蒹葭苍苍音乐:初初级课文精精听 2010-04-26

来源:百度文库 编辑:偶看新闻 时间:2024/05/03 03:11:04


What is a best friend? How long will you know your best friend? (1)___________________________! Carrie and Eileen are best friends. They are both old women with children and grandchildren, but they have been best friends since they were twelve years old. That was seventy years ago. They met at a village school after their families had moved to Canada to work as farmers. (2)________________________. They both loved climbing tall trees. They both loved swimming in the summer and playing in the snow in the winter. When they were older and married, they wrote letters to each other. When telephones became common, they often phoned each other. Later their husbands became friends, then their children. Now their grandchildren are friends. As best friends, Carrie and Eileen have helped each other with their problems. (3)____________________________. They have taken an interest in each other's hobbies. When one became interested in cooking or music, the other one became interested,too. Most importantly, they have listened to each other.

 1. Many people say that they have a best friend but they have a different best friend each year.
2. When they were children, they had lots of fun together and they got into lots of trouble.
3. They have given each other advice and shared many happy moments.   





