ran as follows.

  【析】 as follows是惯用法,其意为"如 下",不论在任何场合均要用follows.

  【误】 As follows are his arguments.

  【正】 The following are his arguments.

  【析】 as follows主要用于句尾,而the following则用于句首。


  food 

  【误】 Too much sweet foo d, such as cakes, chocolates,pastry…may increase your weight.

  【正】 Too many foods, such as cakes, chocolates,pastry…may increase your weight.

  【析】 food泛指食物时为不可数名词,如:There is no food for supper. 而指一种种食物时则用作可数名词。


  foot 

  【误】 There is a fivefeetwide bridge.

  【正】 There is a fivefootwide bridge.

  【析】 用连字符组成的形容词中所有名词均要用单数形式。

  【误】 We went to college on feet.

  【正】 We went to college on foot.

  【析】 by后面加接交通工具时,不应加任何冠词,不要用名词的复数形式。如加了某些修饰词后,其前面的介词要作适当的改变,如:I came to school in his car yesterday. I go to shool on a train.

  for 

  【误】 I wanted to go to the pub for having a drink.

  【正】 I wanted to go to the pub for a drink.

  【正】 I wanted to go to the pub to have a drink.

  【析】 用for表示目的时,其后面只能接名词,而不要接动名词。

  【误】 I went to the office for seeing the headmaster.

  【正】 I went to the office to see the headmaster.

  【析】 用不定式来表示动作的目的。

  【误】 I will leave Beijing to Shanghai.

  【正】 I will leave Beijing for Shanghai.

  【正】 I will leave for Shanghai.

  【析】 leave for为一固定搭配,不要改动。

  【误】 I bought a book to you.

  【正】 I bought a book for you.

  【误】 He is a friend for us.

  【正】 He is a friend to us.

  【析】 在英文中"为"一词在泛指时用to, 在特指时要用for.

  【误】 This food is good to us.

  【正】 T his food is good for us.

  【析】 词组be good (bad) for 表示"对……有好(坏)处"。

  【误】 For I was feeling quite hungry, I wanted to have lunch.

  【正】 I wanted to have lunch, for I was fe eling quite hungry.

  【析】 for作为"因为"讲时一般不要置于句首,而且口气也比because弱的多。


  forget 

  【误】 I left my key.

  【正】 I left my key at home.

  【正】 I forgot my key.

  【析】 leave是"丢下"之意,所以一定要接地点状语,而forget是"忘记",所以不用接地点状语。

  【误】 I will not forget the rules.

  【正】 I will never forget the rules.

  【误】 Please don't forget posting my letter on your way home.

  【正】 Please don't forget to post my letter on your way home.

  【析】 要注意forget to do something为"忘了去作某事",而forget doing something则应译为"对已经作过的事记不起来了"。如:He forget returning the book to the library. 应译为"他忘记已把书还给图书馆这件事了。"同样用法的词还有remember和regret.


  free 

  【误】 You can speak free in front of my parents.

  【正】 You can speak freely in front of my parents.

  【析】 free作为副词时意为"免费"、"不必付款",如:You can eat free in my restaurant. 而freely则意为"自由地"、"无限制地"。


  French 

  【误】 She comes from French.

  【正】 She comes from France.

  【析】 French是"法语"、"法国的",而France才是"法国"。


  friend 

  【误】 He nodded to me friendly.

  【正】 He nodded to me in a friendly fashion.

  【析】 friendly是形容词,不是副词。在英语中应避免讲He is a friend of my mother. 又比如:I go to school with my friend. 从语法上讲是对的但不是习惯上英语的说法。而应讲He is a friend of my mother's. I go to school with a friend. be friends with 则是"交朋友"之意,例如:I hope you will be friends with me. 而不应讲I hope you wi ll be my friend. 交朋友还有一惯用法是make friends.

  from 

  【误】 Where do you come from?I come from the library. 

  【正】 Where do you come from?I come from England. 

  【正】 Where did you come from?I came from the library. 

  【析】 Where do you come from?应意为"你是从什么国家(地方)来的?"(即意为"你是哪的人?")而Where did you come from? 才是"你刚刚从哪来?"


front 

  【误】 There are three tall trees in the front of my house.

  【正】 There are three tall trees in front of my house.

【析】 in front of是某物体外部的前面,而in the front of是在某物体内部的前面。如:The bus driver is seated in the front of the bus.




game 

  【误】 He went to America to take part in the Olympic Game.

  【正】 He went to America to take part in the Olympic Games.

  【析】 game作为"运动会"讲时应用其复数形式,而具体一个游戏则可用其单数形式。如:Our school team won the game.


  German 

  【误】 They are Germen.

  【正】 They are Germans.

  【误】 She comes from German.

  【正】 She comes from Germany.

  【析】 German是"德国人"、"德国的"、"德语",其复数形式是Germans;而Germany才是德国。

gather 

  【误】 All the students and teachers are gathered together now.

  【正】 All the stud ents and teachers are gathered n ow.

  【析】 用了动词gather就不要再用together了。这句话还可以这样讲:All the students and teachers got together.


  give 

  【误】 She gives up to look for the lost bike.

  【正】 She gives up looking for the lost bike.

  【析】 give up意为"放弃",其后只接动名词作介词宾语,而不应接不定式。


  glad 

  【误】 His parents were very glad for his success in business.

  【正】 His parents were very glad of his success in business.

  【正】 His parents were very glad to know his success in business .

  【析】 "为……感到高兴"应是be glad of something或be glad to do something.


  glass 

  【误】 The old teacher has two pair of big glass.

  【正】 The old teacher has two pairs of big glasses.

  【析】 glass作为"眼镜"讲,应用复数形式,在英语中手套gloves 裤子pant s,剪刀s cissors均用复数形式。glass作"玻璃杯"讲时则可用单数形式或复数形式,如:I want two glasses of milk. 而作为物质名词"玻璃"讲则要用作不可数名词,如:The boy broke two panes of glass.


  go 

  【误】 -Mary, could you come to my home now?-Yes, I'm going. 

  【正】 -Mary, could you come to my home now?  -Ye s, I'm coming. 

  【析】 go是指离开说话人所在 地,而come指的是朝向说话人的方向:如:Come here!Can I come and help you?但在口语中也有一些例外,如表示要参加到某人或者某件活动时常用come, 如:We are going to have a party tonight. Would you like to come with us?


  gone been 

  He has gone to Shanghai. 指此人已去上海不在此地了。

  He has been to Shanghai. 指此人去过上海现已回来了。


  gold 

  【误】 She brushed her gold hair carefully.

  【正】 She brushed her golden hair carefully.

  【析】 gold作形容词指"金质的",如:a gold ring, a gold coin,而golden是"金色的",如:golden age(金色的时代),但"金鱼"例外,为gold fish。


  go od 

  【误】 I've been waiting for good twenty minutes.

  【正】 I've been waiting for a good twenty minutes.

  【析】 a good之意为"足足"、"整整"之意。


  good well 

  He is good. 应译 为"他是个好人。"而He is well. 应译为"他身体不错。"I feel good. 即精神状态良好,而I feel well.即身体状况不错。

  【误】 This food is very good to you.

  【正】 This food is very good for you.

  【析】 be good for是"对……有利、有好处",而be good to是指"对待某人不错",如:Your friend is very good to me.


  grade 

  【误】 -What grade are you in?-I'm in grade 1. 

  【正】 -What grade are you in?-I'm in Gread 1. 

  【析】 当泛指那一年级时grade的头一个字母小写,当有具体数字时则要大写。




had better 

  【误】 You have better hurry.

  【正】 You had better hurry.

  【析】 had better只用过去时had,不要误用成现在时have。

  【误】 You hadn't better worry.

  【正】 You had better not worry.

  【析】 had better后面加不带to的不定式,其否定式是"had better not+动词原形"。


  half 

  【误】 I had driven about half mile.

  【正】 I had driven about half a mile.

  【析】 "半小时"有两种讲法half an hour, a half hour. 而"一个半小时"应讲an hour and a half或one and a half hours."半天"应讲half a day,"半镑"应讲half a pound.但要尽量避免使用half a year,而应用six months;不用half a month, 而 用two weeks或fifteen days.

  【误】 H alf us could go to the park.

  【正】 Half of us could go to the park.

  【析】 half用于名词前可用of结构也可不用of结构,但用于代词前则必须加of。如:More than half (of) my classmates are boys.

  【误】 One and half apples are left on the table.

  【正】 One and half apples is left on the table.

  【析】 一个半one and half后面的名词要用复数,而句中的谓语动词却要用单数。

  【误】 Half of the work are done.

  【正】 Half of the work is done.

  【误】 Half of the six apples is red.

  【正】 Half of the six apples are red.

  【析】 "half of+名词"这一结构后面的谓语动词应与of后面的名词相一致,如为不可数名词或可数名词单数,要用单数谓语动词;而复数名词后面要加与复数相对应的谓语动词。


  hand 

  【误】 He shook hand with his teacher.

  【正】 He shook hands with his teacher.

  【析】 与某人握手要用shake hands. 与hand有关的词组中有很多要用复数形式,如:change hands (转手、易手),in the hands of (由……控制),join hands (与人合作)。


  happen 

  【误】 What was happened to you last month?

  【正】 What happened to you last month?

  【误】 An accident was happened in this street last night.

  【正】 An accident happened in this street last night.

  【析】 在英语中不及物动词没有被动态,作为"发生"讲的happen,take place和break out都不具有被动态。happen to常用来表达一件偶然发生的事,如:If you happen to meet my sister please ask her to call me.


  hard 

  【误】 I have to study hardly.

  【正】 I have to study hard.

  【析】 hard是形容词,如:a hard work,但它同时也是副词。hardly是hard的又一副词形式,但词意截然不同,意为"几乎不"。

  【误】 I had my leg broken last term, so I couldn't hardly study at all.

  【正】 I had my leg broken last term so I hardly studied at all.

  【析】 hardly意为"否定",所以不要再加否定词语了,如果hardly用于句首则应采用倒装语序,如:Hardly had he arrived when she started complaining.


  have 

  【误】 I had my boy do his homework from morning till noon.

  【正】 I had my boy doing his homework from morning till noon.

  【析】 用have somebody do something还是doing something要取决句子的意思和句中的时间状语。 【误】 I have my bike to repair.

  【正】 I have my bike repaired.

  【析】 have something done这一句型是让某事被别人去作,请看下面两句意义的不同:I have repaired my bike. (我自己已修好了自行车。)而I have my bike repaired.(我把车推出去让别 人修理了。)

  【误】 Could you give me some money if you have.

  【正】 Could you give me some money if you have any.

  【析】 "如果你有的话"一句译为英文应加上any一词,如:I want some books if there is any.

  headache 

  【误】 I've got headache.

  【正】 I've got a headache.

  【析】 Headache是一个规则的可数名词,所以可以讲:My mother often gets headaches. 但是"牙痛"toothache,"肚子痛"stomacheache等却都可以用作不可数名词,如:I've got toothache. 但也可用作可数名词。


  hear 

  【误】 He was heard sing in the next room.

  【正】 He was heard to sing in the next room.

  【析】 hear somebody do something这一句式用于被动语态时要把原来省略的不定式to还原回来。而在hear somebody doing something这一句式中则不会出现上述问题。如,主动态:I heard her singing in the next room. 变为被动态时为:She was heard singing in the next room. 这种用法还适用于see, look, observe, watch, notice, listen to等。

  hear listen to 

  hear一词为听见了什么,或听到什么,强调其结果;而listen to则强调 有意要听,听的倾向。如:I want t o listen to you, but I hear nothing.

  但词组hear about (of)则为"听说过"之意,如:I heard about this. (我听说过此事。)而hear from则为"收到某人信件"之意:I often hear from my girl friend.


  help 

  【误】 Please help my homework.

  【正】 Please help me do my homework.

  【正】 Please help me with my homework.

  【析】 help其句型是help somebody do (to do) something. 意为"帮某人作某事",但在较古老的语法中不带to的不定式表示句子的主语参加这个动作,如:He help his mother cook the meal. 即"他和母亲一起作饭。"而He help me to do my homework. 则是"他指导我做作业"。但在现代英语中这个区别则往往被取消了。所以带to与不带to的不定式在句中意思相同,并无区别。

  【误】 When I read the play I c an't help to think of my childhood.

  【正】 When I read the play I can't help thinking of my childhood.

  【析】 can't help doing something是"身不由己,情不自禁做某事"。

  【误】 Help yourself with some cakes.

  【正】 Help yourself to some cakes.

  【析】 中文中讲"你自己拿蛋糕吃",英文中要用help somebody to something.


  here 

  【误】 Here the bus comes!

  【正】 Here comes the bus!

  【析】 副词在句首时一 般要用倒装语序,即谓语动词的位置前移。但是,若主语如是人称代词,则还是要用正常语序,如:Here we are!


  high 

  【误】 He is very high.

  【正】 He is very tall.

  【析】 英语中的两个"高"high和tall,其中tall指人指物都是可以的,但high则只指物体的高,所以可以讲This building is the highest building in the city.但tall一般不用来指山脉的高低。

  hit 

  【误】 The mother got angry and hit the boy.

  【正】 The mother got angry and beat the boy.

  【析】 hit指打到某物之上,一般指一次性打击,如He hit his head against the wall.(他把头撞到了墙上。)而beat则指多次性的打击。


  home 

  【误】 I'm tired. It's time I went to home.

  【正】 I'm tired. It's time I went home.

  【析】 home此处用作副词,所以不应加to,又如:I arrived home at eleven thirty yesterday evening.而at home除了"在家"之意外,还有像"在家里一样"之意。如Make yourself at home.(不要拘束就像在家一样。)


  home house family 

  home是指与亲人一起居住的地方,可以讲a letter from home,所以有人解释home包括住处和家人。而house的侧重点则在建筑物,如Many new houses were built this year. family一词,作为整体讲其谓语动词用单 数,如:Her family is a happy one.而作为家庭成员讲时要用复数谓语动词,如:My family are all like swimming.


  homgwork 

  【误】 I have so many homework to do today.

  【正】 I have so much homework go do today.

  【析】 homework为不可数名词。同样的词还有work(work作为"著作"、"作品"、"工厂"讲时为可数名词),fun,health information等。


  hope 

  【误】 I hope you to be a good student.

  【正】 I hope you will be a good student.

  【析】 hope一词不能接宾语再加上宾语补足语,但它可以接不定式作宾语,如:I hope to be a scientist.而wish却可以接宾语加宾语补足语,如:I wish you to be a good student.

  【误】 I don't hope you will go to the park tomorrow.

  【正】 I hope you won't go to the park tomorrow.

  【析】 hope 和think在否定句中的用法不同,如"我认为你错了"。应译为:I don't think you are right.即否定在前。而hope则不能这样用。又如在答语中"我不这样认为"应译为I don't think so.或I hope not. 

  【误】 I hope your help.

  【正】 I hope for your help.

  【析】 hope for为"期望某事发生",虽然hope是及物动词,但表达期望某事情发生要用"hope for+名词"这一结构。

  【误】 I was hopeful to pass the exam.

  【正】 I was hopeful of passing the exam.

  【析】 对某事存有希望应用"hopeful of (about)+介词宾语"这一结构。


  hospital 

  【误】 My mother was in the hospital for two weeks.

  【正】 My mother was in hospital for two weeks.

  【析】 in hospital为"住院就医"。而in (at) th e hospital 为"在医院(工作)"。如:He is a doctor in (at) the hospital.类似的用法还有很多,如:"上学"为go to school,at school为"在校就读",go to bed为"上床睡觉"。


  how 

  【误】 I want to know how to do.

  【正】 I want to know how to do it.

  【析】 how 是关联副词,要注意与关联代词的不同用法。如:I want to know what to do.

  【误】 How do you think about it?

  【正】 What do you think about i t?

  【析】 英文中表达你对某事的看法如何应用What do you think about…这一句式。


  hurry 

  【误】 Let's hurry. There is a little time left.

  【正】 Let's hurry. There is little time left.

  【误】 Don't worry. There is little time left.

  【正】 Don't worry. There is a little time left.

  【析】 请注意英语中的惯用法:"快点吧,没时间了",或"别着急还有一点时间。"

  【误】 The car is hurrying through the street.

  【正】 The car is rushing throught the street.

  【析】 hurry一词只用于人而不用于物体。


  hundred 

  【误】 There are two hundreds people here.

  【正】 There are two hundred people here.

  【误】 There are hundred of people here.

  【正】 There are hundreds of people here.

  【析】 hundred一词前如有数字时不论多少其后都不加s,这和thousand(千)等数量词的用法一样,而hundreds of是数百的,这一词组一定要加s.


  hurt 

  【误】 I don't want to wound her feelings.

  【正】 I don't want to hurt her feelings.

  【析】 wound是指战场上的刀枪伤(名词),或用刀枪"伤害"、"打伤"(动词)。




if 

  【误】 If it will rain I won't go to school tomo rrow.

  【正】 If it rains I won't go to school tomorrow.

  【析】 由if引起的状语从句要用一般时表示将来。

  【误】 I want to know if he comes here tomorrow.

  【正】 I want to know if he will come here tomorrow.

  【析】 if所引起的如果是宾语从句则不能用一般现在时表示将来。

  【误】 I want to know if it will rain tomorrow he will come or not.

  【正】 I want to know if it rains tomorrow he will come or not.

  【析】 这里的if从句是整个宾语从句的条件状语,所以,还 应用一般时表示将来。


  ill 

  【误】 He spent many years looking after his ill father.

  【正】 He spent many years looking after his sick father.

  【析】 ill和sick都可以作表语,如: I'm ill (sick). 美国英语中常用sick, 而英国英语中两者都可用,但ill一般不作定语。


  in 

  【误】 In a cold mor ning, I went to school alone.

  【正】 On a cold morning, I went to school alone.

  【析】 在in the morning或 in the afternoon词组中 ,不论在这两个名词的前或后加任何修饰词,其介词in都要变为on.

  【误】 I will finish it after two days.

  【正】 I will fin ish it in two days.

  【析】 中文中几天以后可以完成,或几天后来取,在译为英文时都不要用after,而要用in.如 : He will be back in a few days.


  in into 

  作为副词应用in,而不能用into,如: Come in, please. 又若在句中不涉及到动词的位置,只是表达空间的位置时用in,如: The teacher in the office is my mother. 但在go, run, come, walk, dive等词后则要用into. 如: She dives into the river.


  instead 

  【误】 The boy stayed in bed all day instead to go to school.

  【正】 The boy stayed in bed all day instead of going to school.

  【析】 instead of其后要接动名词、名词或代词,而不能用不定式,如: I choose this book instead of that one.

  【误】 The beer here is not good, so I d rink wine instead of it.

  【正】 The beer here is not good, so I drink wine instead.

  【析】 instead是副词,而instead of是介词短语。如: If you are not free, you may come another day instead.


  interest 

  【误】 He has a great interest for physics.

  【正】 He has a great interest in physics.

  【误】 He has some interest in many companies.

  【正】 He has some interests in many companies.

   【析】 interest作为"兴趣"讲可用作不可数名词,但作为"利息"、"股份"讲时为可数名词。

  【误】 This is an interested book.

  【正】 This is an interesting book.

  【析】 修饰物时应用interesting, 如,an interesting film,而讲某人对某事感兴趣时要用过去分词interested,如: I'm interested in this play. 但"他是一个十分有趣的人"。应译为He is an interesting man. 所以interesting 是"令人感兴趣"之意,而interested则表示某人对某事物感兴趣,多用"be interested in something"这一句型。


  invent 

  【误】 America was invented by Christopher Columbus in 1492.

  【正】 America was discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1492.

  【析】 invent意为"发明"即从无到有,如: Compass was invented by the Chinese people. 而discover则意为"发现"。


  it 

  【误】 That takes me ten years to finish th is work.

  【正】 It takes me ten years to finish this work.

  【析】 it在这个句中的语法作用是形式主语,而真正的主语是句子后面的不定式。有的句子要用it作形式主语或形式宾语,如 : I think it difficult to learn English well.




join 

  【误】 Did you attend the footbal l club?

  【正】 Did you join the fo otball club?

  【析】 join经常用于参加某个团体、政党,并作为其中的一个成员;attend则重点强调出会议、到场,而不一定进行具体活动,如: Did you attend the meeting yesterday?而take part in则强调参与某些具体活动或运动,如: I take part in the football game.


  just 

  【误】 I have finished my work just now.

  【正】 I finished my work just now.

  【析】 just now意义"刚才",所以句中的谓语动词要用过去式 。

  【误】 Just I won the game.

  【正】 I just won the game.

  [析 just单独使用时不应放在句首,而应放于① be动词之后,如: He is just a student.② 名词与一般动词之间。③ 用在第一助动词之后 ,如: I have just returned home. 但just与其他词组成词组时,如just now, just then, 则可用于句首和句尾。如: Just then he saw the bus coming.


   just justly 

  just常用于三种含意: ① 恰好,如: It's just five o'cl ock. ② 仅仅,相当于only, 如: I have just enough money to buy a dictionary. ③ 不久前,如: I just missed my old friend; He left a few minutes ago. 而justly其意为"公正的",如: H e was justly punished for his crimes.




keep 

  【误】 She was keeping something to her father.

  【正】 She was keeping som ething from her father.

  【析】 "对某人隐瞒某事"要用"keep something from somebody"句型。

  【误】 He kept to repeat the word again and again.

  【正】 He kept repeating the word again and again.

  【析】 keep doing something为连续不断地做某事。有时可以与keep on doing something互换 它们的区别在于keep doing something意为该动作一直不停地在进行中,如: When the train started, she kept waving her hand. 而keep on doing something则表示该动作可能停停顿顿但却一直在进行中,如: He kept on making the same mistakes in grammar .

  【误】 We must keep up the times.

  【正】 We must keep up with the times.

  【析】 这句话意为"我们必须赶上时代",keep up with是"赶上"之意,而keep up则是"坚持下去"的意思,如: Keep it up, don't stop now!


  key 

  【误】 I lost the key of the door.

  【正】 I lost the key to the door.

  【析】 英语中讲某某的东西一般要用of,而key, entrance, answer则多用to,如:"门的钥匙"为key to the door, "高速公路入口"为entrance to the highway, "问题的答案"为the answer (k ey) to the question.


  kind 

  【误】 This kind of books are not good.

  【正】 This kind of books is not good.

  【析】 kind在这种句式中应作为主语,如果讲Those kinds of books are very good. 则是正确的。

  kind sort type 

   kind和sor t为同义词,意为"种类",而type则为"型号",如: What type of this car do you want?(你想要这种车的什么型号?)


  knock 

  【误】 Someone was knocking the door.

  【正】 Someone was knocking at the door.

  【析】 knock 虽可以作及物动词,如: The car knocked a hole in the fence. 但作"敲门"讲一定要用作不及物动词: knock at (on) the door.


  know 

  【误】 I want to know to play this game.

  【正】 I want to know how to play this game.

  【析】 要注意英语中在不定式前加疑问代词或疑问副词的用法。如:I want to know how to do it / what to do / when to do it / where to go.


  know know of 

  I know hi m.为"我很了解他。"而I know of hi m. 则为"我听说过他。"同样的用法还有hear和hear of这一词组。



large  

  【误】 He found a large number of mistake in his homework.

  【正】 He found a large number of mistakes in his homework.

  【析】 "a large number of + 复数名词",意为大量的。

  last 

  【误】 This is the newest news.

  【正】 This is the latest news.

  【析】 "最新消息"应为latest news,因为最晚到的新闻才是最新消息,请注意英语与汉语的区别。

  last the last 

  【误】 I saw my brother the last week.

  【正】 I saw my brother last week.

  【析】 当谈到与目前有关的上月、上星期等概念时只能用last month, last week, 而不能加定冠词,the last 可用于表示一系列词的最后一个,如: That was the last Christmas I spent at home. 但the last可以用来表示持续到现在的一个长 时期,如: I am busy for the last week.


  late 

  【误】 Yesterday I went home lately.

  【正】 Yesterday I went home late.

  【析】 late即可做形容词又可作副词;而lately则意为"最近的",如: I haven't seen her lately.


  late latter later lately 

  late有两个比较级,指时间较晚应用later,如口语中常讲: See you later. (一会见。)而latter则指按顺序讲的后者,或靠后的,其反意词为former,如: the former president(前总统)。又如: I can understand the latter part of the story. 而lately则意为"近来"、"不久前"。laughed at by his classmates. 中的at是不可省掉的。laugh over 则指"笑着谈论"某事,如 We laugh over the film. (我们笑着谈论那个电影。)


  lay 

  【误】 We lied on the beach.

  [ 正] We lay on the beach.

  【析】 英文中有三个动词易混,在考试中也频频出现,它们的现在式,过去式,过去分词以及现在分词是: 

  lay (vt. 放) laid laid laying

  lie(vi. 躺) lay lain cying

  lie(vi. 说谎) lied lied lying


  learn 

  【误】 The teacher said:"You must study this poem by heart."

  【正】 The teacher said:"You must learn this poem by heart."

  【析】 study与learn在作"学习"讲时,常常可以互换,但learn侧重于学习成果或初级阶段的模仿性学习,如:The little baby is learning to walk. 而study则多侧重于学习的过程,如: I'm studying at this college. 而learn…by heart则是"记住"、"背诵"之意。


  leave 

  【误】 I'll leave Beijing to Shanghai.

  【正】 I'll leave Beijing for Shanghai.

  【析】 leave for一词组为"去某地",如对话中常讲I'll leave for Shanghai. 因所离开的地点是双方都知道的则可以省略。


  leave forget 

  【误】 I've forgotten my homework at home.

  【正】 I've forgotten my homework.

  【正】 I've left my homework at home.

  【析】 如果句中有地点状语则不要用forget, 而要用leave.


  lesson 

  【误】 I have two lessons of English.

  【正】 I have two English lessons.

  【正】 I have two lessons in English.

  【析】 "我有两节英语课。"这一表达法如上,但美老师讲他有两节课时则多用"I have two classes."teach somebody a lesson 为"教训某人",或"要吸取教训",如: Let this thing teaches you a lesson.


  lend 

  【误】 Please borrow me your bike.

  【正】 Please lend me your bike.

  【析】 borrow是指"借入",如: I want to borrow s ome books from the library. lend 是"借出",如: I can lend you my bike. 而keep为"借多久": 如 How long can I keep it?


  less 

  【误】 He has fewer money than she has.

  【正】 He has less money than she has.

  【析】 less是little的比较级,而fewer是few的比较级。要注意前者修饰不可数名词,而后者修饰可数名词。


  let 

  【误】 The teacher lets the students clean the classroom as a punishment.

  【正】 The teacher makes the students clean the classroom as a punishment.

  【析】 虽然let, have, make有相同的用法,但make和have含有迫使某人做某事的意思。

  【误】 Let's go to the park, will you?

   【正】 Let's go to the park, shall we?

  【误】 Let us go to the park, shall we?

  【正】 Let us go to the park, will you?

  【析】 Let's go的反意疑问句是shall we?而Let us go的反意疑问句则是will you?


  life 

  【误】 Many people lost their life in the Second World War.

  【正】 Many People l ost their lives in the Second World War.

  【析】 life作为"生命"、"性命"时应为可数名词;当泛指一般"生活"讲时则为不可数名词,如: Which do you prefer, town life or country life? 又如: Life is not all fun.


  light 

  【误】 There is a desk with a lit lamp on it.

  【正】 There is a desk with a lighted lamp on it.

  【析】 light有两个过去分词: lighted和lit,当用过去分词作形容词当定语时只能用lighted.light 可以用作名词,如: The moon gets its light from the sun. 也可以作形容词,如: The classroom is very light. 还可以作动词,如: The little girl lit a match. 作形容词时还有"轻"、"浅"等意,如: This box is light. I lik e light blue.


  like 

  【误】 My sister is very as me.

  【正】 My sister is very like me.

  【析】 as 作为连词其后要接从句,如: She is a good student as his brother used to be. 而like是介词,其后接宾语。

  【误】 Do you like swimming with me tonight.

  【正】 Would you like to swim with me tonight.

  【析】 like作为动词当"喜欢"讲时,其后面可接不定式也可接动名词,用不定式多表达一个一次性的动作,如: I'm sorry I don't like to go swimming tonight. 用动名词则表示一个习惯性的动作,如: I like swimming very much.


  like alike 

  作为形容词,alike 一般不作定语,而只作表语,如; The twins are very alike.

  【误】 Would you like swimming with us?

  【正】 Would you like to swim with us?

  【析】 在would you like…这一句型中,其后面只能接不定式,而不能接动名词。like的用法还要注意以下两点: ① He likes Tom. 为"他喜欢汤姆。"② He is like Tom. 为"他像汤姆。"第二句话的like为介词,而第一句话的like为动词。


  listen 

  【误】 You should hear the teahcer's advice.

  【正】 You should listen to the teacher's advice.

  【析】 hear多侧重于听到某事或某种声音,而listen to则侧重于听的倾向性。如: We listen but hear nothing. 例句为"听取某人意见",所以只能用listen to someone's advice.


  little 

  【误】 Don't worry, there is little time.

  【正】 Don't worry, there is a little time.

  【误】 There is a little water. Shall I get some?

  【正】 There is little water. Shal l I get some?

  【析】 要注意中英文在同一问题上的表达法是不同的。如中文"水不多了,我去取点吧。"英文要讲"没水了,我去取点吧。"


  little small 

  little与small是近义词,在作定语时常常可以互换,如: a little girl或a small girl,但little一般不 作表语,如: The car over there is small. 一句中不要用little. 作定语时little常常带有感情色彩,而small则带有对比的含义。


  live 

  【误】 Tom lives with his parents' money.

  【正】 Tom liv es on his parents' money.

  【误】 He lives on teaching.

  【正】 He lives by teaching.

  【析】 "靠吃某物为生"应用live on something, 而live by是"靠某种生活手段为生"。


  living alive 

  living侧重于生活得很好,身体不错,如: My grandfather is still living in his eighties. 而alive则强调没有死而是活着的,如: Is that cat alive or dead?


  lonely 

  【误】 She wanted to do her homework lonely.

  【正】 She wanted to do her homework alone.

  【析】 lonely意为"寂寞的"、"孤单的",如: The old man felt lonely. alone则意为"独自的"、"单独的",如: He lives alone but he doesn't feel lonely.


  long 

  【误】 I have been studying long for the exam.

  【正】 I have been studying for a long time for the exam.

  【析】 long用作表达时间的副词时,在否定句及疑问句中最常用,但在肯定句中除与so, too, as…as连用外,一般要用for a long time.

  【误】 I'll call you as long as the book will be returned.

  【正】 I'll call you as long as the book is returned.

  【析】 as…as引导的状语从句中可以用一般现在时表 示将来。

  【误】 How long do you go to see your parents? Once a week.

  【正】 How often do you go to see your parents? Once a week.

  【析】 因为答语为每周一次所以问的是频率,要用how often.


look 

look for find 

  look for 侧重于 "寻找"这个动作,如: What are you looking for? 而find则侧重于结果,如: It is very difficult to find a job. 这里不能用look for,因为真正困难的是"找到"工作。


  [例] He often looks back on his highschool days.

  【析】 look back on something 为"回顾"、"回想"。

  [例] I wish you wouldn't look down on (upon) the children's work.

  【析】 look down on (upon) 为"看不起"某人或某事。

  【误】 I'm looking forward to see you.

  【正】 I'm looking forward to seeing you.

  【析】 look forward to词组中的to是介词,所以其后要加名词或动名词,不能接不定式。


  lot 

  【误】 I can buy this dictionary now, because I have got much money.

  【正】 I can buy this dictionary now because I have got a lot of money.

  【析】 much money多用于疑问句与否定句中,而在肯定句中要用a lot of.lots of 与a lot of之间无多大区别,两者都可以修饰可数与不可数名词,所以常常可以互换。

  【误】 He is more happier now.

  【正】 He is a lot happier now.

  【析】 不可用more来修饰比较级,能修饰比较级的词有very much, a lot, lots, any, no, rather, a little, a bit等。


  loud loudly 

  这两个词含意相同,在日常用语中loud多与talk,speak, shout, laugh等动词连用,如:Don't speak so loud, you'll wake the baby. 而在比较正式的场合才用loudly.


  loud aloud 

  loud多指把声音放大,而aloud则指要出声不要默读。如:-What did you say?-Oh, nothing, I was just think aloud. (我只不过自言自语。)



make 

  【误】 The little boy was made repeat the whole story.

  【正】 The little boy was made to repeat the whole story.

  【误】 The father made his son to do his homework from morning till night.

  【正】 The father made his son do his homework from morning till night.

  【析】 make 的句型为"make somebody do (doing) something".但在被动语态中原来被省去的不定式符号to要被还原回来。

  【误】 I always do this mistake.

  【正】 I always make this mistake.

  【析】 英语中do和make是十分不易弄清的两个动词,do常用于谈论工作时或某种不确定的活动时,如: do a favour(帮个忙),do one's best(竭尽全力),do good(有益), do harm(有害),而多数情况下常用mak e, 如: make a suggestion, make a cake, make a bed(收拾床),make a noise, make money等等。

  [误 ] This wine was made of grapes.

  【正】 This wi ne was made from grapes.

  【析】 当成品制成后,其原料的性质有所改变时应用make from,否则用make of, 如: This door was made of iron.

  【误】 Hard work can often make up a lack of intelligence.

  【正】 Hard work can often make up for a lack of intelligence.

  【析】 make up是"创造"、"编织",而make up f or是"弥补……的不足之处"。上句应译为"勤奋工作可以弥补天资的不足。"

  【误】 We made up our mind to study hard.

  【正】 We made up our minds to study hard.

  【析】 mind这里是可数名词,使用时要特别予以注意make up one's mind是"下定决心"之意。

  【误】 Our class is made of twenty girls and twentyone boys.

  【正】 Our class is made up of twenty girls and twentyone boys.

  【析】 make up of…是"某物由……组成或构成"。


  many 

  【误】 I have many friends.

  【正】 I have a lot of friends.

  【析】 many和much多用于疑问句或否定句中,而在肯定句中则用处不多,尤其在非正式谈话中。如:-How much money have you got?

    -I've got plenty.

  【误】 You bought much too tomatoes.

  【正】 You bought too many tomatoes.

  【析】 too many后接可数名词,too much后接不可数名词,而much too后面接形容词,意为"太多"。

  【误】 For many a weeks it rained a lot.

  【正】 For many a week it rained a lot.

  【析】 many a意为"好多"、"许多",但其后面要加单数名词



  matter 

  【误】 No matter what you did.

  【正】 No matter what you did, I trusted you.

  【析】 No matter是个词组,意为"不论",它的语法功能是起连接作用,所以不能用于一个单独的句子。

  it doesn't matter这个词组则不是一个连接词组,所以可以和一个单句连用,如: It doesn't mater what you say. (你说什么都不要紧。)


  maybe 

  【误】 May be he is right.

  【正】 Maybe he is right.

  【析】 maybe是副词,不要错用为may be.


  maybe perhaps 

  这两个词的词意一样,maybe常用于非正式谈话,而perhaps则多用在正式文体中。如: Maybe/Perhaps the weather will get better. 而Julius Caesar is perhaps the greatest of Shakespeare's early plays.


  mend 

  【误】 I want to have my bike mended.

  【正】 I want to have my bike repaired.

  [ 析] mend意为"缝补",如: My mother mended my coat. 而repair是"修理"。


  mind 

  【误】 Could you mind to close the door?

  【正】 Could you mind closing the door?

  【误】 Try to make up your mind studying hard.

  【正】 Try to make up your mind to study hard.

  【析】 mind用作动词时,其后加动名词;而用作名词意为"下定决心"时,其后要加不定式。 要注意Do you mind if I smoke?的答语: 如果你不介意,应回答"No, go ahead."如果你不想让对方吸烟,则应讲"Yes, please don't."


  miss 

  【误】 I found my bag missed.

  【正】 I found my bag missing.

  【析】 missing为形容词,其意为"不见了"、"丢了"。在句中用作宾语补足语时不要误用missed,它作动词时多为及物动词,要接名词或动名词,而不接不定式。如: I missed the first train, I don't want to miss seeing the famous football player.在作补足语讲某物"不见了"时有missing, gone, lost等,如: I found my bag missing (gone, lost).


  mistake 

  【误】 I took your pen by wrong.

  【正】 I took your pen by mistake.

  【析】 by mistake是"错拿了"、"误拿了"你的东西。wrong意为"错误",而by mistake为"弄混了"。如:

  [ 误] If I'm not wrong, you are Mr Brown.

  【正】 If I'm not mistaken, you are Mr Brown. (如果我没弄错的话,您是Brown先生。)

  【误】 The teachers always mistook me as my brother.

  【正】 The teachers always mistook me for my brother.

  【析】 mistake…for…是"错把……当作……"之意,如: I took your book for mine.


  more 

  【误】 This book is more better than that one.

  【正】 This book is much better than that one.

  【析】 不能用比较级来修饰比较级,而应用much, rather等来修饰比较级。

  【误】 More you read, more you learn.

  【正】 The more you read, the more you learn.

  【析】 在"越……越……的"表达法中,形容词的比较级前要加定冠词。请注意more th an one这个词组的后面要跟单数名词和单数谓语动词。如: More than one student is going to do part time job after school.


  no more than not morethan 

  no more than应译为"只不过"、"才",如: He wrote no more than three books. 即他真正写了三本书。而not more than则意为"不会多于",如: He wrote not more than three books. 即他写的书不会多于三本。又 如: He is no shorter than you. 应译为"你和他都不矮",而He is not shorter than you. 才应译为"他比你高。"

  most 

  【误】 Most of students are good at English.

  【正】 Most of the students are good at English.

  【正】 Most students are good at English.

  【析】 most of这一结构后面的名词前一定要有一个限定词。

  【误】 My friends are most teachers.

  【正】 My friends are mostly teachers.

  【析】 mostly意为"大部分的","主要的"。


  much 

  【误】 The boy was asleep very much.

  【正】 The boy was fast asleep.

  【析】 不是所有的形容词都可以用 very来修饰,如fast asleep意为"熟睡",则是固定搭配。像interesting, exciting, surprising这些形容词化的现在分词,以及tired, interested这些形容词化的过去分词则要用very来修饰。


  must 

  【误】 He must be in the office, and mustn't go home.

  [ 正] He must be in the office, and can't go home.

  【析】 must加动词原形为对事情的肯定推测,而否定的推测则要用can't加动词原形。

  [ 误] It must have rained now.

  【正】 It must have rained yesterday.

  【析】 "must+have+过去分词"为对过去发生事情的推测。这句话应译为"昨天一定是下雨了。"又如: I must go and call him. He must have forgotten it.


  must have to 

  must用来表示说话者觉得某件事有必要去做,如I must stop smoking. 其意为:我自己认为我要戒烟;而have to则多用来表达由于来自外界的因素而不得不去做的事,如: I have to go to school tomorrow.must无过去式,当用在讲过去某件必须要做的事时要用had to, 如: When I was young, I had to go to the factory.在否定句中mustn't意为:一定不要做某事,如: You mustn't tell this to Tom. 而haven't to则多意为没有必要去做,如: You d on't have to tell this to Tom. 而英语中多用needn't 来取代haven't to.


  myself 

  【误】 I can't play pingpong myself.

  【正】 I can't play pingpong by myself.

【析】 第一句并无语法错误,myself为"我亲自要去",而by myself为"独自一人"。这句话要表达的意思是"我一个人无法打乒乓球。"而I want to play pingpong myse lf. 应译为"我自己想去打乒乓球。




name 

  【误】 She was named of a flower.

  【正】 She was named after a flower.

  【析】 以… …命名应为name after,又如给某人取名应为The father named his son Tom.


 near 

  【误】 We came near to hit him.

   【正】 We came near to hitting him.

  【析】 这句话应译为"我们几乎要打他一顿。"near to这一用法中to为介词,其后要接宾语,所以要接名词或动名词。near作介词时其后可加to也可不加to,如: I sit near the door, I sit near to the fire.


  by near 

  We lived near the city. 与We lived b y the city. 两句话都是对的,但其表达的意义有所不同,by在表达距离时比near更近,所以by the city是紧靠近某城市。


  need 

  【误】 This room needs to clean.

  【正】 This room needs to be cleaned.

  【正】 This room needs cleaning.

  【析】 在表达某事需要做什么时,need后面如用不定式要用其被动态,如接动名词则要用主动态。

  【误】 We need not to do it.

  【正】 We needn't do it.

  【析】 need用在否定句、疑问句中一般用作情态动词,所以无 人称变化也不加to,而在肯定句中则多用作实意动词,如: We need your help.


  neither 

  【误】 None of m y parents is a teacher.

  【正】 Neither of my parents i s a teacher.

  【析】 对两者的否定不能用none只能用neither, none用于三人以上的情况。

  【误】 I don't do my homework. Neither he does.

  【正】 I don't do my homework. Neither does he.

  【析】 这时应用倒装句。

  【误】 Neither you nor I are right.

  【正】 Neither you nor I am right.

  【析】 neither…nor… 这一句型 在应用时其谓语动词应以邻近的主语一致。

  【误】 Neither he studies nor plays.

  【正】 Neither does he study nor play.

   【析】 neither, hardly, seldom等否定词位于句首时,谓语动词采用倒装形式。


  never 

  【误】 Never I have broke n my word.

  【正】 Never have I broken my word.

  【析】 never用于句首时起强调作用,要用倒装语序。但用于句中一般 放于情态动词、助动词、或be动词后面,如: I shall never forgot the expression on her face. Lost time is never found again. 用于成语中,如: Better late than never. (晚做比不做强。)never mind没关系,如: "What did you say?""Oh, never mind."


  news 

  【误】 There are many news about the accident.

  【正】 There is much news about the accident.

  【析】 news是不可数名词,它没有复数形式,如果讲一条新闻要用a piece of news.


  newspaper 

  【误】 I read the news on today's newspaper.

  【正】 I read the news in today's newspaper.

  【析】 在报纸上读到某一条新闻一定要用介词in,而on the newspaper是指把某物放于报纸之上,如: May I put the flower on this newspaper?


  night 

  【误】 I came home very late yesterday night.

  【正】 I came home very late last night.

  【析】 "昨晚"一般要讲last night,而不应参照"昨天上午、下午、傍晚"的说法yesterday morning等套用。


  no none 

  no是个限定词,它可以用在可数名词单 复数或不可数名词前,如: No news is good news. 但如果名词前有另一限定词时则不能用no,而要用none of,如None of the students was here.


  no not 

  要使句子具有部分否定的意思,我们用not,如: I can see you tomorrow, but not Sunday. 如果是全部否定则用no,如Sorry, there is no time to talk.


  No one none 

  no one与nobody一样不能接of结构,如: No one wished me good luck. 而要用of结构时要用none, 如: None of my friends wished me good luck.


  nor 

  【误】 I never saw the painting before, or did I hear of it.

  【正】 I never saw the painting before, not did I hear of it.

  【析】 注意在表达"既不……也不……"时不要用or作连词,而要用nor,并且要用倒装语序。 


  not 

  【误】 The students went to the park, but no the teachers.

  【正】 The students went to the park, but not the teachers.

  【析】 要使一个句子或一个句子的某一部分为否定时我们要用not, 而不用no.

  【误】 There is no my letter today.

  【正】 There is no letter for me today.

  【析】 no是一个限定词,用在名词前时,要注意这个名词前应没有冠词、物主代词或指示代词。

  【误】 He not only was a writer but also an actor.

  【正】 He was not only a writer but also an actor.

  【析】 在这一句型中not only之后的词与but also之后的词类必须一致,否则应为错句。如果这一结构用在主语位置,则谓语动词要与but also后面的主语保持一致,如: Not only you but also I am wrong.


  nothing 

  【误】 Nothing but books were sold here.

  【正】 Nothing but books was sold here.

  【析】 要注意真正的主语是nothing而不是books,所以这一结构在学生的使用中经常出错。

  【误】 I have nothing to do but to cry.

  【正】 I have nothing to do but cry.

  【析】 在这一结构中but后面要用省to的不定式。


  number 

  【误】 A number of news can be heard on TV today.

  【正】 A lot of news can be heard on TV today.

  【析】 a number of后接可数名词复数。

  【误】 The number of students are ten thousand.

  【正】 The number of students is ten thousand.

  【析】 a number of 其意为"大量的",而the number of…是"某某的数量"。即the number of students意为"学生人数",所以要用单数形式的谓语动词。



o'clock 

  【误】 It's ten past five o'clock.

  【正】 It's ten past five.

   【析】 o'clock所表达的时间是正点,如果要表达的时间是几点几分或差几分几点都不能用o'clock.

  once 

  【误】 Please come and see me once.

  【正】 Please come and see me one day.

  【析】 o nce用来谈论过去的事情,而不能谈论未来。如果要谈及未来要用one day, some time等。

  【误】 I met him one time when I was a student.

  【正】 I met him once when I was a student.

  【析】 英语中一次应用once而不用one time,二次要用twice而不用two times.


  one 

  【误】 My grandfather wants to live for hundred years.

  【正】 My grandfather wants to live for one hundred years.

  【误】 He threw away the old dictionary and wanted to buy new one.

  【正】 He threw away the old dictionary and wanted to buy a new one.

  【误】 His dog is bigger than my one.

  【正】 His dog is bigger than mine.

  【析】 一般物主代词之后不用one,除非one前有修饰词,如my old one, 否则要用名词性物主代词。

  【误】 One of the teacher is in the office.

  【误】 One of the teac hers are in the office.

   【正】 One of the teachers is in the office.

  【析】 One是句子的主语,其谓语动词应用单数,而of后面的名词要用复数名词。

  【误】 One third of the books is sent to the students.

  【正】 One third of the books are sent to the students.

  【析】 几分之几或百分之几这一结构用在主语位置,其谓语动词要与of后面的名词一致,如Two thirds of the work is done.


  open 

  【误】 Are the banks opened today?

  【正】 Are the banks open today?

  【析】 要注意open即可用作动词、名 词,还可以用作形容词,而close则不同。请看: Are the banks closed today?这一句是正确的。


  or 

  【误】 He doesn't drink and smoke.

  【正】 He doesn't drink or smoke.

  【析】 否定句中的并列连词要用or而不用and.

  【误】 He neither drinks or smokes.

  【正】 He neither drinks nor smokes.


  other 

  【误】 Where are the others students?

  【正】 Where are the other students?

  【正】 Where are the others?

  【析】 other作形容词时没有复数形式,且作为泛指讲时没有定冠词,如: Ask some other eople. 而加定冠词后为特指。 the other可在句中作主语、宾语或定语,如 : Now let me show you the other. (宾语) He has two sons. One is a worker, the other is a teacher. (主语) others 只能作代词,而the others则为特指,如: There are five books. Two of them are not good. I like the others.


  out 

  【误】 She went out the classroom, taking a dictionary with her.

  【正】 She went out of the classroom, taking a dictionary with her.

  【析】 out of是指"从……里出来",使用时不要将of丢掉。




paper 

【误】 Please give me two letter papers.

【正】 Please give me two sheets of letter paper.

【析】 paper作为纸讲为不可数名词。

【误】 Each student must write paper on what he learned.

【正】 Each student must write a paper on what he learned.

【析】 这里的paper作为论文讲,是可数名词。paper的这种用法还可以用于证件、报纸、考卷等。


parent 

【误】 My parents and I are both interested in football.

【正】 My parents and I are all interested in football.

【析】 parents即为父母、双亲,指两个人,加上自己为三个人,所以只能用all而不能用both.


pass 

【误】 The ship pasted the channel.

【正】 The ship passed the channel.

【析】 pass为动词,而past则为副词,不要混淆,如: My father has been ill for the past two weeks. All the students passed the exam.


pay 

【误】 Please help me do this job, and I will pay for you later.

【正】 Please help me do this job and I will pay you later.

【析】 为某工作付给工人工资应为pay somebody, 而pay for something是为某物付款,如: You can buy all the things you want. I'll pay for those.


people 

【误】 There are five h undred peoples here.

【正】 There are five hundred people here.

【误】 There is only one people.

【正】 T here is only one person.

【误】 People there is friendly.

【正】 People there are friendly.

【析】 people作为人讲时为复数名词,如要讲一个人应用one person, 而不能用people, 讲若干人时用people而不能加s,这样的用法还有police(警察)等,这些概念用 单数时要换其他的词. 如: people- a person; police-policeman policewoman; youth-a young man/woman.


picture 

【误】 There are some spots in the picture.

【正】 There are some spots on the picture.

【误】 There is a young woman on the picture.

【正】 There is a young woman in the picture.

【析】 指溅落在画面上的灰尘,污物是on the picture,即讲与画面内容无关的东西用on,而in the picture用于讲画面的内容。


pity 

【误】 What pity that her mother must always suffer!

【正】 What a pity that her mother must always suffer!

【析】 pity作为遗憾之事讲常加不定冠词;但要注意作为同情、怜悯讲则 不加冠词,为不可数名词,如: I feel pity for you. 它还可以用作动词,如: He pitied the poor people.

【误】 I have pity for you.

【正】 I have pity on you.

【析】 可怜某人时应用have (take) pity on somebody,这是个惯用法。


place 

【误】 Last year he went to America. He travelled from place to another.

【正】 Last year he went to America. He travelled from place to place (from one place to another).

【析】 到处译为英文时为from place to place请不要在place之前加冠词。这种用法在有些语法书中叫作零冠词用法,如:一户挨一户为door by door,手拉手为hand in hand.

【误】 The accident was taken place in that street.

【正】 The accident took place in that street.

【析】 take place为发生,它不能用于被动态,这样的词还有happen等。

【误】 There is no place in the bus.

【正】 There is no room in the bus.

【析】 room这里为不可数名词,意为空间,即没有地方了。place多指场所所在之地。

【误】 I came here to take place of Mr Smith.

【正】 I came here to take the place of Mr Smith.

【析】 take the place of 意为代替、取代某人某事。

play 

【误】 Do you want to play guitar?

【正】 Do you want to play the guitar?

【误】 I like t o play the bridge.

【正】 I like to play bridge(桥牌).

【析】 play作为玩讲时,在各种乐器前要加冠词,在各种体育运动前则没有冠词。


please 

【误】 My friend pleased me to his birthday party yesterday.

【正】 My friend invited me to his birthday party yesterday.

【析】 please作为动词时其词义不是请,而是高兴、愿意等意,如: She always does what she pleases. (她总是想做什么就做什么。)又如: It's hard to please all. 而please作为请讲时为语气词,多用于祈使句中,如: Please come in.

【误】 Both the teacher and the mother were pleased to the little girl.

【正】 Both the teacher and the mother were pleased with the little girl.

【析】 对某人表示满意、喜欢,应用be pleased with somebody. 对某事感到高兴和满意时多用be pleased at或about,但有时也可用with,却不能用of.


pleasure 

【误】 The boy gave his parents a lot of pleasures.

【正】 The boy gave his parents a lot of pleasure.

【析】 pleasure作为高兴、愉快、享乐、娱乐 讲时为不可数名词 。

【误】 It is pleasure to work with you.

【正】 It is a pleasure to work with you.

【析】 pleasure作为一件或某件乐事、高兴之事讲时为 可数名词,如: It is one of my pleasures.


police 

【误】 The police has not found the cause of the accident.

【正】 The police have not found the cause of the accident.

【析】 police为复数名词,它没有单数形式。如果要讲一个警察 要用a policeman,两个要用two policemen,或a policewoman, two policewomen.


prepare 

【误】 I'm preparing the exam.

【正】 I'm preparing for the exam.

【误】 We'll return in time for you to prepare for dinner.

【正】 We'll return in time for you to prepare dinner.

【析】 prepare既是及物动词,又是不及物动词。作及物动词时 其后面所跟的事物是正在 准备的;而作不及物动词时for后面的事物是目标。如: I'm preparing for the exam. 应

译为我正在为考试做准备。同样的用法还有search与search for.


present 

【误】 Don't worry. I can present the meeting.

【正】 Don't worry. I can be present at the meeting.

【析】 present作为出席、在场讲时,是形容词而不应 用作动词。其动词意为 送给;赠给;提出,如: The reporter presented a rguments of his idea.



【误】 She put off her red dress and put on the green one.

【正】 She took off her red dress and put on the green on e.

【析】 与put连用的介词很多,一般来讲on与off是一对相反的意 义的介词,如: turn on (打开),turn off(关上),穿衣服是p ut on,但脱衣服却只能用take off,而put o ff是推迟、使某人下车、关掉之意,如: They put off the exam because t he national holiday. (因国家假日而推迟考期。)Could you put me off at the Town Ha ll. (请在市政厅让我下车。)Please put off the wireless before you leave. (走之前 请关掉无线电。)



【误】 There are two radioes in the classroom.

  【正】 There are two radios in the classroom.

  【误】 I heard the weather report through the radio.

  【正】 I heard the weather report on the radio.

  【析】 在收音机中听到某事应为hear something on the ra dio,听收音机应为l isten to the radio. 这样的用法还有电视,看电视为watch TV,讲在电视上看见什 么节目为watch…on TV,如: I'm watching the football match on TV. 但注意,作为 一种通信手段时应为by radio, 如: Police are talking to each other by radio. rain 

  【误】 There is a small rain falling.

  【正】 There is a light rain falling.

  【误】 There is a big rain.

  【正】 T here is a heavy rain.

  【析】 大雨在英文中应为a heavy rain, rain cats and do gs 为倾盆大雨,小雨 为a li ght rain. 千万不要讲a big rain 或a small rain. 当作动词讲时,雨下得很 大可译为: It rains very much now/hard now/heavily now.



   【误】 We reached to the town very late.

  【正】 We reached the town very late.

  【析】 reach作为到达讲是及物动词,而arrive为不及物动 词。但要注意reach的词组 搭配,如reach for, 为伸手去拿,如: The thief reached for the gun. reach ou t伸出手,如: He reached out and took an interesting book.


  ready 

  【误】 You must ready at once.

  【正】 You must be ready at once.

  【析】 ready为形容词,而不像中文中准备为动词。




  【误】 I didn't remember closing the door, so the thief c ame into the room directly.

  【正】 I didn't remember to close the door, so the thief came into the room directly.

  【析】 remember其后接动名词,动名词所表示的动作已经做完, 如: I don't r emember meeting you. 其后如接不定式,不定式表达的动作还没有去做,如: Do remember to tur n off the light before you leave.


  rest 

  [ 误] The rest of the students is girls.

  【正】 The rest of the students are girls.

  【析】 rest作剩余部分讲时,the rest of…结构作主语时 其谓语动词应与of后面的名词的数保持一致。这种用法还有1/3 of, 80% of等。

  【误】 The rest of the work are done.

  【正】 The rest of the work is done.


  return 

  【误】 My friends returned back to their second home town .

  【正】 My friends returned to their second home town.

  【析】 return即为返回,所以back是多余的。这句话还可以 表述为: My friends went back to their second home town.



  【误】 We had a few rice and some bread.

  【正】 We had a little rice and some bread.

  【析】 rice为物质名词,为不可数名词。



  【误】 We had a few rice and some bread.

  【正】 We had a little rice and some bread.

  【析】 rice为物质名词,为不可数名词。


  rich 

  【误】 The country is rich of oil.

  【正】 The country is rich in oil.

  【析】 be rich in 为盛产……。

  【误】 The rich is not always happy.

  【正】 The rich are not always happy.

  【析】 形容词加定冠词表示一类人,作主语时要作复数看待。

  【误】 All his riches is no good to him if he is so ill.

  【正】 All his riches are no good to him if he is so ill.

  【析】 riches为财富,是复数名词,没有单数形式。像这 样的词还有goods(货物),greens(青菜),manners(礼貌)等。



  【误】 We like swimming on the river.

  【正】 We like swimming in the river.

  【误】 We like boating in the river.

  【正】 We like boating on the river.

  【析】 游泳用in the river,而在湖中划船要用on the river.



  【误】 There are already three people sitting on the sofa , please try to make a room for her.

  【正】 There are already three people sitting on the sofa , please try to make room for her.

  【析】 room作为空间讲时为不可数名词。leave room for… 为给某人留点空地; make room for…为让位给某人,如: The young man made room for an old woman.



  【误】 I ran across with an old friend at the school gate .

  【正】 I ran across an old friend at the school gate.

  【析】 run across 为偶然相遇。

  【误】 The truck ran across the cat.

  【正】 The truck ran over the cat.

  【析】 run over为从……上辗过。

  【误】 Yesterday I ran to a storm on my way home.

  【正】 Yesterday I ran into a storm on my way home.

  【析】 run into为撞上或撞在……上。



  [误] The brave man safed the boy from drowning.
  [正] The brave man saved the boy from drowning.
  [析] safe是形容词,如: They wished him a safe journey. safely是副词,如: The young man drives his car safely. 而safety是名词,如: safety island(安全岛),Safety first!(安全第一!)但save是动词。

  same 
  [误] Yesterday I got a postcard. It is the same that you got the day before yesterday.
  [正] Yesterday I got a postcard. It is the same as you got the day before yesterday.
  [析] the same that意为"即是",而the same as才能译为"像……一样的。"
  [误] Your book is not same as mine.
  [正] Your book is not the same as mine.
  [析] the same as中的定冠词不能少。

  say 
  [误] His report wrote she is nineteen.
  [正] His report says she is nineteen.
  [析] 中文中常讲"报告上写到"、"信上写到",这样的"写"在英文中要用say.

  say speak talk tell
  英文中"说"一般有四个词,其中say和tell为及物动词。tell可以加双宾语,如Please tell me a story. 而speak与talk为不及物动词。speak只有后面直接加"语言"时才是及物的,如: Please speak English. 请看下句: He went on talking for a long time, but he spoke so fast that few of us could catch what he said.

  sea 
  [误] As a boy his great ambition(抱负) was to go to the sea.
  [正] As a boy his great ambition was to go to sea.
  [析] go to sea为"去当水手、海员";而go to the sea=go to the seaside, 如: He want to go to the sea for his vacation.
  在"海中"游泳为in the sea; at sea为在"海上航行",如: I have a brother at sea. by sea为"坐船"、"由海路运输",如: We travelled to New York by sea.

  second 
  [误] I want to learn the second foreign language.
  [正] I want to learn a second foreign language.
  [析] 当作为"第二"外语,"再增加一个"时,不要用the second而要用a second. the second强调排队的次序,a second强调再增加一个。

  see 
  [误] He was seen leave the room.
  [正] He was seen to leave the room.
  [析] see作主动态时用作to see somebody do something, 而用作被动态时则是somebody to be seen to do something. 要注意惯用法let me see(让我想想)。

  sheep 
  [误] There are five sheeps on the grass.
  [正] There are five sheep on the grass.
  [析] sheep是单、复数同形名词,其他的还有: deer(鹿),fish(鱼)等。

  ship 
  [误] I travelled on a yacht.
  [正] I travelled on a ship (in a yacht).
  [析] 虽然都是船,但游艇(yacht)要用in, 而ship要用on.

  sick 
  [误] The little boy was a ill boy.
  [正] The little boy was a sick boy.
  [析] sick与ill作表语时都表示"有病"之意,如: He feels ill. 或He feels sick. 都对,但作定语时则只能用sick.

  since 
  [误] He is living in Greece since 1978.
  [正] He has lived in Greece since 1978.
  [正] He has been living in Greece since 1978.
  由since引出的状语从句意为"自从"某时一直如何,主句要用完成时或完成进行时。 
  [误] She has been quite different since came back from America.
  [正] She has been quite different since coming back from America.
  [析] 分词短语可以用在after, before, since等介词后面。

  sleep 
  [误] The boy was very asleep.
  [正] The boy was fast asleep.
  [析] 熟睡在英文中为fast asleep. 非正式英语中一般不常用He's sleeping. 而常讲He's asleep. 其形容词sleepy是"困倦的",如: I shall go to bed now. I'm so sleepy. "卧铺"英国人讲sleeping car,而美国人讲sleeper.

  slow 
  [误] Slow the door opened.
  [正] Slowly the door opened.
  [析] slow与slowly的用法与意思相同,在口语中和路标中多用slow,如: Tell him to drive slower. Slow, dangerous bend. 但是如果用在动词前还是要用slowly.

  smile 
  [误] She smiled to me.
  [正] She smiled at me.
  [析] "冲着某人笑"应为to smile at somebody.

  so 
  [误] It is such beautiful a book that every child likes it.
  [正] It is such a beautiful book that every child likes it.
  [正] It is so beautiful a book that every child likes it.
  [析] 关于so与such用法的区别有四种情况: ① 用于单数可数名词之前,其格式为"such+不定冠词+形容词+名词",而"so+形容词+不定冠词"。② 用于可数名词复数或不可数名词前,只能用 such,如: It is such good weather that we want to go for a walk. They are such good students that they can pass the exam easily. ③ 在只有形容词时只能用so,如: It is so good that I like it very much.④ 在many, much, few, little这四个词前只能用so而不能用such。如: I have so little money that I can't buy the dictionary.
  [误] He got up early so as he could catch the first bus.
  [正] He got up early so as to catch the first bus.
  [正] He got up early so that he could catch the first bus.
  [正] He got up so early that he could catch the first bus.

  [误] Do you have some lessone to prepare?
  [正] Do you have any lessons to prepare?
  [析] 在疑问句或否定句中要用any; some多用在肯定句中,如: I have some money to buy it.
  在请求,或真心希望得到肯定答复时,在疑问句中也要用some,如: Would you like something to drink?即真心实意希望为对方提供饮料。又如: Could you lend me some money?即真心想要借到钱。

  sometime 
  [误] I have sometime thought that I should like to live in the country.
  [正] I have sometimes thought that I should like to live in the country.

  sometime sometimes some times sometime 
  sometime为"某个时候"、"总有一天",如: We'll meet again sometime next year. 或过去的"某一时刻",如: I saw her sometime in July. sometimes为"有时候"、"时常"、"常常",如: Every man is a fool sometimes, and none at all times. Some times为"若干次",如: I visited America some times. May be five or seven times. I am not sure. Some time则是"一段时间"、"一些时候",如: I want to leave some time.

  soon 
  [误] The room as soon as became crowded.
  [正] The room soon became crowded.
  [析] soon为"不久"、"很快",如: I'll be there very soon. 而as soon as意为"一……就……",如: As soon as I finished my homework I went out to play football.

  sound 
  [误] The report sounds well.
  [正] The report sounds good.
  [析] sound作动词时其后接形容词而不接副词,如: How sweet the music sounds!

  sport 
  [误] Are you going to run in the school sprot?
  [正] Are you going to run in the school sprots?
  [析] sport用作可数名词单数时指具体的某项运动,如: Basketball is an indoor sport. 而在泛指"运动"或"运动会"时要用其复数形式sports.

  spring 
  [误] I'll visit America in this spring.
  [正] I'll visit America in spring.
  [正] I'll visit America this spring.
  [析] 英语一年四季前如果有that, this, last, next等词,则其前面不要再加介词。这样的用法还有周、月、年等。请看下面句子中的用法有何不同: He told me that she did it on the next day. 这时是指过去某一天的第二天,所以才有这种用法。如果以现在为时间基点的第二天应为I'll do it next day.

  start 
  [误] What time will you start to San Francisco?
  [正] What time will you start for San Francisco?
  [析] start与leave一样,其后接"for+目的地"。

  begin start 
  begin与start在很多场合下是一样的意思,如: We started/began to study English two years ago. 但在如下场合则不能用begin: ① 作为"启程"讲,如: I think we ought to start at six. ② 表示"开始工作",如: The car won't start. (车子发动不起来。) ③ 作为"开动"、"启动"讲,如: Do you know how to start this machine.

  still 
  [误] Oh, it is still raining now.
  [正] Oh, it is still raining.
  [析] 因still即包含有现在仍然如何,所以now是多余词。

  still yet already 
  still一般与动词连用,可放于句子中间用以说明过去开始的动作现在仍然在继续,特别用来表示我们希望它早点停止。如: I've been thinking for hours, but I still can't decide. yet一般放于句末,用在疑问句与否定句中。如: Has the postman come yet? already则与动词连用,可放于句中表示某事的发生比预期的要早,如: I've already finished my homework.

  stop 
  [误] When the teacher came into the classroom the students stopped to talk.
  [正] When the teacher came into the classroom the students stopped talking.
  [析] stop to do something是"停下来去做某事",而stop doing something是"停止做某事"。

  street 
  [误] There is a narrow winding street from our village to the next one.
  [正] There is a narrow winding road from our village to the next one.
  [析] street一般指城市中两旁有建筑物的"街道",而road多指乡间的"路"。

  strict 
  [误] You ought to be strict to him.
  [正] You ought to be strict with him.
  [析] be strict with是"对……严格的"。

  such 
  [误] Do you want to have such a dictionary?
  [正] Do you want to have such a good dictionary?
  [正] Do you want to have a dictionary like that?
  [析] such作加强语气时一般是"such+(冠词)形容词+名词",如: It's such a good book. 但如果名词前没有形容词则要看其名词是否具有"能显示程度的含意",如: I've got such a headache. You are such fools!否则在such与名词之间一定要有形容词。

  sure 
  [误] I am quite sure for that answer.
  [正] I am quite sure of that answer.
  [析] sure用于句中表示"对……事有确实把握"时应跟of或about,而不跟for,如: I'm sure about (of) his ability to control this machine.

  sweet 
  [误] Honey tastes sweetly.
  [正] Honey tastes sweet.
  [析] sweet可以作为名词,意为"糖果",是可数名词,如: May I have a sweet?作形容词,如: The child looked very sweet. 而sweetly为副词,意为"甜美地"、"悦耳地"。要注意taste为感观动词,其后面要接形容词而不是副词。




take 

  【误】 This year I want to take the driver's license.

  【正】 This year I want to get the driver's license.

  【析】 take可以作为动词,意为"拿"、"取",如: I want to take my mail. 而 要获得某种证书、证明,要用get而不用take, take在学校范围内意为"参加"或"选修"某些课程,如: This term I want to take both French and Spanish.

  【误】 The accident was taken place at the street corner.

  【正】 The accident took place at the street corner.

  【析】 take place与happen一样作为"发生"讲时没有被动语态。

  【误】 Do you take me as a fool?

  【正】 Do you take me for a fool?

  【析】 tak e…for…意为"以为是……"、"错当作……"、"误认为",而这一意思还可以用于I took you to be the best friend. (我把你认作是最好的朋友。)

  【误】 My English teacher was ill. Who will take place her?

  【正】 My English teacher was ill. Who will take the place of her?

  【析】 take the place of…意为"取代"。


  talk 

  【误】 Yesterday I met an old friend. We talked many things.

  【正】 Yesterday I met an old friend. We taked about many things.

  【析】 talk是不及物动词。



【误】 Our team likes seeing film.

  【正】 Our team like seeing film.

  【析】 team与family,class等词一样,指整体时为单数名词。如: Our team is excellent, 而指集体中的个体时要用作复数。


  than 

  【误】 They made fewer mistakes this term than they made last lerm.

  【正】 They made fewer mistakes this term than they did last lerm.

  【析】 当一个动作在同一个句子中重复时,第二次要用do来代替,以避免重复。

  【误】 You make me do more then anybody I know.

  【正】 You make me do more than anybody I know.

  【误】 I got into the restroom than someone knocked at the door.

  【正】 I got into the rest room then someone knocked at the door.

  【析】 than与then不要误用。


  then 

  【误】 We went to the cinema, then went to a Chinese restaurant.

  【正】 We went to the cinema, and then went to a Chinese restaurant.

  【正】 We went to the cinema; then w ent to a Chinese restaurant.

  【析】 then作"然后"讲时,在then前应加分号而不用逗号,或加逗号用and then,但是如果是倒装句则要用逗号,如: First come Tom, then Mary.


  think 

  【误】 I think you are not right.

  【正】 I don't think you are right.

  【析】 think在肯定句中与中文的习惯用法是一致的,如: I think you are right. 但在宾语从句是否定意思时,要否定think,如: I don't think you are right.

  【误】 I think he will come here, do I?

  【正】 I think he will come here, wont he?

  【析】 think加宾语从句时,反意疑问句的主语应用宾语从句中的主语,助动词要用宾语从句中的助动词,而肯定还是否定要看主句中的情况决定:如主句用肯定句,则反意疑问句用否定句,反之亦然。

  【误】 People think very high of his work.

  【正】 People think very highly of his work.

  【析】 think highly of为"对某人某事评价很高"。

  【误】 When we talk about Chinese people we always think the Yellow River.

  【正】 When we talk about Chi nese people we always think about the Yellow River.

  【析】 think about意为"想起"、"想到"。


  thousand 

  【误】 He got thousand of books from a secondhandbook shop.

  【正】 He got thousands of books from a secondhandbook shop.

  【析】 虽然 two thousand, three thousand在thousand后都不加s,但thousands of则为"数千",该结构中一定要加s。


  through 

  【误】 I had a long distance call with John throught the telephone.

  【正】 I had a long distance call with John on the telephone.

  【误】 It took us two hours to walk across the forest.

  【正】 It took us two hours to walk through the forest.

  【析】 across是表示在一平面上进行的动作,而through则是用在三维空间的动作。如: The river was frozen, so we could walk across it. I pushed through the crowds to the entrance.


  throw 

  【误】 He threw a stone to me.

  【正】 He threw a stone at me.

  【析】 "扔"这个词表示方向时要注意他向我扔石头是at me,我向他扔石头则为to him,但throw at还有寻衅之意,如: Stop throwing stones at the cars. 这时不要误用to.


  time 

  【误】 The doctor came on time so she was saved.

  【正】 The doctor came in time so she was saved.

  【析】 in time为"及时赶到",如: Do you think we can get there in time for the fir st act. 而on time 意为"准时",如: The train arrived on time.

  【误】 It is time we go home.

  【正】 It is time we should go home.

  【正】 It is time we went home.

  【析】 "是该作某事的时候了",其句形为: ① It is time for somebody to do something. ② "It is time+从句",从句中用"should+动词原形",或直接用动词的过去式。

  【误】 Let's hurry. We haven't many times.

  【正】 Let's hurry. We haven't much time.

  【误】 I have been to America two times.

  【正】 I have been to America twice.

  【析】 time作为"时间"讲时为不可数名词,而作为"次"讲时则是可数名词。但"一次"不是one time,而是once;"二次"不是two times,而是twice;"三次"则是three times.


  t oo 

  【误】 This box is too heavy to lift it.

  【正】 This box is too heavy to lift.

  【析】 在too…to这一结构中,如果主语和不定式的宾语是一致的,则不要重复。

  【误】 The child is too young not to go to school.

  【正】 The child is too young to go t o school.

  【析】 too…to这一结构用来表示"太……以致于不能……",但下面的句子则不能照此翻译: I'm too glad to meet you. 应译为"我见到你真太高兴了"。

  【误】 There is much too noise.

  【正】 There is too much noise.

  【析】 "much too+形容词",而"too much+不可数名词"。

  【误】 You have bought too much tomatoes.

  【正】 You have bought too many tomatoes.

  【析】 too many后才加可数名词。


  also as well too 

  这三个词是近义词,但其用法各有不同。其一,too和as well通常用于句末,如: She went to the cinema and her brother went too. 而also则不用于句末,如: I've also read her other novels. 其二,这三个词都不用于否定句中,否定句中用not…either,或neither/nor…,如: He isn't here either.


  trousers 

  【误】 My trouser is getting smaller and smaller.

  【正】 My trousers are getting smaller and smaller.

  【析】 英语中trousers, pants, shorts(短裤),glasses(眼镜)都要用复数形式。

  【误】 This pair of glasses are very good.

  【正】 This pair of glasses is very good.

  【析】 有了量词a pair of,其后的谓语动词要与量词相一致。如: two pairs of…的谓语动词就要用复数。


try 

  【误】 I tried to send her flowers but it didn't have any effect.

  【正】 I tried sending her flowers but it didn't have any effect. (我试着给她送花,但没有什么结果。)

  【误】 Please try understanding it.

  【正】 Please try to understand it.

  【析】 "try+动名词"的意思是"试一试",或"做某事看看会发生什么情况",而"try+不定式"表 示为达到目的要去做的事。




under 

   【误】 The lake is two meters under sea level.

  【正】 The lake is two meters below sea level.

  【析】 under的意思是在某物的下面,而below=lower than, 即"低于"。

  【误】 Under the help of our teacher, all of us passed the exam.

  【正】 With the help of our teacher, all of us passed the exam.


  understand 

  【误】 I think it is diffcult to make myself to understand.

  【正】 I think it is diffcult to make myself understood.

  【析】 这句话的意思是"我想让别人理解我太难了"。

  【误】 I am understanding the lesson now.

  【正】 I understand the lesso n now.

  【析】 understand一词没有进行时态。类似的词还有belong, find, hear, love, like等。


  until 

  【误】 We walked until the edge of the forest.

  【正】 We walked as far as the edge of the forest.

  【误】 Our school bus ca n hold until twenty children.

  【正】 Our school bus can hold up to twenty children.

  【析】 until与till两词的意思一样,但两个词都只能用于时间,如: I'll wait until I hear from you.

  【误】 I waited for my mother to seven o'clock, but she didn't come.

  【正】 I waited for my mother until seven o'clock, but she didn't come.

  【误】 Can you return this book until Monday?

  【正】 Can you return this book by Monday?

  【析】 当我们谈目前正在进行而将来某一时刻才停止的事件时用until,而用by来表达将来某一时刻会发生的动作。

  【误】 We arrived home until it became dark.

  【正】 We didn't arrived home until it became dark.

  【析】 until用于肯定句时表示"某动 作直到……为止",如: They worked until 5∶00 P. M. 用于否定句中时意为"直到……才"。所以用于肯定句中要使用延续性动词,但截止性动词却可以用在否定句中。


  upstairs 

  【误】 He went to upstairs.

  【正】 He went upstairs.

  【析】 upstairs一词可用作副词,如: We all hurried upstairs to see what happened. 也可用作名词,如; The upstairs of the house needs pa inting. 同时也可以用作形容词, 如: A house with three upstairs rooms is quite good.



  【误】 It is no us e to ask her.

  【正】 It is no use asking her.

  【析】 It is no use…与There is no use…后通常用动名词,而不用不定式。

  【误】 I'll get used to treat the students this way.

  【正】 I'll get used to treating the students this way.

  【析】 be used to与get used to后要接动名词表示"习惯于"做某事。

  【误】 I used to getting up early in th e morning.

  【正】 I used to get up early in the morning.

  【析】 used to表示过去习惯的动作,其后要加动词原形。

  【误】 Oil was used to cooking.

  【正】 Oil was used to cook.

  【析】 这里的句型虽然也是be u sed to但这里不 是主动态,而是被动态,所以不能接动名词而应接不定式。

  【误】 We used to go to the Great Wall three times.

  【正】 We went to the Great Wall three times.

  【析】 used to只能用来表示一种习惯,而不能用来表达某事发生的次数。



very 

  【误】 Thank you inde ed.

  【正】 Thank you very much indeed.

  【析】 indeed用来修饰very much, 但要放其后面,而且也 不要单独使用。

  【误】 The baby was very a sleep.

  【正】 The baby was fast asleep.

  【析】 不是所有的形容词都可以用very来修饰,如: I'm wide awake. (我全 醒了。)再如: all alone(十分孤独),much afraid等。

  【误】 Th e thing seems to be very improved.

  【正】 The th ing seems to be much i mproved.

  【析】 有些语法书讲very修饰 现在分词, 而much修饰过去分词,这要分别对待。如果过去分词是指一个具体的动作,而且是句中主要动词的一部分就必须用much ,而某些形容词化的过去分词,还是要用very来修饰的,如: I am very tired.

  【误】 There is very less water in the rive r than usual.

  【正】 There is much/fa r less water in the river than usual.

  【析】 very不能修饰形容词或副词的比较级,而要用far, much等来修饰。



wait 

  [误] Tomorrow I will wait you at the bus stop.

  [正] Tomorrow I will wait for you at the bus stop.

  [析] wait是不及物动词,"等人"要用wait for somebody;而wait up为"不睡觉等候某事",如: I'll wait up tonight.


  walk 

  [误] I think she went a walk yesterday.

  [正] I think she went out for a walk yesterday.

  [析] 散步在英文中要讲have a walk, take a walk.如果用go要用go for a walk.


  want 

  [误] The flowers want to water.

  [正] The flowers want watering.

  [析] want在这里作为"需要"讲,其后加动名词。这句话的意思是"这花需要浇水。"

  [误] Do you want someone go along with you?

  [正] Do you want someone to go along with you?

  [析] want somebody to do something为一固定用法。


 wash 

  [误] Are you going to mak washing this weekend?

  [正] Are you going to do washing this weekend?

  [析] do washing为"洗衣服",是固定搭配。



  [误] Your watch is what time?

  [正] What time is it by your watch?

  [析] 一定要记住英文的习惯用法。

  [误] The mother want to watch the children to play on the grass.

  [正] The mother want to watch the children play (playing) on the grass.

  [析] watch的用法同see, hear等词。


  way 

  [误] Please move the chair, it is on the way.

  [正] Please move the chair, it is in the way.

  [析] in the way 为"挡道",而on the way为"在路上",如: on my way home (在回家路上),on his way to the station(在他去火车站的路上)。而by the way是"顺便说",如: By the way, have you heard from Joan recently?

  [误] The students were on their way to home.

  [正] The students were on their way home.

  [析] home在这里为副词。


  wear 

  [误] The little girl is old enough to wear herself.

  [正] The little girl is old enough to dress herself.

  [析] wear后接衣物而不接反身代词。


  what 

  [误] I want to know what to do it?

  [正] I want to know what to do? [误] I want to know how to do?

  [正] I want to know how to do it?

  [析] what是疑问代词,而how是疑问副词。要注意它们用法的不同。


  when 

  [误] I'd cook you nice meal when you'd come home in the evening.

  [正] I'd cook you nice meal when you came home in the evening.

  [析] 在when引导的状语从句中,要用一般时表示将来,即主句中是将来时,从句中应用一般现在时,如主句中是过去将来时,从句中应用一般过去时。如: I'll be back when you come back from school.

  [误] When in the second grade, his mother bought him a bike.

  [正] When Tom was in the second grade, his mother bought him a bike.

  [析] 复合句中只有当主句的主语与从句的主语一致的情况下,才有可能省略,如: When young he had to work all day.

  [误] We'll go to the park when it doesn't rain tomorrow. 

  [正] We'll go to the park if it doesn't rain tomorrow.

  [析] if用来表示不能肯定的事如果发生会如何;而when用来表示肯定会发生或很可能会发生的事情,如: I'll see you in September when I come back. [误] I don't know when he comes home tomorrow.

  [正] I don't know when he will come home tomorrow.

  [析] when所引出的宾语从句如果是表示将来的动作要用将来时,而不是像时间状语从句中用一般时表示将来。



  [误] I don't know where to go to.

  [正] I don't know where to go.

  [析] where是疑问副词。



  [误] It is unknown if he will come.

  [正] It is unknown whether he will come.

  [析] if不能引导主语从句。上句中it是形式主语,其后的从句才是真正的主语从句。要注意以下各种情况不宜用if而要用whether: 

  ① I didn't know whether you'll go or not. (因句中有or not选项。)

  ② He didn't know whether to visit the old man. (因用于不定式前。)

  ③ I'm interested in whether he'll go. (因作介词的宾语从句。)

  ④ I want to know the news whether our team will win. (同位语从句。)

  ⑤ Let me know whether you can come. (此句如用if则含意有所不同,其意就变为"如果你能来请通知我"。而用whether则意为"让我知道你是否能来"。)


  who 

  [误] Whom do you think would like to come for a game of football?

  [正] Who do you think would like to come for a game of football?

  [析] 在这个句式中"do you think"应看作插入语,所以原句应为Who would like to come for a game of football?

  [误] From who was the gift?

  [正] From whom was the gift?

  [正] Who was that gift from?

  [析] 在句首时现代英语常用who取代whom,而在紧跟介词时则不能用who来取代whom.


  why 

  [误] Why not to go to the park?

  [正] Why not go to the park?

  [析] why not后面接不带to的不定式,也可以用why don't you go with her?



  [误] We have won your class.

  [正] We have beaten your class.

  [析] win 是及物动词,其后的宾语应是比赛、战争、奖品、奖金,如: Which team won the football match?而beat是指"打败"对手、敌人,如: My brother beat me at poker. (请注意,beat是不规则动词,其过去式与原形相同,而过去分词为beaten. )


  wish 

  [误] I hope you to be a good student.

  [正] I wish you to be a good student.

  [析] hope不能加宾语再加宾语补足语,而wish则可以,如: I wish you luck. (我祝你走运。)


  without 

  [误] I can't do this work well without you help me.

  [正] I can't do this work well without your help.

  [析] without其后接动名词或名词而不接从句。


  work 

  [误] This girl is looking for a work at the bank.

  [正] This girl is looking for a job at the bank.

  [析] "找工作"一般应为to find a job,而works作为"工作"讲为不可数名词,不能加不定冠词,也不可用复数。当work作为"作品"、"著作"讲时,为可数名词,如: This painting is one of his great works. 而works作为"工厂"讲时单复数形式相同,如:an iron works或two iron works. 作主语时其谓语动词可用单数,如: The steel works is closed for the holidays.


  write 

  [误] You may write with ink.

  [正] You may write in ink.

  [正] You may write with a pen.

  [析] "用……写"这一表达法要看用的是什么: 如果用钢笔则应用with, 如: Please fill in this form with a pen. 但讲用墨水时则要用in.


  yesterday 

  [误] I came across my old friend yesterday night.

  [正] I came across my old friend last night.

  [析] "昨晚"应译为last night.(