
来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/04/20 15:32:21
planned economy 计划经济
  market economy 市场经济
  be in keeping with the trend of the times 顺应时代的潮流
  a large population and weak economic foundation 人口多、底子薄
  the scientific thinking on development 科学发展观
  put people’s interests first 以人为本
  sustainable path of development 科学发展观
  resources-conserving and environment friendly society
  lack of basic living necessities 温饱不足
  moderate prosperity 总体小康
  per capita GDP 人均国内生产总值
  uneven development between urban and rural areas and among different regions
  the overall size of China’s economy 中国经济总体规模
  social transformation 社会转型
  structural and institutional obstacles 体制机制性障碍
  the ultimate goal of all our endeavors 一切工作的落脚点
  save energy and reduce energy and resources consumption 节能降耗
  reduce pollution discharge 减排
  obligatory target 约束性指标
  deepen reform 推进改革
  promote social equity and justice 促进社会公平正义
  strengthen the rule of law 加强法制建设
  improve the livelihood of the people 改善民生
  advance political reform 推进政治体制改革
  expand people’s democracy 扩大人民民主