
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/05/10 11:30:03

写作在英语中是培养和提高语言能力的有效手段, 它有助于掌握并巩固所学词汇,语法等语言知识, 有助于训练直接用所学语言进行思维和提高驾驭语言的能力. 中学生如何写好给出一定材料的作文呢?下面结合材料, 进行一些探讨.

写作材料如下: 下面描述的是5月15日(周三, 晴天)你的一次经历, 请根据其内容, 用英语写一篇80词左右的日记. 日记的开头格式已给出, 不计入文章总词数. 注意要点完整, 语法正确, 上下文连贯, 并适当发挥.

要点: 1. 下午放学后.  2. 爸爸出差, 妈妈生病卧床.  3. 照顾妈妈, 送医院, 买药, 煮饭, 洗衣服等. 4. 后来受到父母表扬.  5. 该经历对自己的感触.

作为写作方式之一, 应该把握以下几个步骤:

1.    认真审题, 确定文章主题. 以本篇书面表达题来说, 文章的主题是记述作者下午放学回到家, 看见母亲生病, 爸爸出差的情景后, 自己的表现以及受到的表扬和心里的感触. 通过审题可知, 文章要求以日记的形式写出, 所以文章的主要时态应为一般过去时, 并且应用第一人称.

2.    根据材料要点找出知识点, 并将找出的知识点译成单词或短语. 在这一过程中, 应注意以下几点: 1)避免同一知识点多次重复使用同一单词或短语; 2)暂时遗忘的单词或短语应寻找意思相同或相近的词或短语来替代; 3)单词或短语书写需准确无误; 4)无明确知识点的要点, 应结合上下文适当发挥, 发挥以不冲淡主题为宜, 一般不超过三句话.


下午afternoon, 放学后after school, 爸爸father, 出差be away on business, 妈妈mother, 生病卧床be sick in bed, 照顾take care of/ look after, 送某人去医院 send sb. to hospital, 买药buy medicine, 煮饭cook dinner, 洗衣服wash clothes, 受到…表扬be praised by …, (要点5适当发挥部分): 认为think, 长大grow, 帮助做……help sb do sth.

由于根据材料译出要点, 所以保证了要点完整; 同时要点5也根据上下文作出了适当的发挥.

3. 将译出的单词或短语根据审题结果(人称, 时态), 相应的句法和语法连成句子. 连词成句时应请注意: 时态准确, 结构完整, 标点及大小写正确.

下面是将各个知识点连成的句子: This afternoon, I got home after school; My father was away on business; My mother was sick in bed; I took care of her; I sent her to hospital and bought some medicine; I cooked dinner and washed clothes; I was praised by my parents; I think I have grown up; I think I should help do something for my family.

4. 将句子按一定的顺序整理成文, 并检查国在这一步骤中, 一般要注意以下几点: 1)恰当使用关联词语, 可以使句与句之间的联系更加紧密, 文章也会更加具有连贯性; 2)适当使用并列句和复合句, 以使文章增加文采; 3)整理成文时, 句与句之间可以根据需要调整先后顺序, 以使文章更加符合逻辑达到上下文更加连贯的效果; 4)针对文章字数要求, 适当扩充一定情节, 但内容不宜过多, 以免冲淡主题; 5) 检查应从时态, 语法, 拼写, 标点等多方面进行.


When I got home this afternoon, I found my mother was sick in bed and my father was away on business.

Since my mother was ill, I should take care of her. I first sent her to hospital and bought some medicine. When we got home, I cooked dinner and washed clothes for her.

I was praised by my parents later for this. I think I have grown up now and I should help do something for my family.

5. 将整理完的文章工整地抄写在答题纸上. 这一步骤直接体现了考生的答题情况, 是前四个步骤的集中体现. 现实学习中, 有些学生只注重了语言运用能力, 却忽视了书写的基本功. 再好的文章, 看不清字体, 给人以拖沓, 繁杂之感, 也得不到理想怕分数. 所以, 工整书写对决定最后得分也起到了关键作用.

总之, 英语材料作文形式不一, 解决方法不一, 即使同一材料, 也可以多角度思考构想. 无论采用哪种方式, 只要日常学习中多动手, 多积累, 多动脑, 多思考, 成功必将属于你!.



My mother

I have a very happy. There are four people in my family: my father, my mother, my sister and I .

My mother is a 40-year-old woman, she has short black hair and she is neither tall nor short. She is a farmer and she works hard, she gets up early and goes to bed late. She is always ready to help peole in trouble, so she gets on well with our neighbors.My mother loves me very much, but she is very strict with me. She often says that time is money and time is life. I used to spend a lot of time playing basketball, but now it becomes more and more difficult since I was in Grade Nine. My mother doesn’t allow me to play basketball. She said it was bad for my school study. However, I think I should be allowed to do the things that I’m interested in. she lets me study hard so that I can make contribution to our country in the future.