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2011年 10月 25日 07:37你最后悔的事情是什么?What Is Your Greatest Regret? 我

们当中很多人都做出过非常纠结的选择,回头观之,往往心生悔意。在试图摆脱“母亲负疚感”(mommy guilt)时,我尽量轻松地面对曾经做出的那些令我难为情的决定,并将其视为学习的经历。但是有一种懊悔总让我挥之不去,那是在我做母亲之前发生的:放弃读研究生。
Many of us have made a juggling choice that, in retrospect, we regret. In my bid to banish mommy guilt, I try to take those cringe-worthy decisions in stride and chalk them up to a learning experience. But there is one regret I can't shake, one that predates mommyhood: skipping grad school.

Everett Collection我为什么没在孩子出生前重返校园?
Why didn't I go back to school in the B.C. (before children) era? 一个理由是,我总感觉会有更好的时机,比如生了孩子以后回去做兼职学生,适应了新工作后再去上学,或者是等到离学校近些的时候……事后想来,这些理由跟我目前的状况比起来都那么苍白无力、不值一提。
For one, I always felt there could be a better time: I'd go back part time after the move, after I settled into the new job, once I had a shorter commute. In hindsight, all of these reasons seem trite and pale in comparison to my current situation: two kids under three, a crazy commute, a new job, and a beloved husband who deserve some of my attention, too! I had always intended on going back to school and regret not taking the time to do so when I had so much less to juggle.

根据美国西北大学凯洛格商学院(Northwestern University's Kellogg School of Management)和伊利诺伊大学厄本纳-香槟分校(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)最近公布的一份调查报告显示,多数人认为最让他们懊悔的是在情事上行差踏错。Most people, however, cite a misstep in the love department as their biggest regret, according to a recent study from Northwestern University's Kellogg School of Management and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

这份报告刊登在了《社会心理和人格科学》(Social Psychological and Personality Science)杂志上。在调查过程中,研究人员给随机选取的370名成年人打电话,请他们说出一件生活中最令他们痛心疾首的事。男性提到的多半是工作中的事,而女性提到的则多半与爱情相关。不过,如果合并起来看,涉及浪漫史的后悔事最为常见(占18%),其次是家庭(16%)、教育(13%)、事业(12%)、财务(10%)和育子(9%)。
The study, published in the journal Social Psychological and Personality Science, called 370 adult Americans at random and asked them to report one salient regret in life. Men were more likely to mention a work regret, whereas women were more likely to mention a regret related to love. Nevertheless, when all were combined, regrets involving romance were the most common (18%), followed by family (16%), education (13%), career (12%), finance (10%) and parenting (9%).
People who regretted events or decisions that they didn't act on tended to hold onto the regret longer than individuals who acted on their choices (which they regretted), but went on to regret the outcomes, too.
It's also interesting to note that women had more family regrets than men while men had more education regrets than women. Does this sound like a typical situation among your friends and family?
Readers, what is your biggest regret? Do you think your gender plays into what regrets you have, or what regrets you are willing to admit to?
Michelle Gerdes